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Chapter 796

Chapter 796

“You’re not the kind of person who can come here,” Agyness said arrogantly.

Lillian laughed. “Why? Are you nobler than me? Everything you have now is only thanks to yourdaughter, who has become the adoptive daughter of the Youngblood family. Before that, did you have abetter family background, higher education, or career and income than me?” To put it bluntly, Agynessused to be a nobody. She was even inferior to Lillian!

Agyness’ face immediately became extremely embarrassed. She directly picked up the glass of waterthe sales assistant had poured her before and wanted to splash it on Lillian.

When Lillian said these words, she was always on guard. As soon as she noticed what Agyness wasabout to do, she immediately raised her hand and directly twisted Agyness’ hand. Suddenly, the glassof water in

Agyness’ hand was sprinkled all over her.

Agyness screamed, immediately attracting the attention of the sales assistants and other customers.

The store manager hurried over. Seeing this, he quickly helped Agyness wipe the water and askedwhat was going on.

Agyness pointed at Lillian and said, “She splashed water on me.”

Lillian replied faintly, “Why didn’t you say that you were going to splash water on me and end upthrowing it at yourself instead?”

The store manager looked at the two and weighed up before saying, “Miss, please apologize to Ms.Sabatini. Regardless of what happened, it’s true that you splashed water on Ms. Sabatini now.”

Lillian looked at the store manager and said, “That is to say, regardless of the cause, it’s just about theresult, right?”

“Now, Ms. Sabatini was hurt by you. Do you still need to care about the cause?” The store managersaid coldly, “If you refuse to apologize, regrettably, we could only ask you to leave. In addition, Ms.Sabatini has -the right to keep you accountable.”

At this moment, the staff who had received Agyness came over and wanted to tell Agyness that thedress was now being tried on and that it would maybe take a while, but when they saw Agyness’ headwet with


obvious watermarks on her chest, they were shocked.

Listening to the store manager and Lillian, the staff looked at Lillian unkindly. “Do you know who Ms.Sabatini is? If you don’t apologize, you will regret it in the future. Besides, it is best for your friend totake off the gown as soon as possible. It is a waste to let her try on that kind of high-end gown!”

“Of course, I know who Agyness Sabatini is. She’s the mother of the adopted daughter of theYoungblood family!” Lillian said, “This is just a gown store. You don’t seem to have the right to ask meto apologize to anyone. Frankly speaking, you are the staff serving guests, not judges who can decidewhether customers should apologize or not!”

The store manager’s and the sales assistant’s faces turned dark.

When Agyness heard the sales assistant mention Lillian’s friend, she was surprised and wondered,“Could it be Rosalie? Is she also in the store now?”

Agyness was thinking when a voice sounded. “Who has to apologize to whom now?”

Agyness shuddered in response. She looked up and saw Rosalie walking over in the black gown shehad been eyeing before.

At this moment, Rosalie’s long hair was coiled up, and a few strands of hair casually fell on her cheeks.This gown set complemented her elegance and noble aura perfectly.

Looking at Rosalie, Agyness was even more jealous. This was the gown she liked! She had wanted todress in this gown for the banquet so that she could outshine Rosalie.

But now, when Rosalie was wearing this dress, Agyness knew that no matter whether she wanted it ornot, in the end, she wouldn’t be able to wear it to participate in the banquet.

“Ms. Leighton, what a coincidence! I didn’t expect you to be here too,” Agyness said awkwardly.

“It’s quite a coincidence. I heard the noise in the fitting room just now, but I didn’t expect it to be you.”Rosalie corrected again, “And I think you should call me Mrs. Youngblood. Jon seemed to havereminded you last -time.”

Agyness gritted her teeth as she thought, “Jon… She’s calling him Jon, yet Jonathan wouldn’t even letme call him by his first name. He would always correct me and ask me to address him as Mr.Youngblood instead.”


It was as if she didn’t even deserve to call him Jonathan.

“Mrs. Youngblood…” Agyness smiled and said, “It was just a misunderstanding. Don’t mind it.”

“How could it be a misunderstanding? It was this woman’s friend who splashed water on you.” Thesales assistant who had been flattering Agyness before muttered, as if she wanted to seek justice forAgyness. Agyness was even more embarrassed. “Well… Yes…”

“Look at the surveillance camera and you will know what actually happened.” Rosalie looked aroundand found the surveillance camera. “If anyone wronged my friend, I will also file a lawsuit for slanderand damage to reputation in accordance with relevant laws.”

Agyness stiffened and said quickly, “It’s just a misunderstanding. Why are we making a mountain out ofa molehill?”

“I don’t think we’re making a mountain out of a molehill,” Rosalie replied. Agyness gritted her teeth inexasperation while the sales assistant and the store manager beside her had already noticed thatAgyness was showing a different attitude toward Rosalie by now.

It was like Agyness was afraid of offending Rosalie.novelbin

At this moment, three men walked into the store. One of them was Carlos. At this moment, Carloswalked quickly to Rosalie and handed her a black gold card respectfully. “Mrs. Youngblood, Mr.Youngblood said that you can swipe this card if you want to buy anything. There is no limit on theamount of money, and there is no need to report it to Mr. Youngblood as well.”

Rosalie took the card, but she didn’t expect Carlos to come here to send it. Before she was ready to tryon it, she received a call from Jonathan and talked about the gown.

She noticed the high price of this gown and asked Jonathan if there was any way for him to transfer themoney or if she could pay it later.

Unexpectedly, he asked Carlos to send a card directly and in such a prompt manner, no less.

The store manager and other staff were startled, especially by the black gold card handed by Carlos.They had met many celebrities and wealthy people before, so they naturally recognized this kind ofcard.

Nevertheless, the black gold card was rare. There were only a few people in Strico who could get sucha card.

And now, this woman had one in her hand.

Moreover, the man who just handed over the card mentioned a “Mr. Youngblood.” In Strico, there wasonly one person who could have such a black gold card.

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