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Chapter 233

Chapter 233

“Do you think I should reveal the truth to her?” Jonathan asked calmly, but his eyes harbored aprofound chill.

Suddenly, Carlos shuddered, realizing he had inadvertently crossed a line with his boss.

Jonathan couldn’t tolerate outsiders asking about Rosalie’s case.

Carlos understood that he just had to follow Jonathan’s instructions.

“Then I’ll go to Sloummont now,” Carlos said, leaving the study.

Just when he left the study, he saw Rosalie walking toward him.

“Ms. Leighton, are you here to see Mr. Youngblood?” Carlos inquired respectfully, fully aware that, ifnothing else, the woman standing before him would soon become the lady of the Youngblood family.

Even if Jonathan was just playing games with this woman at first, now he had become serious.

Furthermore, Carlos had never witnessed Jonathan treating a woman with such sincerity. Not evenMelanie, who was on the verge of becoming the Youngblood family’s noblewoman, had ever garneredsuch earnest attention from him in the past.

Yet, here was Rosalie, achieving the unimaginable in Strico.

“Yes,” Rosalie replied. “You come here late at night. Did something urgent happen in the company?”

“Yes, but it’s not that important. I won’t trouble you any longer. I’ll take my leave,” Carlos said.

“Goodbye, Mr. Gibson.” Rosalie walked to the study’s door, knocked twice, pushed open the door, andwent in.

Carlos didn’t dare to sigh until the study’s door was closed again.

It was obvious that Rosalie would not get the truth she sought tomorrow, as it may remain concealed.Even if Jonathan wasn’t the culprit, he looked on indifferently when the misfortune befell Rosalie backthen.

He feared that Jonathan might now regret his actions.

Carlos hurried downstairs and left the Youngblood Residence. After all, he still had work to attend totonight.

In the study, Rosalie looked at Jonathan, who stood by the window with a smile. He asked, “Whatbrings you here to the study?”

“I’m here to let you know that when we go to Sloummont with Lillian tomorrow, she’ll pick us up in hercar. She mentioned it would be more convenient for us to chat during the ride. Plus, if anyone gets tiredon the way, we can take turns driving,” Rosalie explained.

“Okay, no problem,” Jonathan said.

“It’s scheduled for 7:00 a.m. since the drive will take approximately two hours, and we’re expected toreach our destination around 9:00 a.m.,” Rosalie added.

“No problem,” Jonathan said. “Since we are leaving tomorrow at 7:00 a.m., you should rest early.”

“What about you?” she asked.

“I have something to deal with. You can go to bed first,” he said. “I’ll go to bed after everything issettled.””

Rosalie nodded. After all, it was inevitable that he would be busy managing such a large company.

Rosalie turned around and was about to leave the study. Suddenly, Jonathan reached out his hand anddirectly embraced her in his arms, giving her a tight hug.

“What’s wrong?” Rosalie was a little caught off guard. His hug was too sudden.

“Nothing,” he replied softly, his voice low as he nestled his face into her neck, inhaling her scent.

Holding her like this, it was as if he had already felt a strong sense of attachment and affection.

Inexplicably, Rosalie couldn’t help but find Jonathan’s behavior at this moment somewhat childish, likea child holding a cherished toy tightly.

And she was the toy.

Rosalie raised her hand and gently hugged Jonathan back.

The moment her hands wrapped around his body, Jonathan suddenly trembled slightly. After amoment, he whispered in her ear, “Rosie, I like you holding me like this. Can you hug me for a whilelonger?”

His whispered words were sweet and tender, filled with affection, making it impossible for anyone torefuse his request. “Okay She answered and hugged him like this, allowing time to flow quietly…

Early the next morning, Lillian arrived punctually at the Youngblood residence to pick them up.Surprisingly, Callum was also with her, and he was also the driver.

He was driving Lillian’s cheap car.

At the entrance of the Youngblood residence, Callum and Jonathan exchanged glances. Meanwhile,Lillian gently took Rosalie’s hand and guided her to the backseat of the car, eager to reunite with herbest friend and share their thoughts and


After all, because of Rosalie’s busy work schedule, they usually had a gathering only once a month.

“Is Callum driving later?” Rosalie asked. After all, it was Callum who drove here just now.

“Yes.” Lillian shrugged. “Besides, men should take the wheel.” Initially, Callum had planned to drive hisluxury car worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, Lillian felt that using such a conspicuouscar to visit a detention center might attract unnecessary attention.

Furthermore, if they took turns driving and she had to drive a luxury car of that caliber, she’d beconcerned about the possibility of an accidental collision.

In contrast, her small, beat-up car could easily handle the drive. Even in the event of a collision, therepair costs wouldn’t be astronomical.

So she insisted on driving her own car.

Fortunately, Callum didn’t bother the issue with her, so they ended up driving her car over.

“Have you figured out the key questions to talk about today?” Lillian asked. “This is the main businessto be done today.” Rosalie nodded. “I’ve written them all down in the book, but I can’t talk to him myself.He should remember how I look.” “No,” Lillian said. “Callum has hired a mediator to help with thedispute. The mediator will ask these key questions during the process.”

Rosalie didn’t expect that Callum had thought of such a detail. “By the way, how did the witness end upin the detention center?”

Rosalie began to wonder if this was just a coincidence. When they started investigating the witnesses,they coincidentally ended up in the detention center, and Callum conveniently found the mediator.

Lillian chuckled. “Callum found a group of people who got drunk and had a dispute with that person.Then the man beat someone up and was detained.”

Rosalie didn’t know what to say.

“Anyway, the witness with the last name Concord is not a good person. He took advantage of yourcase and made a lot of money back then. Now he’s in detention. It’s a relatively lenient outcome forhim,” Lillian remarked, showing no sympathy for the witness.

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