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Chapter 236

Chapter 236

If one would just think about it, with the local tyrant of Strico backing someone’s case, was thereanything that could not be overturned?

Moreover, Rosalie was innocent from the beginning! No matter who the puppeteer behind the sceneswas, they will surely be exposed!

Lillian cast aside her previous gloominess, and her mood improved. “It’s almost noon. Let’s have lunchtogether,” she suggested.

Rosalie nodded, and the four of them exited the detention center and got into a car.

Lillian was busy flipping through the local food rankings in Sloummont and suggested a few places forRosalie to choose from. As for the two men, they had no objections. Callum drove the group to therestaurant for lunch.

It was a long-established local restaurant renowned for its specialties in Sloummont. After they arrived,they requested a private room and began placing their orders.

Of course, Lillian was mainly responsible for ordering dishes. However, she just ordered thoserecommended dishes in the food ranking list.

After ordering a variety of dishes with the phone, Lillian cast a quick glance at the nearly 20 dishesselected for their party of four. She said sheepishly, “It seems like I might have ordered a bit too much.”

“It’s fine if you like them. We don’t come here often, so it’s a good opportunity to taste some of the localspecialties,” Callum said.

Lillian instantly felt reassured.

While waiting for the dishes to be served, Lillian used her phone to show Rosalie various posters andstill photos from “The King’s Lover.”

“How is it? Doesn’t Dominic’s appearance give you that alluring and seductive feeling?” Lillian askedexcitedly.

Callum’s face immediately darkened, feeling as if the woman was always engrossed in pursuing idols,and clearly forgot that he was her boyfriend!

What was even more infuriating to him was how she often put on a facade of being deeply engrossedin him when they were together, but the moment Callum looked away, she was back to obsessing overvarious idols and young heartthrobs.

Before Rosalie could see it, the phone was snatched away by Jonathan.

Jonathan lowered his head, looking at the stills and posters on the phone and carefully examiningthem, one by one. After a moment, he raised his head, his gaze fixed on Rosalie. “You liked this type?”

Rosalie was embarrassed. “Uh… Well, I used to be quite a fan of this actor. He has good acting skills,and he’s been in some good TV series.”

“Is that so? All right. I’ll have my secretary arrange a meeting with Dominic for you. You can meet himin person and maybe get an autograph. How does that sound?” Jonathan suggested.

“What?” Rosalie was dumbfounded.

Lillian, on the other hand, had her eyes widened. Her face was filled with envy.

“Oh my gosh, is Jonathan trying to help Rosalie as a fangirl?” Lillian wondered silently. She was almostin awe. It was remarkable for her. Furthermore, considering Jonathan’s abilities, she had a hunch thathe could likely arrange meetings with any celebrity, regardless of Rosalie’s preferences.

Callum looked at Lillian as his expression grew even more solemn. “Did she really need to display heradmiration so blatantly on her face?” he thought to himself.

It was just a celebrity. He wondered if merely meeting them and getting an autograph could generatethis level of admiration!

Just at that moment, a waiter entered with the dishes, finally breaking the strange atmosphere in theprivate room.

“Okay, let’s eat first,” Jonathan said.

The four of them began to eat. While they were eating shrimp, Jonathan took the initiative to peel theshrimp for Rosalie. Rosalie felt a bit embarrassed, especially with Lillian and Callum present.

Lillian was even winking and making teasing expressions, making Rosalie feel even more uneasy.

However, Jonathan carried himself with an air of indifference, seemingly impervious to the opinions ofothers.

After finishing their meal, Jonathan reminded Rosalie, “Don’t forget to take your medicine 20 minutesafter the meal

“Okay,” Rosalie answered.

“Are you sick?” Lillian asked in surprise, showing immediate concern.

“No, it’s just some medication for joint pain,” Rosalie replied.

Lillian paused, well aware of her friend’s three-year ordeal in prison. After her release, Rosaliedeveloped rheumatic pain that caused her discomfort and pain, especially during cold and gloomyweather.

Lillian had advised her to seek medical treatment previously, but Rosalie had always found variousexcuses to avoid it.

She knew Rosalie believed medical treatment was costly and preferred to tough it out. She had evenoffered to cover the medical expenses, but Rosalie had declined her offer.

Now, Rosalie was actively taking steps to improve her health, likely with Jonathan’s assistance.

Instantly, Lillian’s fondness for Jonathan increased.

Even if Jonathan had something to do with Rosalie’s suffering in the prison, he did not know her at thattime.

Now, she could see that Jonathan genuinely cared for Rosalie. If he could truly become a romanticpartner for Rosalie, it might turn out to be a positive development.

For Rosalie, who had endured so much suffering, such a turn of events would indeed be a sweetreward.

When the time came for Rosalie to take her medicine, Jonathan poured her a glass of warm water. Hecarefully opened the medication, placed the pills in her palm, and watched as she swallowed them.

Jonathan’s actions were so delicate and gentle that Lillian could not help but admire his care forRosalie.

The measure of a man’s affection for a woman was not determined by how much money he couldspend on her or how charming he might be. It was about the things he was willing to do for her.

After taking the medicine, Lillian took Rosalie to the restroom and asked curiously, “Are you andJonathan really together now?”

“Yes,” Rosalie nodded without hiding anything. In front of Lillian, she was open about her feelings.“Lillian, I thought I might never fall in love again, but now, I genuinely want to try being with him, to seeif… we can go all the way.”

Her feelings were delicate, and she was more cautious with each step she took, all because of pastheartbreak.

“Why not?” Lillian patted Rosalie on the shoulder and continued, “If it were in the past, I might havethought that a relationship between you and Jonathan was impossible. But today, I can see that he’sserious about you. Think about it. Everyone has their opinions about Jonathan, but it seems that whenit comes to women, he is quite principled. There was only that one fiancée, Melanie, right?”

As she spoke, Lillian suddenly paused, looking a bit embarrassed as she glanced at Rosalie. After all,Melanie was not just Jonathan’s late fiancée. She was also a victim of the car accident case.novelbin

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