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Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Jonathan prepared her a toothbrush and squeezed the toothpaste on it before putting the cup withwarm water in Rosalie’s hand.

Rosalie blushed. She couldn’t even remember how she finished brushing her teeth. Her whole bodywas enveloped with his smell.

He pulled another towel and wet it under the warm water from the faucet.

“I can do it myself… mumbled Rosalie as she bit her lip.

“Isn’t it more convenient for me to do it for you?” asked Jonathan.

“But the problem is… You are getting too close!” thought Rosalie. She was trapped in his arms as theyenveloped her body from both sides. He wetted the towel in front of her eyes and then wrung it dry.

Rosalie looked up and gazed into the mirror.

She had always known that Jonathan was good-looking, but it was more prominent now, with no heavybangs covering his forehead. He was in a suit and leather shoes. His whole body exuded a dignified airas if he was someone who had always been above others, an insurmountable existence.

She thought, ‘Why haven’t I noticed it before? Even Lillian felt that Jonathan couldn’t be a vagrant, but Ihave had this vague thought that he and I were the same kind of people, so I want to keep him by myside.

Is it because… I’m too afraid of being alone?

The truth must be that Jonathan is not only a homeless man. Instead, his identity might be somethingextraordinary.

I can tell that the clothes he is wearing are expensive. Plus, the doctors and nurses showedexceptional respect to him when he spoke to them.”

“What are you thinking about?” Jonathan’s voice suddenly interrupted her.

She suddenly came to her senses. At this moment, Jonathan was staring straight at her in the mirror.Rosalie’s body trembled and felt as if she had been thoroughly bound by the gaze in his eyes.

“Rosic, you are blushing,” whispered Jonathan as he leaned down slightly, and his lips came closer toher face. His warm, gentle breath sprayed on her cheeks and neck, making her feel a slight tingle andnumbness..

Instantly, she flushed even more.

“Why are you… still calling me Rosie?” asked Rosalie as she tried hard to look away from the mirror.She lowered her gaze and looked away from the mirror.

“Don’t you like me calling you Rosie?” asked Jonathan in a low voice.

“You are obviously not a vagrant… You don’t have to call me Rosie,” murmured Rosalie.

Jonathan was silent, and the air was filled with an indescribably suffocating feeling.

Only the sound of the water gushing out of the faucet resounded in the bathroom

“Are you blaming me for lying to you?” asked Jonathan after a long bout of silence.

Rosalie couldn’t really tell how she truly felt about his deception. She hated others deceiving her themost, especially when he had lied to her for such a long time.

But the time she had spent with him was so beautiful. It was so beautiful that it seemed like a dreamnow. Plus, he had saved her. If it weren’t for him, then maybe life would have been another kind of hellfor her.

Taking a deep breath, Rosalie raised her eyes and looked at him in the mirror again. “Jon, I don’t blameyou,” she said. But she also knew that from now on, they would not be as close as they were before.After all, they were people from two different worlds.

Jonathan’s forehead scrunched up in a frown. He should obviously be happy to hear that Rosalie didn’tblame him, but her gaze made him uneasy.

It was as if she was drawing a line between them,

He didn’t like this feeling.

After Rosalie finished washing up. Jonathan carried Rosalie back to the hospital bed. Dinner hadalready been prepared and brought in.

It was oatmeal and some dried fruits. Although it was a simple meal, it looked appetizing. Rosalie’sstomach was rumbling in hunger.

“The doctor said it would be better if you eat something easy to digest,” Jonathan said.

Jonathan placed the dishes one by one on the table next to Rosalie’s hospital bed.

If outsiders saw this scene, their eyes might pop out of their heads in shock. Had there ever been atime when the powerful and intuential Jonathan of Strico waited on a woman before?

Rosalie picked up the tableware and started on her meal. It was only that her long hair kept falling intoher face and would easily get into her food when she bent over to scoop her food.novelbin

Rosalie was about to find a scrunchie to tie her hair, but Jonathan said one step ahead. “I’ll do it.” As hesaid that, he took out a box with scrunchies and combs from the side.

When Rosalie saw the logo on the scrunchie, she knew it was from a luxury brand. Before she wasimprisoned, she had bought some hair accessories from this brand, but at that time, with her income,she could only afford some small things. from this brand.

She didn’t expect Jonathan would be so thoughtful and even had prepared all these for her.

“Do you know how to do it?” Rosalie couldn’t help but ask.

“I have watched you comb every day. I’m familiar enough with it by now,” said Jonathan.

Jonathan combed her hair and tied it up with a scrunchie. Although his technique was lacking, it didsort of look the way Rosalie would put up her hair.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

“Come in,” said Jonathan.

Carlos entered after pushing open the door to the ward. After seeing this scene in front of him, he wasmomentarily lost in a bewildered haze.

“Was Mr. Youngblood… combing a woman’s hair?” he thought.

Usually, Jonathan was disdainful of even women throwing themselves into his arms. So, how would heeven do such a thing for a woman?

However, it seemed that when it came to Rosalie, nothing was impossible.

Initially, Rosalie hadn’t realized how weird it was, but when she saw Carlos’ stunned expression, sheimmediately realized Jonathan was combing her hair at that moment.

Rosalie blushed furiously.

“What’s the matter?” asked Jonathan calmly as he continued to comb Rosalie’s hair gently.

“That is… Carlos hesitated for a moment but didn’t continue after that.

Seeing this, Jonathan knew that what Carlos wanted to say was not something Rosalie should behearing about. So after Jonathan finished combing her hair, he said, “Rosie, you have your meal first.I’m going to head out for a while.

Once they were outside the ward, Carlos reported, “Here’s the thing. A reporter was caught trying tosneak in by a security guard. After he was questioned, the reporter revealed that he knew Ms. Leightonhad been admitted and hospitalized here. So he wanted to dig up some story here.”

Jonathan narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, “Dig up a story? How did he know that Rosie washospitalized here?”

“He said he saw someone posting online about Mr. Youngblood carrying Ms. Leighton into the hospital.He was of the mind to come here and dig up some story,” explained Carlos,

Jonathan asked coldly, “Was he trying to dig up a story on me or Rosie?”

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