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Chapter 529

Chapter 529

After some time, she heard Levi say, “All done!”

The intense pain in the back of her hand was also reduced. Rosalie breathed a long sigh of relief andopened her eyes again.

She instantly saw Calvin’s forearm.

Only then did Rosalie realize that she had been gripping onto his forearm. She quickly let go and said,“Sorry!”

“It’s nothing. I asked you to hold onto me in the first place,” Calvin replied, discreetly retracting hishand.novelbin

“All right, come back next week at this time.” Levi reminded Rosalie, “Make sure you don’t get anywater on it for three hours after you get back, and avoid lifting heavy objects with your hand.”

“Okay,” Rosalie replied.

After they left Levi’s small clinic, Calvin offered, “I’ll drive you home.”.

Rosalie refused, “I… I can take the bus myself.” She then turned around and was about to leave.

Calvin stopped her, “I’m just giving you a ride back. It doesn’t mean I expect you to agree to anything.You don’t have to avoid me like this.”

“I just don’t want to bother you anymore.” Rosalie pushed his hand away. But Calvin immediatelyfurrowed his brows and groaned.

Rosalie was a bit surprised because she hadn’t used much force when pushing his arm away just now.At that moment, she fixed her gaze on Calvin’s sleeve.

The shirt he was wearing today was white, but now there was a faint red color on his forearm close tothe wrist. She wondered, “That’s…”

Suddenly, Rosalie seemed to remember something. She stepped forward and lifted Calvin’s sleeve,immediately revealing the wound on his forearm.

There were noticeable scratch marks on his forearm, and the skin was torn and slightly oozing blood.

“This is from a moment ago…” Rosalie thought, realizing that she had scratched it with a lot of forcewhen she had been in pain earlier.

“I’m… I’m sorry.” Rosalie apologized again.

Calvin replied, “It’s not your fault. It’s my own choice, and you don’t need to feel guilty.” He calmly rolleddown his sleeve. and added, “Besides, it’s just a minor scratch. It’s not a big deal.”

But the more he made light of it, the worse she felt.

“I… Let me ask Mr. Sabatini if there is any bandage here. I’ll stop the bleeding for you first,” Rosaliesaid worriedly, running back to the clinic behind her.

After a while, Rosalie ran out with a bandage in her hand.

She stood before Calvin and said, “Stretch out your arm first.”

A faint smile appeared on his lips, and he obediently stretched out his right arm. It was just a minorinjury, but her earnest look made him feel quite pleased.

Calvin entertained his thoughts, “It’s like… she cares about me!”

Rosalie lowered her head, carefully rolled up Calvin’s sleeve, and then applied the bandage to his arm.“Please don’t do that again in the future. When I’m in pain, I can’t control my strength,” she said.

“I’m willing to do this!” Calvin continued, “This way, I can understand a fraction of your pain, but it’s onlya fraction. The pain you go through during the treatment is much worse than this little bit of pain I feel,right?”

He thought to himself, “Since I can’t take her suffering away, it will be good to accompany her andshare in the pain, right?” Rosalie looked up and met those deep, narrow, and jet-black eyes. Thecorners of those eyes were slightly upturned, and when they focused on someone, it seemed asthough they could easily captivate a person’s heart.

For some reason, Rosalie felt slightly emotional, maybe because he used to be her “Cal” or perhapsbecause he was there, supporting and sharing her pain.

In the past, she had endured every instance of pain alone. However, at that time, someone was by herside, sharing her pain. “Don’t be too kind to me, Calvin. It is not worth it at all.” She murmured, “I can’tafford to repay you for your kindness.”

“It’s not up to you to decide if you are worth it. It’s up to me,” he proclaimed. “Even if it hurts, I think it’sworth it!”

She looked at him in a daze. At that moment, something seemed to stir her heart.

After Calvin sent Rosalie back to her residence and watched her disappearing figure, Calvin lookeddown at the bandage on his right arm.

“Rosalie…” he murmured her name, and his lips kissed the bandage gently as if he had a deepattachment to it.

He had never imagined that there would be a woman who could captivate his soul and occupy hisdreams like that.

He even wanted to cherish the wounds and pain she had given him.

“Will she fall in love with me?” He muttered to himself.

Usually, he had always been successful with women. He could get any woman he set his sights on. Butwith Rosalie, she was the only one who made him feel completely insecure.

The urge to be loved by her and to spend the rest of his life with her became stronger.

Calvin started the engine and drove away slowly. He glanced at a particular spot in the rearview mirror,and a hint of coldness flickered in his eyes.

When Calvin’s car finally left, the two people in a black sedan not far away finally breathed a sigh ofrelief.

Jonathan had ordered them to protect Rosalie secretly. Hence, they had followed Rosalie and Calvintoday. They had secretly taken some photos and sent them to Jonathan to report the situation.

There were several times when they felt they had been discovered during the covert tracking earlier.

“Finally, we don’t need to follow Mr. Gunner anymore,” one of them cheered.

“Yes, it seems that Mr. Gunner is sharper than I expected. But is it really okay to give these photos toMr. Youngblood?” the other person asked.

“There should be… no problem. We just follow Mr. Youngblood’s instructions.”

“Right.” They looked at each other and then stopped talking.

At that moment, during the senior management meeting of Youngblood Group, everyone only saw theirCEO’s expression darken after checking his phone following the notification sound. The change indemeanor caused the atmosphere in the entire conference room to plummet, and the air was filled withtension.

The senior executives participating in the meeting could not help but look at Carlos, sitting next toJonathan. They hoped that Carlos could give them a hint.

Instead, they saw Carlos’ face gradually become gloomy. His expression seemed to be full of worryand fear.

Immediately after the initial shock and fear, everyone became curious about what Jonathan had seenon his phone. They wondered, “Could it be that a major corporate deal has gone sour? But we haven’theard of it!”

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