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Chapter 733

Chapter 733

Perhaps, deep inside, he secretly hoped that if Rosalie were to uncover the truth one day, someonewould be there to offer him a helping hand.

Meanwhile, Amelia’s postoperative condition was not bad. After she spent two days in the intensivecare unit ward, she was moved to a standard ward.

However, even if the transplantation was successful, it was still necessary for her to undergo regularcheck-ups.

Amelia often felt complicated when she saw the surgical scar on her upper abdomen while the nursechanged her dressing.novelbin

No matter how reluctant she was, the liver in her body was eventually replaced by Warren’s!

But she could live on. She could live on, not only to protect her mother from the pain of seeing her diebut also to watch Aiden grow up.

During these days, Aiden and Matilda anxiously stayed by Amelia’s side in the hospital, while Rosaliewould occasionally drop by to visit her.

“I deeply apologize for causing you to worry about me while you are pregnant,” Amelia said guiltily.Rosalie was supposed to rest, but she frequently went to the hospital instead.

“Amelia, what are you talking about? If I have difficulties one day, I believe you’ll do your best to helpme.” Rosalie said.

At this moment, Aiden was a little sleepy. Therefore, Matilda took Aiden to the guest room in the VIPward to rest. Now, only Rosalie and Amelia are left in the


Rosalie hesitated for a moment and looked at Amelia. “Jon told me that Warren insisted on walking tothe door of your ward as soon as he could get out of bed these two days, but… he didn’t come in.”

Amelia said lightly, “We will be like this forever. In the future, he will return to the York family, and I willbe in Strico, so we will have nothing to do with each other. If he still cares for Aiden as a father, heshould just treat Aiden well.”

“Can’t you two reconcile?” Rosalie asked.

Amelia responded by asking, “Would you love someone who has hurt you in the past?”

Rosalie remained silent.

“I used to love him so much that I thought I could sacrifice myself for him, but feelings will change.Even once, I thought my feelings for him would not change no matter what happened, but it turned outthat they would still change and could become nothing,” Amelia calmly stated. Her previous love andhatred seem to have completely dissipated.


She used to have strong feelings for Warren, both love and hatred. But now, those feelings meantnothing to her.

“I can’t accept someone who has hurt me before, Rosalie. I won’t be able to accept it, no matter howmuch the other party regrets or does more things for me in the future. Every time I look at that face, itbrings back painful memories. I don’t love him anymore. I also don’t hate him, but I can’t forget it,” sheexplained faintly. Her pains were like a permanent mark on her body and soul, impossible to remove orforget.

Rosalie sighed. “I understand. It’s hard for someone to accept someone who has hurt them again. Afterall, the damage cannot be simply dismissed by regret afterward as if it never happened.”

“By the way, where is Lillian? How’s she doing? I’ve been really busy lately, so I didn’t have time to visither at the hospital,” Amelia asked.

As they spoke about her friend, Rosalie smiled and replied, “Lillian is much better now. She’s gettingbetter every day. The doctor said she can leave the hospital in 10 to 14 days if there is nocomplication.”

Although Rosalie still felt a hint of sadness in her heart, she couldn’t help but feel immensely proud tohave a remarkable friend like Lillian, who had managed to uplift her spirits. She knew that Lillian wouldnot be easily defeated!

Even if she broke up with Callum, Lillian didn’t give up on herself. Instead, she decided to worktogether for her treatment and get better. Lillian even joked to her, “It’s just a breakup. It’s not a big dealat all! Nowadays, it is rare to find someone who has never gone through a breakup before tying theknot with their beloved partner. I’m just going with the trend. After my discharge from the hospital,perhaps my very own Prince Charming will come to me!”

Lillian’s optimism and cheerfulness made Rosalie believe she would be happy in the future!

Amelia was relieved. “That’s good. Rosalie, you and Lillian, don’t be like me.”

She believed she would never experience love again.

While talking, they didn’t realize that the ward door was not securely closed. Figures were seen movingoutside through the door gap.

After leaving the hospital, Rosalie and Jonathan returned to the Youngblood Residence. As Rosaliewas about to go upstairs, Jonathan suddenly pulled her into his arms.

“What’s wrong?” She couldn’t help but ask. This unexpected hug seemed to be a little strange.

On the way back today, he was quiet. She noticed how he would stare at her, completely lost in histhoughts multiple times. Therefore, she asked him if something was wrong, but he reassured hereverything was fine.

“I want to hug you all of a sudden,” Jonathan murmured. He remembered the


incident from earlier when he accompanied Warren to Amelia’s ward. He overheard her conversationwith Amelia through the door gap.

Warren was about to collapse when Amelia said she couldn’t forgive the person who hurt her. He hadto cover his mouth with his fist to hide the sound of his


At that time, crying seemed like a luxury.

“Didn’t you hug me every day? Haven’t you had enough of hugging? Rosalie laughed.

“Not enough.” It might never be enough for him.

Rosalie gazed fondly at the hands embracing her baby bump. They were his hands, clean andbeautiful. They appeared spotless.

“Jon, I’m afraid it’s impossible to bring Amelia and Warren back together,” Rosalie suddenly spoke.

Jonathan’s body stiffened slightly.

“I talked to Amelia for a while today. She said she wouldn’t forgive someone who hurt her in the past,even if she loved that person deeply. People’s feelings will change. Time and harm will eventuallydestroy the deep love they once had for each other,” Rosalie murmured. Today’s conversation withAmelia evoked the same emotion within her.

Like her, she had loved Zachary in the past. She might not have loved him enough to give upeverything for him, but he was still her first love. But later, after being hurt by Zachary, the love wasgone and vanished! Jonathan’s breathing seemed to become slightly rapid. He heard Rosalie say, “Iagree with Amelia. After all, I wouldn’t have accepted someone who hurt me either.”

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