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Chapter 674

Chapter 674

Amelia did not say anything. After all, no matter how mean Warren’s words were, she could not be hurtanymore. The time she had left was just for Matilda and Aiden.

“Okay, I’ll give you an agreement now,” she said. Then, she glanced at her arm which was still grippedby Warren. “Can you let go of me now, Mr. York?”

With a cold expression, Warren released his grip.novelbin

Amelia took the lead, and Warren looked at her back. He suddenly felt that his palm felt so empty that itwas slightly frightening,

Now, she was obedient and agreed to his request, but he wondered why he would feel souncomfortable about it.

Amelia and Warren arrived at the house she rented.

At this moment, there was no one in the house. Matilda went out as well. Amelia entered the house andtook out a piece of paper and a pen. She asked Warren, “What do you want me to write?”

He stared at her and said, “Just write clearly that you give up custody now and will give Aiden to methree months later. From now on, you can’t appear in front of him anymore, let alone communicate withhim in. private. Don’t play any tricks. If you want to do anything, I’ll put you in a much worse situationthan you were in prison before.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t play any tricks. I’ll not be a part of Aiden’s future,” she said indifferently. Then, shelowered her head and began to write on the paper what he requested.

She thought, ‘Aiden’s future… I won’t participate in it, and I won’t have the chance to do so.

What I have is only these three months. I just hope that I can spend the happiest time with Aiden andMom in these three months.’

He narrowed his eyes and looked as if he was not used to her being so calm. It seemed that no matterwhat he said, she would not give any reaction at all.

Moreover, it seemed that he no longer existed in her eyes and her heart.

Back then, he existed in her eyes and heart. She even liked to hold his face and acted coquettishlytoward him. “Look at me more, Warren. Hike you looking at me!”


Nevertheless, now, she did not even bother to look at him anymore.

Amelia wrote down the agreement, signed it, took out the inkpad, and sealed it with her fingerprint onthe place where she signed it.

When everything was done, she handed the agreement to Warren. “This will be enough, right?”

Warren glanced at the agreement. “You’re so eager to write the agreement down. Are you planning toget rid of Aiden so that you can welcome your new life?”

“This is my personal matter. You have no right to ask, Mr. York.” She remained indifferent.

Warren suddenly had a feeling of hatred. He should be the one taking control of the situation and rightnow, she was begging him. However, he wondered why he felt as if she was the one who took controlof the situation.

“Is that man really this good?” He suddenly grabbed her wrist and pushed her to the corner of the wall.“Didn’t you say before that Aiden is your life and you don’t want to have another child anymore? So

now, are you willing to give birth to your second child for the sake of another man?”

Amelia wanted to get rid of his grasp, but his fingers felt as if they were steel bars. The more shestruggled, the more painful her hand was.

“Say it. Weren’t you very determined and used a glass to pierce your stomach before? Look at younow. Are you planning to have another child?” Warren asked harshly.

Then, Amelia stopped struggling and raised her eyes to look at the man in front of her. No matter howmuch love she once had for the man, it turned out that when her feelings were really worn out, nothingwould be left.

“What if I’m willing to give birth to the man’s child if I really like him? As for you, Warren, I won’t haveanother child of yours in this life!” she replied. There was no trace of joy or sorrow in her calm voice.

His expression suddenly darkened. “Is that so? Who do you like? Is it the man just now? Don’t forgetwhat you said about liking me before. You even took off all your clothes and took the initiative to sleepwith me.”

“That was just a mistake,” she responded indifferently.

The word “mistake” seemed to provoke him. He suddenly lowered his head and kissed her lips hard, asif he wanted to stop her voice and prove


something by it.

Amelia subconsciously wanted to resist, but after a while, she seemed to give up all her resistance andaccept the kiss.

The kiss kept getting deeper.

If one were to say that Warren was provoked by the word “mistake” at first and that was the reason forhim to kiss her, he gradually immersed himself in the kiss later.

Her breath, her tenderness, and her sweetness seemed to be the ones that made him to be engrossedin it. It was as if he had returned to the previous time when he kissed her like that.

After a long time, the kiss finally ended. Warren panted slightly and felt his heart beating extremelyfiercely at the moment. Initially, he was angry but later on, he was immersed in the kiss.

“What’s the matter with me? How can I fail to stop myself from kissing the woman? How is it possiblethat I even felt nostalgic about it?” he mused to himself.

“Is this what you call a mistake? You cooperated well when I kissed you just now!” he mocked.

“I just wanted to check if I still have feelings for you or not. Now it’s proven that I actually don’t haveanymore,” Amelia said. Just now, when he kissed her, her heartbeat was still as usual, and there wasno emotion.

The kiss did not mean anything to her. It was just a touch of the skin between them.

“You-” He glared at her. Her words seemed to make him angry so easily.

“I don’t have any feelings for you anymore, Warren. And your revenge should be enough. Now, I’mliving my life miserably and even spent three and a half years in prison. Moreover, my one and only sonwill leave me. In fact, I have nothing left. Even if you want to take more revenge, so be it.”

He pursed his thin lips and suddenly took the agreement from her hand. “How would Aiden feel if hefound this agreement that you personally wrote later in the future? A mother like you is willing to

abandon him without hesitation in order to marry another man, have children, and walk away to have anew life!”

“I don’t care. What you want to say to him is your decision, and I can’t interfere.” Amelia’s expressiondid not change. It was as if what he said.


was meaningless to her.

Warren suddenly had a sense of powerlessness, as if no matter what he

did now, it would not affect her anymore.

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