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Chapter 507

Chapter 507

“Who knows? Perhaps it’s true love. Look at how Calvin’s previous girlfriends used to be. DespiteFiona’s current state, Calvin still chooses to bring her along. He has never addressed the rumors onthe Internet about their relationship status. What could it be if it’s not true love?” Elodia said.

After hearing it, they found that what she said made sense. Instantly, their eyes shifted towardsRosalie, now filled with empathy rather than the former envy they once held.novelbin

Elodia continued to analyze like an analyst. “Fiona began filming a TV series, and her role seems verypromising. I heard. that Calvin was by her side during the shoot. But Rosalie is still working as anassistant in the law firm now. If Calvin were willing to establish a new law firm for Rosalie, he could do iteasily.”

After saying that, Elodia seemed to realize that she had said something wrong and looked at Rosaliewith an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, Rosalie. I… I was just guessing. Calvin may soon establish a lawfirm for you!”

Despite her words, her true implication was that Calvin had no regard for Rosalie whatsoever.

As expected, the other colleagues agreed that she had a valid point. If Calvin truly valued Rosalie, howcould he allow her to remain just a legal assistant there?

As a result, some colleagues looked at Rosalie as if they were looking at a failed mistress.

Nevertheless, Rosalie completely disregarded Elodia. She lowered her head to focus on her work andignored Elodia completely, leaving Elodia to appear as if she was performing alone.

Seeing that Elodia felt upset and returned to her seat, feeling resentful.

At that moment, the colleague who liked to gossip suddenly exclaimed, “Elodia, you are on the trendingtopic!”

“What does she mean?” Elodia was stunned and deep in thought

However, the colleague suddenly fell silent and avoided making eye contact with Elodia.

Elodia hurriedly took out her phone and browsed the trending topics. After a while, she saw Kelsey’sname on one of the trending topics.

She instantly let out a silent scream within her soul. Upon clicking on the trending topic, the videoplayback showcased the scene she desired to erase the most.

In the video, two women were seen pulling and beating Elodia. Kelsey stood at the side and looked ather angrily. “You were the one who encouraged me to expose the mistress in front of everyone at theoffice that day, so now everyone saw my embarrassment! How innocent you are! You’re not a damngood person, either. You’re already in a relationship but still going on blind dates with other guys. Doesyour boyfriend know about it?”

Elodia’s piercing screams and struggles were captured on video, with her clothes being violently torn.

“What happened? Who recorded the video without anyone knowing? When Kelsey left yesterday, shespecifically told me not to share this with anyone. Besides, it’s also against the law for Kelsey to hiresomeone to attack her in secrecy.” Elodia mused.

But now, the video was posted online.

Elodia hastily turned off the video, only to discover that her colleagues, who had just beensympathetically gazing at Rosalie, were now directing their sympathetic gazes toward her.

She realized that there was not just sympathy but also a deep sense of disdain.

“No! It’s not true! What you see from the video is not true!” Elodia hurriedly wanted to explain.

“So what happened then? Were you really the one who brought Kelsey to the law firm that day?”

“I was wondering why Kelsey arrived so quickly that day. If Calvin hadn’t come, Kelsey would haveseen Rosalie as the mistress and attacked her.”

“Elodia, we are all colleagues. Why did you betray Rosalie and go behind her back despite alwaysclaiming that she is your old colleague and that you are close to her?”

Alas, some people are fake and behave differently when others are not around.”

Elodia felt overwhelmed as her colleagues chatted nonstop. She wished she could just disappear!Rosalie would not be fired from the firm, but she might be the one who got fired instead.

Elodia’s incident was like a farce. After being on the trending topic, Elodia promptly requested leave togo back while Rosalie was still processing the information.

In a few days, Larry’s case would be reopened. Despite Aubrielle’s denial of being the perpetrator, themounting chain of evidence became increasingly undeniable as the police reopened the investigation.Everything was moving in the right direction.

“Right direction?” Deep in thought, Rosalie’s eyes were drawn to her right hand, which was tappingaway on the keyboard.

That very hand was the one that slapped Jonathan l?st night. Also, it was the same hand that hetenderly held, gingerly inquiring, “Does it hurt?”

But compared to her hand pain, his gastric pain seemed to be much more painful.

She wasn’t sure if he was feeling better after taking the gastric medicine.

“Goodness gracious! Why am I thinking about him again?” she wondered.

Rosalie shook her head vigorously and reminded herself not to think about Jonathan. To her, Jonathanwould only be a passer-by in her life, and she would never really need to take him seriously!

In the Youngblood residence, Carlos’ anxiety grew as he restlessly paced back and forth in front of thememorial hall. Jonathan had been inside for three hours but still hadn’t come out. All the crucialmeetings scheduled for today had to be postponed and rescheduled.

There was something peculiar about Jonathan ever since he left Rosalie’s rental home earlier today.

Carlos wanted to call Rosalie to find out what happened between her and Jonathan last night. He wascurious about what provoked Jonathan to return early in the morning and went to the memorial hall.

Jonathan rarely visited the memorial hall except for special events.

At that moment, in the memorial hall, Jonathan stood in front of his father’s photo and quietly looked atit. He had a straight posture with a handsome face that showed loneliness and self-deprecation.

After a while, he murmured, “Have you ever regretted it?”

He asked his father if he regretted loving a woman like his mother and deciding to die so easily.

Unfortunately, a photo couldn’t provide him with an answer!

However, he deeply regretted the decision he made, the decision to end his relationship with Rosalie.He also regretted believing he could hide his feelings and stop loving her.

However, something might be out of his control since he fell in love.

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