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Chapter 720

Chapter 720

“Jonathan, no matter what, there’s still a connection between the Hamilton family and the Youngbloodfamily. You don’t really want to wipe them out entirely, do you?” Howard spoke up. “Hamilton JadeGardens project is vital for the Hamilton family. Even if the Youngblood family takes it, it won’t be muchgain for you. Why make things difficult for everyone?”

“The Hamilton family has had its glory for long enough. It is time for it to come to an end,” Jonathanremarked with an air of nonchalance. His demeanor exuded a lazy indifference, a stark contrast toHoward’s visibly tense posture.

“Haven’t the Hamilton family and the Youngblood family forged successful partnerships over theseyears?” Howard pressed on. “If you have any objections or conditions, please, let’s discuss themopenly. What is it that you truly seek? We’d be willing to find a compromise if it’s within our means…”

Jonathan cut Howard off with a cold interruption, “I want all the Hamilton family’s Strico-basedcompanies removed from the city.”

Upon hearing Jonathan’s words, Howard’s face darkened. The demand hung heavy in the air,promising to deliver a devastating blow that could obliterate the very foundation of the Hamilton family’sbusiness empire in Strico.

While the Hamilton family held assets beyond the city limits, their core industries were deeply rooted inStrico, and removing them would mean an end to the Hamilton legacy.

“You…” Howard stared at Jonathan, his words caught in his throat. “How could you… Is this becauseof…”

A startling notion raced through Howard’s mind. Could Jonathan’s abrupt decision to sever businessties with the Youngblood family be driven by a love so intense that he would risk annihilating theHamilton family for it? The idea seemed almost too outrageous to entertain, yet Howard struggled toconceive any other explanation.

The sole point of contention between the Hamilton family and Jonathan revolved around the incident ofRosalie’s imprisonment.

“Is this about Rosalie?” Howard finally voiced, though he remained incredulous at the thought that itcould be because of her.

“So what if it is because of her?” Jonathan admitted without hesitation.

So, it was indeed for Rosalie. Howard took a deep breath, struggling to grasp the situation. “But Yvettehad paid her dues for what she did to Rosalie back then!” Back then, Yvette was pressured byJonathan into a humiliating departure from the entertainment industry because of Rosalie.

The Hamilton family had initially considered this act as their way of making amends, but it now seemedwholly inadequate.



“Is Yvette leaving the entertainment industry all you believe she could have sacrificed? Don’t beridiculous,” Jonathan retorted coldly.

Howard rose abruptly, his features contorted with a mix of anger and disbelief. “Mr. Youngblood, areyou truly planning to destroy the entire Hamilton family?” “I can’t allow my wife’s suffering to be in vain,”Jonathan replied, his smile chillingly cold.

Meanwhile, Rosalie was released from the detention center and had just arrived at the YoungbloodGroup.

“Mrs. Youngblood, Mr. Youngblood is currently in the meeting with Mr. Hamilton in the CEO’s Office,”the secretary informed her.

“Mr. Hamilton?” Rosalie was taken aback. “You mean the Chairman of the Hamilton Group?”

“Yes,” the secretary confirmed.novelbin

“All right, I understand. You can carry on with your tasks,” Rosalie replied. Rosalie harbored nofavorable sentiments for the Hamilton family, especially after the ruthless assault by Yvette that hadnearly disabled her hand by forcibly removing ten of her fingernails. During her time in prison, theHamilton family had even sent individuals to torment her.

She wondered what business brought Howard, Yvette’s father, to see Jonathan at the YoungbloodGroup. Could it be related to the Hamilton Jade Gardens project?

Rosalie recalled seeing the project Hamilton Jade Gardens on Jonathan’s desk and the photos ofMelanie that the Hamilton family had sent.

As her thoughts raced, the door to the CEO’s Office swung open, and Howard emerged.

However, Howard was standing sideways with his face facing the room, unaware of Rosalie’s presencejust a short distance away.

“Jonathan, if you truly seek justice for Rosalie, remember that you played a part in her ordeal too!”Howard said, his bitterness evident in his words.

Rosalie’s heart skipped a beat, and she instinctively moved closer. Then, a familiar cold voice driftedfrom within the partially open office door.

“Howard, if you utter another word, I will ensure the Hamilton family ceases to exist from this verymoment!”


gaze locked onto the figure at the door. The face was one she knew well, but the chilling intensity inthose captivating eyes was novel, undeniably bearing a murderous intent in his gaze.

Murderous intent? Rosalie questioned if she had seen it correctly.

Howard, who was standing beside the door, appeared taken aback by Jonathan’s.

ominous presence. He subconsciously turned his head to avert Jonathan’s gaze but froze as soon ashe caught sight of Rosalie on the opposite side.



In an instant, Howard’s complexion turned pallid. His look toward Rosalie then shifted to one of sheerloathing before he hurriedly made his exit.

Jonathan’s gaze landed on Rosalie as well. In an instant, his body stiffened, and the air of hostilityaround him dissipated swiftly, making way for his usual gentleness.

Yet, buried within the depths of his eyes, an insurmountable fear took root, and an icy chill envelopedhis limbs.

He could not help but wonder if Rosalie had heard Howard’s words just now.

If she did, what would she think of him? A harrowing possibility crept into Jonathan’s mind, makingeven breathing difficult.

Rosalie furrowed her brows as she stepped into the office. “Jon, you and Howard just now…”

“It was merely a discussion about business matters…” he responded hastily, striving to maintain an airof composure. Yet, his heart-raced uncontrollably, causing a subtle quiver in his voice.

“You look pale. What’s wrong?” She raised her hand, trying to touch his pale cheek.

He suddenly reached out and seized her hand. “I-It’s nothing!”

However, his sudden grip made Rosalie exclaim, “Your hands are so cold!”

She pulled his hand into her own, cradling it within her warm palms. She started to rub his hand as ifout of habit. “Why are your hands so cold?”

Although the weather had turned colder, the office was heated, and his hands should not have beencold.

Jonathan lowered his gaze, watching Rosalie as she warmed his hand. Yet, his heart felt unusuallyheavy.

“All right, are you feeling warmer now? If you still feel, you could actually dial up the air conditioner…”

Before Rosalie could finish her sentence, Jonathan lifted his other hand and swiftly pulled her into hisembrace.

Rosalie was caught off guard. At that moment, she heard Jonathan whisper, “As long as you’re by myside, I’d never feel cold…”

She nestled her face against his chest. She could almost hear the rapid rhythm of his heartbeat, andhis body quivered ever so slightly.

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