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Chapter 61

Chapter 61

In the hospital room, aside from the sound of dining, there was no other sound. The pair of grandfatherand grandson

shared no communication.

The nurse who served Leonard felt something was amiss. Yet, she dared not ask questions. After all,those were the two most powerful people in Strico,

Finally, when Leonard was about 70% full, he asked, “I heard that recently you haven’t been staying inthe mansion?”

“Yes,” Jonathan answered dryly. He was not surprised that Leonard knew about this. After all, therewould be Leonard’s informant in the mansion.

“Where are you staying?” asked Leonard.

“Outside,” Jonathan replied.

“Why do you want to live outside?” Leonard inquired.

“The mansion is a little deserted,” he said, seemingly randomly. He picked up another shrimp andshelled it unhurriedly.

“Speaking of which, at your age, it’s time for you to have a life partner. I will ask the secretary to collectinformation on the city’s socialites later. You can choose one Leonard’s tone had deemed the task to beas simple as picking out an outfit.

Jonathan momentarily paused shelling the prawn and swiftly said, “There’s no need.”

Leonard narrowed his eyes and queried. “Why?”

“If it’s just to find a woman to give birth to offspring, then I have my own candidate,” he answered. Hethought, “In the past, I have felt that if I were destined to have a child to inherit the Youngblood family inthe future, it didn’t matter with which woman I have the child.”

But now, he felt that if he needed a child, he would wish the mother of his child was Rosalie.

If the child inherited their blood and genes, that would be rather good.

“Candidate?” Leonard was stunned and continued to probe, “Are you…”

At that moment, Jonathan’s phone suddenly rang. He was slightly caught off guard and retrieved aninexpensive mobile phone from his pocket. Looking at the caller ID on it, he immediately stood up andpressed the answer button. However, when he heard the sound coming from the other end of thephone, the expression on his face suddenly changed.

J-Jon, save me.”

Even though the voice was hoa rse and broken, he could immediately recognize that it was Rosalie


But before he could ask, the call was abruptly cut off. He swiftly tried reconnecting the line, but thevoice message indicated he could not get through.

“Did something bad happen to Rosalie?” he wondered. At that precise moment, even he had no ideahow pale he was under the light. Then, he informed Leonard, “I have something else to do, Grandpa. Ineed to leave first.”

After saying that, he hurriedly rushed out of the hospital room.

A trace of gloom flashed across Leonard’s face. The expression on his grandson’s face made him thinkback to when his son had looked as such for that woman.

His son not only willingly broke all ties with his family, but he even abandoned glory and wealth for thatwoman. But in the end, look what happened to him.

If a man loved a woman too deeply, it was destined to be a tragedy.

“And just then, what kind of woman would make Jonathan lose his composure?” Leonard wondered.

Meanwhile, Rosalie had not expected her relatives would drug her. Although she did not consumealcoholic beverages during dinner, she had a drink nonetheless. She felt weak and had no strength atall.

Wilma wanted to stop them, but she was stopped by Sarah. Daniel and Edward had carried her into theFoster family,

At that time, she was locked in a room by the Foster family. And in the room, there was a stranger. Thatcould be the dimwit they were talking about in the Foster family.

Rosalie tried to stay awake. She needed to make it out of there. She had to escape, no matter what!

But now that Rosalie was in such a state, even standing up would be difficult. How could she escape?When Daniel and Edward carried her over, she secretly wanted to call for help with her phone. Only tohave that taken away and confiscated 100.

It could be said that her chance to ask for help was absolutely nonexistent.

“Why When I had the phone, why did I call Jon first? Evidently, Jon is in Strico. He can’t be of muchhelp to me at all.

Moreover, what can he do to help? Maybe 1 should have called Lillian, who may have been morehelpful. Or perhaps calling the police directly,” she wondered about all sorts of possibilities.

It dawned on her when she realized, “It seems that unconsciously. I have started to rely on Jon”

Her vision had become blurred. The strange man smirked and pounced on her. She could only try tododge, but there was no way for her to avoid the figure.

Meanwhile, the Foster and Lopez families were settling their accounts happily outside the room.novelbin

Rosalie’s uncle, Daniel, said, “We’ve brought her here, Ken. You can’t deny us the 60,000 dollars.”

“Okay. Once they’re done, I’ll give you 60,000 dollars,” said Kenneth Foster. He continued to think, “Tohave my son get married and have offspring for the Foster family. I have risked it all.”

Kenneth’s wife was a little worried and queried, “What if that girl still wants to run away after that?”

“Then, you can take a few indiscreet photos of her, and you’ll have your hold over her. You can evenlock her up for a year and a half. When the baby is born, she will have nowhere to run but to stay putas your daughter-in-law.” Daniel answered. He showed no pity toward Rosalie whatsoever, for histhoughts were on monetary gains.

“That’s right. Once a woman gives birth to a child, she will stay put. You are a woman yourself, so youshould understand,” Edward hurriedly added.

Kenneth’s wife, Laura Foster, thought so too, but she was still slightly concerned. “Well, will it work? Ifshe resists, our son…”

“There’s no way she can resist. She has no energy or strength to do so, said Edward.

Kenneth chipped in. “Don’t worry. Td taught my son the night before. No matter how silly he is, heknows what to do.”

Kenneth’s wife Laura was relieved upon hearing their reassurances.

The four of them were eating and drinking merrily in the yard. At that time, there were suddenly soundsof cars approaching them from outside.

“It’s so late. Whose car can that be?” Kenneth muttered and stood up. He sta gg ered tipsily to the doorand opened it. When he was about to shout, he was stupefied at the scene before him.

At the front door, the place was swamped with police cars, which almost surrounded the whole building.Kenneth’s state of drunkenness was instantly half gone.

“W-What’s going on?’ he wondered in shock.

Subsequently, the police officers got out of the car, thronged the place, and surrounded the yard.

Upon seeing the academy of police officers, the lot of them, Daniel, Edward, and Laura, were all scaredbeyond speechless on the spot. They had no idea what was going on.

“Where is the woman you’ve brought back?” asked one of the officers, who seemed to be in charge.

The four looked at one another. It was Kenneth who spoke first, “What woman? We don’t know whatyou are talking about.” The officer could not be bothered with his nonsense and directly commanded,“Search!” All at once, the police began to search each room.

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