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Chapter 762

Chapter 762

Everything went as per Leonard’s expectations, and perhaps the only thing that surprised him wasRosalie’s willingness to sacrifice her life.novelbin

Despite his initial belief that it was improbable, he still gave Rosalie a way out. However, Leonard’sperception of how unachievable the matter was led him to only arrange for Rosalie’s survival and notplan the subsequent steps of her journey.

“Therefore, I’m the only one who can make the arrangements for her,” thought Kurt, uncertain if hisarrangements were correct.

He knew that Leonard desired a strong leader for the Youngblood family with no vulnerabilities, andRosalie was, in fact, Jonathan’s weakness.

Yet… In the end, Leonard still lost the bet, as he was defeated by both Jonathan and Rosalie, who didnot act as he had expected them to.

“If he were still alive, would Mr. Youngblood have altered his views upon witnessing these events? Ialso wonder if he would endorse my actions,” contemplated Kurt as he gazed at the unconsciousJonathan. His thoughts were filled with a distinct sense of reflection.

Bending down, Kurt drew near to the unconscious Jonathan’s ear. In a voice audible only to himself, hewhispered, “Mr. Youngblood, if Rosalie genuinely loves you, I’m sure she’ll return to your side somedayin the future. If she doesn’t reappear, it simply signifies that her love isn’t as profound as we’ve thoughtit to be.”

After all, only time could tell.

Five years later, Strico’s cream of the crop had gathered at an extravagant banquet. Among them, thechairman of Youngblood Group, Jonathan Youngblood, stood out among the crowd.

At 33 years old, he held the reins of the vast Youngblood family. Despite having a son and an adopteddaughter, numerous socialites were still eager to catch his attention in hopes of becoming the lady ofthe Youngblood family.

The ladies made every effort to join any banquets Jonathan attended, yet none could truly approachhim.

Jonathan was like an aloof iceberg, never approaching others or allowing anyone to come near him.

Back at the banquet hall, Calvin, standing in a nearby corner, observed Jonathan. The Jonathan, in hisview, was adorned in a tailored iron-gray suit with impeccably combed-back hair. His exquisitelyhandsome face bore a subtle smile resembling a flawless mask. He appeared strikingly distinct fromthe man Calvin saw five years ago, whose sanity slipped away as he went to great lengths in search


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of Rosalie.

“Did he no longer care about Rosalie?” wondered Calvin.

He was in disbelief when he received news of Rosalie’s death and rushed to the Youngbloodresidence.

Calvin couldn’t bring himself to believe that she was truly gone.

In the end, all he saw when he arrived was an urn and Jonathan, who appeared as if he had gone mad.

Calvin remembered himself asking, “Why did Rosalie die?”

“Yes… Why did she die? It… should have been me!” replied Jonathan. Back then, he had tearsstreaming down his face but was smiling as he continued, “I should’ve been the one… I should’vedied… But why did she ask me to stay alive? Doesn’t she understand how agonizing it is to stay alive?”

Calvin remembered his difficulty articulating words as he looked at Jonathan, who seemed whollyconsumed by pain and alternated between tears and smiles. At that moment, it felt as if everything hehad to say was trapped in his throat. Soon after, he took on the responsibility of spearheading theGunner Group’s expansion into international markets and left Strico.

Initially, Calvin’s direct intervention wasn’t required for the task, but he had no desire to remain at Stricoduring that time. Staying there made him feel suffocated and caused him unbearable distress.

Calvin frequently found himself contemplating the possibility that she might not have ended up withJonathan if his jealousy hadn’t led him to neglect Rosalie and ask her to appeal to Jonathan for help. Inthat case, perhaps none of these subsequent events would have transpired.

Maybe he should have disregarded everything else and whisked her away back then. Regardless ofher reluctance and her love for Jonathan, he should have left her, no matter the consequences. Even ifit meant Rosalie would grow to hate him, she would at least be still alive.

Just then, a figure approached Calvin, and it turned out to be Alan. He was a member of their innercircle, having grown up with Jonathan and Calvin.

Stepping forward, Alan looked at Calvin in surprise and asked, “When did you come back?”

“It’s been a few days,” replied Calvin languidly.

“Why didn’t you let us know about your return? If it weren’t for this banquet today, I wouldn’t haveknown that you had returned,” complained Alan in an annoyed tone.”

“Well, you’re aware now, aren’t you?” Calvin responded with indifference. He then shifted his gaze inJonathan’s direction and inquired, “I’ve heard… that he adopted a daughter and is quite close to themother of that girl…”



Despite Calvin’s five-year absence abroad, it hadn’t stopped him from picking up on some gossip aboutJonathan.

Calvin knew that Jonathan adopted Wrenna two years ago, and this turned both Wrenna and hermother Agyness’s life around.

Many people even speculated that adoption was an unnecessary move, as Jonathan already had ason. They felt that it was highly probable that Jonathan was interested in Agyness, who happened to bea single mother and was using Wrenna to be in a favored position.

However, Calvin dismissed such speculations as utterly absurd.

Considering Jonathan’s character, Jonathan wouldn’t employ such intricate strategies if he genuinelyhad feelings for someone. Besides, if Agyness were open to having her daughter Wrenna join theYoungblood family as an adopted child, Agyness probably wouldn’t resist Jonathan’s advances.

That was unless Agyness was highly eager to become the lady of the Youngblood family.

Besides, Jonathan… acted like a madman for Rosalie in the past. Could someone like him even fall foranother person?

“As for myself…” thought Calvin as he gently swirled the wine glass in his hand. It had been five years,and he still could not erase Rosalie from his memory. He would continuously relive their past in hisdreams, and every time, it culminated in him waking up abruptly.

The empty and barren sensation, where one could not hold onto anything, was incredibly distressing.

If he was still suffering terribly, then all the more so for Jonathan.

Just then, Alan wore a gossipy expression and winked at Calvin as he said, “You’re also aware of this?A few of us have been privately wagering whether this woman will ultimately win Jonathan over!”

“Has he moved on from Rosalie?” asked Calvin with a hint of surprise in his voice and a frown on hisface.

Alan’s expression quickly shifted to a somewhat embarrassed one. “It’s been five years. Isn’t it normalfor people to move on after such a long time? Besides, Jonathan hasn’t mentioned Rosalie againduring these years. Even if someone occasionally brings her up by accident, he appears… unfazed byit.”

His words took Calvin aback, and astonishment was written all over the latter’s face.

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