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Chapter 808

Chapter 808

Meanwhile, not far away in a shadowed corner, several bodyguards exchanged perplexed glances andcontemplated, “Is that really Mr. Youngblood? It appears he has changed a bit since the return of Mrs.Youngblood and Ms. Youngblood.”

When the family of four entered the amusement park, Rosalie whispered to Jonathan, “You just… Well,you don’t have to do that.”

“But we are a family, right?” Jonathan remarked.

Rosalie was momentarily taken aback. Then, she saw his deep eyes looking at her gently as if amultitude of thoughts were swirling in his


Somehow, she could not shake the feeling that his current gaze held a subtle difference from before. Itwas as though she were the center of his entire world.

“Yes, we are a family,” Rosalie murmured.

Guillermo acted as the guide in the amusement park. After all, he had been here once, but forGuillermo, coming to the amusement park this time felt completely different from the last time.

Plenty of people and children were around, and they had to wait in line for certain rides and games.Yet, Guillermo felt that it was somehow more enjoyable than before. He had not found rocket ships andcarousels entertaining previously, but it appeared to be more fun when he enjoyed them with his sister.

Just as they were queuing up, a clear slap suddenly sounded. Then, there was a female voice full ofdisgust. “How could you scratch Paddy? Don’t you know your place?”

Rosalie looked toward the commotion and saw a well-dressed woman carrying a designer bag worth afew thousand dollars on her back. At that instant, the woman was scowling at a young boy in front ofher, but from Rosalie’s viewpoint, she could only see the back of the child.

The boy was clad in worn-out attire and appeared to be approximately the same height as Guillermoand Jennifer. However, he was noticeably thinner.

It should be this woman who slapped the boy in the face just now, but strangely, the child did not cry orutter a sound. He had not even raised


his hand to tend to his reddened cheek.novelbin

On the contrary, another fat boy standing beside the woman cried and shouted, “It hurts, Mommy! Ithurts. He hit me just now. Mommy, can you shoo him away?”

“Who dares to shoo him away? Zeki is also a part of our family. Nobody has the right to send himaway!” At that moment, another girl took a protective stance in front of the little boy, resembling amother hen guarding her chicks. “If you dare to chase Zeki away, I’ll leave with Zeki, bringing mymother’s inheritance with me.”

When she said this, the woman was immediately angry. “You damn girl! What’s your mother’sinheritance? Do you think your mother left you something? Your father earned all of them.”

The little girl yelled loudly, “The lawyer told me those were left to me by my mother! They are mine!”

“You…” The woman’s eyes were full of hatred. She raised her hand and was about to slap the little girlas well.

The previously silent young boy unleashed a fierce, beastly roar at the woman in that instant. If it hadnot been for the little girl holding him back, he might have lunged at the woman.

The children’s father, who had been standing by the side, also hurriedly said to the woman, “All right, allright. Why are you taking a child’s words so seriously? We just want to enjoy our day today. Don’t getupset.” “Mind your daughter. What did she mean by her ‘mother’s inheritance’? We agreed thateverything in the family would be passed on to Paddy in the future. He is your own flesh and blood. Asfor your daughter, she will be married off,” the woman said angrily.

“All right. If you keep going on like this, others will mock us!” The man tried to console the woman.

The girl turned around and tenderly placed her hand against the boy’s cheek, which had been slapped.She asked with concern, “Does it hurt?” Rosalie could not see the expression on the little boy’s face,but she saw him shaking his head. He must have responded to the young girl, letting her know that hewas not in pain.

Rosalie could not help but feel sorry for the pair of siblings.

From the preceding conversation, it appeared that the woman was likely a stepmother. Her biologicalchild was the plump boy she called Paddy.


The little boy and girl seemed more like her stepchildren, brought into her family by her husband.

Despite the circumstances, it appeared that the little boy had a strong bond with the girl. Whenever hewas subjected to punishment by his stepmother, the girl would defend him fervently. Conversely, whenthe stepmother sought to hit the girl, the little boy would exhibit a sudden surge of aggression.

It was just that the two children were too young. Rosalie was concerned that they might live inunfavorable conditions in a family like that.

The discrepancy in the clothing quality between the boy called Paddy and the other two children wasanother indication of this. Paddy was well-dressed, while the siblings were wearing worn-out clothes.They did not appear to belong to the same family at all.

The little boy looked only four or five years old. As for that little girl, she was only seven or eight yearsold. Children of this age needed guardians in every aspect.

Rosalie could not help but draw a parallel to her own life. Back then, after her mother Tracy passedaway, her father married her stepmother, and her life had not been particularly pleasant either.Fortunately, she had her grandmother Wilma to shield her, and her stepmother would put on anamiable pretense, so her situation was not too difficult at that time.

While not all stepmothers in the world were unkind, many were caring and loving. However, the onestanding in front of her was evidently not a compassionate stepmother.

“Mommy, what did she mean by married off? Will I be married off in the future, too?” Jennifer askedwith a perplexed expression.

Rosalie affectionately tousled her daughter’s hair. Before she could respond, Jonathan jumped in,saying, “No, you will never be married off. You’ll always be our precious baby!”

Meanwhile, Guillermo also said seriously, “I will never let you be married off.” His tone conveyed aprotective, older brother vibe.

Jennifer’s smile returned, but it quickly faded. “That girl looks so pitiful. Will she really be married offone day? And what about the boy? Will he be kicked out of the house?”

Rosalie said, “No, they won’t. Don’t you see that girl has been protecting her brother? The boy won’t bekicked out of the house.”

“Well, it’s just like how Guille is protecting me!” Jennifer said. Worry finally disappeared from her face,and she started to look around happily again.

Rosalie could not help but inwardly sigh. Every family had its own issues, but at least the siblings hadeach other to rely on.

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