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Chapter 356

Chapter 356

Calvin’s hair, which had always been combed neatly, was a little messy at the moment. A few strandsof his hair hung in front of his forehead. His handsome face was not as cold and alienated as usual butshowed a kind of decadence.

His other hand was holding a small silver bracelet.

Calvin was staring at the bracelet.

Seeing the bracelet, Fiona felt complicated.

Calvin didn’t give the silver bracelet to Fiona after she replaced Rosalie but kept it with him.

And even though Fiona was by Calvin’s side sometimes, Calvin would still look at the bracelet as if hewere looking at something else through it.

What was he looking at? Was it Rosalie when she was a child? This thought made Fiona crazy withenvy.

“Calvin.” Fiona bit her lip and pretended to be aggrieved. Then she asked, “Why didn’t you come tocampus today? You are drinking alone. You didn’t even know how worried I was about you. I thoughtsomething had happened to you.”

Calvin looked at Fiona and smiled gently. But his smile seemed to be self-mocking.

“I forgot. I’m sorry to make you worry about me,” Calvin said.

But his words made Fiona feel even more uncomfortable.

He was always so indifferent and polite to her. He never even took the initiative to hold her hand.

But today, in the photos Fiona saw online, Calvin took the initiative to pull Rosalie into the car.

“What happened? Why are you drinking alone?” Fiona pretended to be concerned and asked,“Although I know that I may not be able to help you, at least I can listen to you. You can tell meeverything like you did when we were children.”

Of course, it was Rosalie who told Fiona about these things when they were kids.

Fiona mentioned it just to remind Calvin of his childhood and to treat Fiona better.

“When we were children… Calvin murmured. Then he stood up unsteadily, put down the glass in hishand, and approached Fiona step by step.

He was already drunk.

When Calvin stood in front of Fiona, he suddenly murmured softly, “Why you? Why not her?”

Fiona was stunned for a moment and didn’t understand what Calvin meant.

But then, when she saw his gaze fall on the little bracelet again, she suddenly froze.

Did he mean that why it was Fiona who saved him when they were kids, not Rosalie?

“I…” Fiona wanted to say something, but her throat was so dry, and his eyes made her feel guilty.

“Okay, you can go. I’m fine. I just feel a little tired and want to stay alone.” Calvin sat back on the sofa,lowered his head, and fixedly stared at the little bracelet in his hand.

It was as if that bracelet meant everything to him.

Fiona was full of jealousy. As long as she had enough time, she believed that she could completelyreplace Rosalie in Calvin’snovelbin


She would let him transfer his feelings for Rosalie to her completely.

In nearly four years, Rosalie had never read such professional law books. She thought she would bevery unfamiliar with the laws and might even not remember them.

But in fact, she could still remember these articles as easily as before. She even read various casesand constantly learned the experiences of her predecessors.

Perhaps her brain was actively learning after four years of gaps.

Rosalie was interested in reading the two thick law books.

“In the study, Jonathan put another desk beside his for Rosalie.

Rosalie read the books carefully. If she had any doubts, she would habitually mark them and then usethe Internet to search for related information.

At this moment, Rosalie didn’t find Jonathan sitting on the other side with his deep eyes staring at her.

He had never seen her as a lawyer. Even when she was in prison, he didn’t bother to see her.

When Jonathan first noticed Rosalie, she was wearing a fluorescent uniform as a sanitary worker andlooked embarrassed.

After that, he had seen many of her appearances, but only now did he really see her so absorbed.

Jonathan could almost imagine that when Rosalie was a lawyer, she should also be so concentrated onthe cases at her desk.

Rosalie had said that she liked the work of lawyers.

And now her concentration seemed to prove that what she said was true.

It seemed that at this moment, there were only those cases and legal provisions in her eyes.

Jonathan couldn’t help himself but be attracted by Rosalie. He felt that at this moment, she seemed tobe more beautiful, not as quiet as usual, but with a kind of persistence in facing the predicament.

It seemed that no matter how strong the storms were, she was brave enough to face them alone.

Was this the woman Jonathan loved? No matter what torture she had suffered, she still loved herfavorite career with persistence in her heart.

Jonathan felt shocked.

At this moment, he even wanted to hide Rosalie so that no one else could see her.

When Rosalie finished reading the case, she looked up and found Jonathan staring at her. “What’swrong? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I just think you look very beautiful when reading a book seriously,” Jonathan said.

Rosalie’s face suddenly blushed. At that moment, her phone rang. Rosalie picked it up and heard a softfemale voice coming from the phone. “Is that Ms. Rosalie Leighton? This is the hospital. You havemade an appointment with Mr. Hale before. Will you come tomorrow according to the agreed time?”

Rosalie replied quickly, “Yes. I’ll be here on time tomorrow.”

“Okay, see you tomorrow. Goodbye,” the caller said politely.

Rosalie put away her phone and heard Jonathan’s voice, “What? Where are you going tomorrow?”

Rosalie bit her lip slightly and looked up at him, saying, “I’m going to the hospital. I haven’t had a goodsleep recently, so I want to see the doctor.”

Rosalie still didn’t tell Jonathan about her dreams for fear that he would think too much about it.

If Rosalie had really lost her memory, would those dreams really be the scenes when she met Calvinas a child? Then it meant that Calvin had never mistaken her for someone else before!

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