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Chapter 644

Chapter 644

He raised his hand and gently wiped the remaining water droplets in the corner of her lips after sherinsed her mouth. “It doesn’t matter if you hate it. We are husband and wife, and it’s natural for us totouch each other, right? No matter how unwilling you are, do you plan on enduring it for the sake of thechildren?”novelbin

After saying that, he seemed to have no intention of listening to her answer at all. He turned aroundand planned to leave. “It’s getting late. You can go to bed first. I still have some things to deal with inthe study.”

Before he could step forward, a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around him from behind. Rosalie buriedher face into Jonathan’s broad back and explained, “I don’t hate it. It was just morning sickness fromthe pregnancy. I can’t control it, too. However, at the very least, I didn’t hate the kiss just now.”

His body stiffened as if he did not expect her to say those words.

After a pause, she continued, “Perhaps some actions are normal between married couples, but if it’sonly to fulfill our desires without feelings, how are we different from animals? At least, I think thoseintimate actions between married couples can only be allowed when they have feelings for each other. Idon’t want to do it with you just for the children’s sake. You wouldn’t want me to do that, too, right?”

She knew Jonathan was vain. As the Mr. Youngblood of Strico, possessing such wealth and authoritywas enough for him to own such pride.

Such a man like Jonathan would not want a woman to force herself to do it with him for the sake ofothers. To Jonathan, this would be an insult.

Jonathan slowly turned around and looked at Rosalie. Rosalie’s eyes were so clear as if all herthoughts and ideas were completely exposed in front of him, undisguised.

“So, what feelings should we have for it to happen? Is it love?” Jonathan asked, “Do you think it’s onlyokay when I love you and you to me? Is that it?”

Rosalie was silent.

“Rosalie, are you going to love me again?” Jonathan questioned.

At this moment, her heart suddenly pounded inexplicably fast.

After Jonathan left, Rosalie pressed her chest above her heart. It was still beating rapidly.

“Am I going to love Jonathan again? We will be bound together for the next few decades of ourremaining lives. If so, can I still love him, or am I able to love him?”

If Rosalie described their past selves as lines that were forever parallel to each other, now, they hadintersected. They were no longer parallel lines.

In the study, Jonathan took out a box from the safe. He gently opened it, and inside rested a brilliantdiamond ring.

The diamond, which was called the Icy Crystal diamond, was a wedding ring he had prepared forRosalie according to her preferences. If there had not been an accident back then, this ring would havebeen on her hand by now.

Jonathan fell into deep thought as he stared at the ring. He gradually clenched his hand, enclosing thering tightly and allowing its sharp edges to penetrate his palm.

The next day, Rosalie arrived at the detention center.

Because the video of Fiona setting Lucas up was accidentally exposed at Fiona’s birthday banquet,Fiona’s original prosecution was dismissed, and Lucas was released directly.

When Rosalie saw Lucas, he looked a lot haggard. He had a stubble around his chin, but his eyeswere full of warmth when he looked at her.

“Thank you, Rosalie,” Lucas uttered.



Rosalie said with regret, “I did not help you much at all. It was mainly because of the video that wasexposed. Besides, you were framed because you got involved with me. If you hadn’t known me, such athing would not have happened at all.”

“What on earth was with that video? Judging from the angle of the video, the camera should be secretlyset up in the car. Just who would set it up in Fiona’s car? What was their original purpose?” Rosaliethought.

Until now, Rosalie still did not have a clue.

“Not at all!” Lucas quickly said, “You have helped me a lot. If it weren’t for you, I would only be worriedto death when I was in the detention center.”

Rosalie knew Lucas did not want her to hold any guilt.

Thus, she said nothing more and helped Lucas go through the procedures. After that, they exited thedetention center together.

“Rosalie, is Calvin really going to sue your cousin Fiona for fraud?” Lucas asked.

“I think so, but it’s only gossip I read online. I don’t know the specific situation. Calvin and I havestopped contacting each other,” Rosalie said.

“Is it because of me?” Lucas asked uneasily.

“No. Do not think too much about it. He and I are not from the same world, to begin with,” Rosalieremarked.

Lucas wanted to say something but stopped. Finally, he said nothing more.

After bidding him goodbye, Rosalie called Amelia and informed her that Lucas was fine.

In the past few days, Amelia had been feeling guilty and blaming herself for Lucas’ situation. Shethought that if she had not promised Lucas to take Aiden out of the hospital at that time, Lucas wouldnot have been framed.

After Rosalie made the call, Amelia was surprised. “Really? He’s free?”

“Yeah,” Rosalie said. “There won’t be any trouble on Lucas’ side. Also, there’s one other thing. Lillian…She’s in the hospital.”

“What?” Amelia was shocked. These days, other than worrying about Lucas’ case, she had been busywith work and did not have time to read the news. Naturally, she had not paid attention to Callum’sdisappearance.

Amelia was dumbfounded after learning from Rosalie about Callum’s disappearance and that Lillianwas admitted to the hospital due to severe injuries and was still in a coma.

“Which hospital is Lillian staying in right now? I… I need to see her,” Amelia hurriedly said. Althoughthey had not known each other for a long time, and she only met Lillian a few times, Amelia liked Lillian,who was carefree and honest. Sometimes, Amelia even thought Lillian resembled herself when she

was young. Hence, when she saw Lillian and Callum getting together, Amelia thought love waswonderful, and she sincerely wished for their happiness.

However, she did not expect this to happen.

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