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Chapter 37

Chapter 37

She used to eat at the restaurant for a meal after working with her colleagues in the law firm. For her atthat time, eating at the restaurant was like having a working meal.

However, it now became a meal that was like a luxury.novelbin

“That’s good. Rosie, please order the food later.” Jonathan changed the subject without a trace.

The dishes Rosalie ordered were all relatively cheap. The most expensive one was a shrimp dish thatcost 9 dollars and 60 cents. The total price of all the dishes was 35 dollars.

Although the sum was not a lot, it was already the most expensive meal Rosalie had eaten in manydays.

Jonathan tried to persuade Rosalie to order more. “Rosie, I have money.” However, Rosalie continued,“That’s enough. Even if you want a good meal, there is no need to order too much.”

After a while, the waiter served Rosalie and Jonathan. The food served was naturally much better thanthe simple meals they usually ate. While eating shrimp, Jonathan naturally shelled the shrimp forRosalie and put it on her plate.

She looked at the shrimp in a daze.

“Why aren’t you eating it?” he asked.

She smiled lightly, “Jon, I just think that you are very good at taking care of people. Whoever dates youin the future will be blissful.” Then, she put the shrimp in her mouth.

She remembered that she had once watched a TV series where the male lead shelled shrimp for thefemale lead.

Although the behavior was just a small act, it made people feel that they were treasured and protected.

However, at that time, when she was dating Zachary, he never shelled the shrimp for her.

In fact, when Zachary was dating her before, she could tell his true colors through some small details.Although Zachary said that he loved her, his love was evidently not deep.

That was why he retreated so fast when something bad happened to her

“Really?” he asked indifferently. “Dating… It is like a child’s thing. In my life, I will never fall in love ordate any woman,” he thought.

Even marriage was just a means to expand his career.

When they finished the meal, Jonathan got up and went to foot the bill. Rosalie sat in a chair and wasabout to get up when she saw several familiar figures walking toward the store through the glass.

She almost subconsciously turned her back and didn’t want those people to see her.

However, the more she didn’t want some things to happen, the more it would happen sometimes.

They walked into the store and walked in Rosalie’s direction under the guidance of the waiter.

Rosalie felt her heart beating violently.

“Rosie, what’s wrong with you?” Suddenly, a voice sounded in her ear.

Without thinking, Rosalie held Jonathan’s waist and buried her head in

his arms.

Jonathan was slightly stunned, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, he let her hold him.

After a while, he said again, “Rosie?”

Rosalie raised her head slightly and looked to one side. Then she heaved a sigh of relief and looked upat Jonathan. “Have you paid the bill?”


“Then, let’s go.” She picked up her bag and walked out of the store with him as if she was runningaway from something.

“What’s wrong? Are you hiding from something?” he asked.

She paused and said vaguely, “My former colleagues also came here for a meal. I–I don’t want them tosee me.”

She laughed at herself and said, “It’s ridiculous. In fact, they all know what happened to me. I guessthey can also guess the terrible state I am in now, but I still don’t want to see them in person.”

She didn’t want to see the sympathy in their eyes or the pity.

In the past, being a lawyer was a career she wanted to fight for her whole life. However, presently,those colleagues were still having that job, but she could no longer have it.


Her self–mockery made his heart suddenly hurt.

He held her hand tightly and said in a low voice, “Then, avoid them. One day, you will be more amazingthan anyone else.”

“Amazing…” She smiled bitterly. It was not easy for her to survive, much less think about beingamazing.

“I heard from Yvette that you wanted to arrange a job for Rosalie that day. I warn you; don’t getinvolved with the woman anymore. She hurt Yvette’s sister, Jonathan’s fiancée! The Xanthos familycan’t afford to offend Jonathan!”

Frank’s harsh warning sounded from the other end of the phone. Zachary frowned slightly and replied,“I see.”

He couldn’t afford to offend Jonathan. He had heard that sentence too many times. At that time,everyone blamed him for having a girlfriend like Rosalie.

Fortunately, he broke up with Rosalie and dated Yvette later. His family was satisfied with Yvette. TheHamilton family and the Xanthos family were around the same status. At that time, the Hamilton familyand the Youngblood family almost got connected by a marriage of convenience. Although the marriagefailed, there was still a relationship between them.

The Xanthos family also hoped that the Hamilton family could say something nice for them in front ofJonathan if there was a need to do

1. SO.

After finishing the call, Zachary looked at the red light at the intersection ahead and slowly stepped onthe brake.

Rosalie’s face flashed through his mind. It was undeniable that the current Rosalie was really differentfrom before.

Although her face was the same, her temperament changed. Especially when he saw her wearing theclothes of a sanitary worker, he felt that it was right to break up with her.

Yvette was the woman who really suited him. As for Rosalie, she was just a past lover and might evenbe mentioned as a stain on his life by others in the future.

He felt a little guilty about her ending up in that state. After all, when she wanted him to collect evidencefor her back then, he refused and even directly decided to break up with her.

However, she had killed Melanie. She had offended the Hamilton family

and the Youngblood family at the same time. So, he couldn’t help her!

Thinking of that, Zachary suddenly saw a slender figure across the road through the windshield.

That person was… Rosalie!

Zachary was stunned. At that moment, there was another man standing beside Rosalie. They seemedto be talking about something. Then Rosalie slightly raised her chin while the man lowered his headand approached Rosalie’s face.

They looked like they were kissing.

Zachary couldn’t help but feel infuriated. He hadn’t anticipated that Rosalie would find a new manshortly after being released from prison. His initial intentions of assisting her seemed to have been invain.

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