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Chapter 8

Chapter 8 He didn’t return until after 9 p.m. Rosalie had been waiting and she was growing anxious, fearingsomething might have happened. Unfortunately, she didn’t have a phone. Thus, she was unable to contact him. Rosalie left her rental home and walked toward the main entrance of the residential area. Sheconstantly looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of the figure she longed to see. After a period of waiting, she finally saw a familiar figure walking toward her. “Jon!” She breathed a sigh of relief as the figure approached. Jonathan saw her approaching figure and was slightly taken aback. He watched her rush to him, gasping for breath. Her face was flushed red due to the cold weather, buther eyes were bright. “Thank goodness you’re finally back,” Rosalie uttered. “Rosie, were you waiting for me?” Jonathan asked as he lightly brushed his fingers against her coldcheek. Feeling the coldness of her cheek from the tips of his fingers, he realized she must have beenwaiting for quite some time. “Yes, it’s so late and you weren’t back yet. I was so worried. Thankfully, you’re back safe and sound,”she said with a smile. His gaze shifted slightly. She was worried about Jon, but not Jonathan of the Youngblood Group. Hewondered if she would still worry about him if she knew he was Jonathan Youngblood. With a smile, he said, “I was distributing the flyers and it took some time. Your hands must be cold,right? Let me warm them up for you.” As he said that, he gently held her icy hands and rubbed thembetween his palms, just as she did last time. Gradually, Rosalie felt her hands warming up. Despite the cold day, it felt very warm.

“Jon, I’m glad to have you,” she murmured. He smirked and teased, “You must remember saying this. I hope you won’t regret it in the future.” novelbin

She replied, “I won’t regret it. Well, my hands are warm now. Let’s go 11:26 The Ceo’s Convict Wife back inside. I’ll reheat the food.” She led him into the residential area, oblivious to the black car parkedaround the corner of the street at the entrance. At that moment, Carlos, who was sitting in the car, couldn’t believe what he had just witnessed.Jonathan was warming a woman’s hand. Carlos thought, “Well, that action could be called hand-warming, I suppose.” He had never seen Jonathan treating any woman in such a manner, not even toward Melanie, who wasonce his fiancée. Even she had never been treated like this. Yet, Jonathan was doing this for Rosalie. She was the perpetrator of Melanie’s car accident! Recalling Jonathan’s previous visit to the club to pick up Rosalie, who was drunk, Carlos couldn’t makesense of it. What exactly was Jonathan thinking? And how much space did Rosalie occupy in his heart? The next day, while reporting the schedule and work matters to Jonathan in the CEO’s Office, Carloscouldn’t help but glance at Jonathan’s hands. Jonathan’s hands were remarkably elegant, with longfingers and distinct joints. Even Carlos, being a man himself, found that Jonathan’s hands were trulybeautiful. Carlos had witnessed those hands mercilessly choking someone’s neck, almost taking his life.Jonathan allowed blood to drench them without hesitation. It sent shivers down one’s spine. However, he had never seen those hands warming another pair of hands. Especially not when theowner of those hands was a woman who had been in prison.“Is there something wrong with my hands?” Jonathan’s voice suddenly sounded right beside Carlos’ear. “It’s nothing.” Carlos snapped out of it and quickly averted his gaze. He handed a card to Jonathan,saying, “This is an invitation from the Hamilton family. They’re forming a marriage of convenience with

the Xanthos family. In two weeks’ time, Yvette Hamilton and Zachary Xanthos will be engaged. Mr.Hamilton hopes that you can attend.” “Engagement?” Jonathan glanced at the invitation. He naturally understood the intention behind the Hamilton family sending this invitation. After all,Melanie, the eldest daughter of the 274 11:26 The Ceo’s Convict Wife Hamilton family who had died, was his fiancée. Moreover, Zachary and Rosalie who caused theaccident were once in a relationship. The Hamilton family wanted to gauge his stance on this. “Let’s goand check it out.” Carlos noted it down. In the afternoon, Carlos accompanied Jonathan to a private hospital in the city. Access to this hospitalwas typically limited to only the wealthy and affluent. Standing outside the hospital room, Carlos watched as Jonathan opened the door and walked in withmeasured steps. Carlos knew that the old man in the ward used to be a dominant figure in the city, controlling everyaspect of Strico’s affairs. Yet, his only son had run away from home for the sake of a woman. Years later, only an urn of ashes and a child returned to the Youngblood family instead. In the ward, Jonathan gazed at the old man on the bed. He looked at the man he should callgrandfather. He wore a hospital gown with a drip hanging from the back of his hand. His frail body hadweakened over time. He appeared somewhat emaciated. “You’re here.” Leonard uttered, looking at his only grandson. “Yes, I’m here,” Jonathan replied. Leonard and Jonathan faced each other in silence, seemingly accustomed to this kind of “soundless”interaction. After a while, Leonard broke the silence. “I heard from my secretary that the Hamilton family and theXanthos family are forming a marriage of convenience.” Even during his hospitalization, his secretary

would report important matters to him daily.“The engagement is in two weeks. I’ve received the invitation,” Jonathan responded. “Do you plan to attend?” Leonard questioned. “Why not?” he asked in response. Leonard stared at Jonathan intently all of a sudden. After a long pause, the former burst into laughter.“Good. You’re unlike your father.” Since Melanie’s death, Jonathan hadn’t dated any women in the pastthree years. Leonard was worried that Jonathan might end up like his father, entangled in his ownemotions for one woman and unable to 11:26 The Ceo’s Convict Wife accept the marriage of convenience between the Hamilton family and the Xanthos family. After all, Zachary’s ex-girlfriend was the one who caused Melanie’s death. Jonathan naturallyunderstood what Leonard meant by “unlike.” He stated. “Yes, I’m not him, and I won’t be like him.” Leonard suddenly grabbed Jonathan’s wrist. His wrinkled fingers clung to his grandson’s wrist tightly asif he was exerting all his strength. “Remember what you said today. Never become like him. If only hehad listened to me back then, he wouldn’t have…” Leonard gritted his teeth, and a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes. His finger left deep red marks onJonathan’s wrist. However, Jonathan seemed almost impervious to pain. A faint, mocking smile curved at the corner ofhis lips. He wouldn’t sacrifice everything for a woman, nor would he bow down and become subservientto one.

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