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Chapter 203

Chapter 203 “Looks like I didn’t get the wrong person that day. It was really you.” Calvin glanced at Ameliaindifferently. “You came here. to ask for my help. Are you asking me not to tell Warren about seeingyou?” After hearing him mention Warren York’s name, Amelia’s body suddenly trembled. It had been a verylong time since she heard others mention the name again. It was the name she had ever loved and remembered deeply, but also the name that she hated. Nevertheless, she just wanted to stay away from the name now and live a peaceful life. “Yes.” Amelia gritted her teeth and added, “I know I don’t have the right to negotiate with you. But I justhope that you can sympathize with me and pretend that you haven’t seen me!” Her tone was extremely humble. As a matter of fact, even if Calvin were to ask her to beg him, shewould do it without hesitation. “You should know that he has sent someone to look for you in recent years,” Calvin said. Amelia pursed her lips and kept silent. That man was searching for her just because he felt that shehad not suffered enough, and because she got rid of the miserable life he had set for her. It was because he did not expect her to “disappear.” That was the reason why he looked for her. “I beg you, Mr. Gunner. I’m sure you know something about the relationship between me and him. I justwant to live a peaceful life. I never harmed people and I don’t want to be harmed by others,” Ameliabegged.

“Never harmed people?” Calvin chuckled lazily as he added, “But everyone seems to know that youcaused Warren’s girlfriend to have a miscarriage. You ended up killing a person.” Amelia gritted her teeth and closed her eyes sadly. It was a crime that was forcibly set on her. Eventhough she vehemently said she had never done it that time, no one believed her. Meanwhile, the man she loved most personally sent her to prison. When she was taken away by thepolice, she asked, “Have you ever loved me, Warren?” “How could I possibly love you? From the beginning, I only hated you. I want you to live in pain all yournovelbin

life, Amelia.” This was the last thing that Warren said to her. The man she loved most wanted her to live in pain for the rest of her life, and the strong affection thatshe felt before was merely his hatred and revenge. After that, she was sent to prison and heard that he was engaged to his girlfriend. They were verymuch in love with each other. Meanwhile, she was just the vicious woman mentioned occasionally inthe news. “I… did not harm anyone!” At this moment, Amelia spoke these words tremblingly as if she wanted todefend her innocence with the last trace of strength. The image of Rosalie somehow flashed past Calvin’s mind when he looked at Amelia. He had investigated Rosalie before. Naturally, he knew that she was sent to prison as well. “Thatyear… The car accident,” he mused to himself. What he had read from the information was thatRosalie did not admit her crime in court. Then, he thought, “The car accident that year… For Rosalie, was there something else?” Calvin smiledwhen he thought of it. The person who died in the car accident was Jonathan’s fiancée, Melanie.Meanwhile, Rosalie was with Jonathan now. After that, he thought, “If there was something else that happened during the car accident, Jonathanwould figure it out. Why should I worry about it? However…” After that, Calvin said all of a sudden, “When did Rosalie work in your diner?” “What?” Amelia was obviously stunned and added after a while, “Probably half a month ago. She cameto my diner to work as a rider for food delivery.” “How is she usually when she’s in your diner?” Calvin continued to ask. “She’s quite good. She works very hard and delivers food efficiently. Moreover, she doesn’t complainabout being tired and the work is hard…” Amelia was talking about what Rosalie was like when thelatter was in the diner. Meanwhile, Calvin held one side of his cheek with one hand as if he waslistening with great interest. The corners of his lips curled slightly, and there was a trace of gentlenesson that face that was initially indifferent.

Amelia was shocked. “Does Calvin treat Rosalie as… But how is it possible?” she wondered. Calvin was a famous scion in the entertainment industry and he was always surrounded by all kinds ofbeautiful women. Meanwhile, Amelia always saw Rosalie wearing ordinary clothes when the latter wasat work. Rosalie would not put on any makeup and even her hands were callused. One merely had totake a glance at her to know that she had done a lot of menial work. 1/2 11:121 Chapter 203 If Amelia had not seen the two of them talking in her diner before, no one could have imagined thatsomeone like Calvin would have anything to do with Rosalie. After Amelia finished talking about what Rosalie had been doing in the diner, Calvin finally fixed hisgaze on Amelia again. “You just said that when she arrived in your diner to apply for a job, she hadbeen sentenced to prison before. Then why did you hire her? Aren’t you afraid that something willhappen later and place your diner in trouble?” However, Amelia smiled bitterly. “Maybe because I’ve been sentenced to prison too, so I havecompassion.” She always put. herself in other people’s shoes. Therefore, she could see that Rosaliereally wanted a job at that time. “Compassion…” Calvin pondered for a moment. A while later, he added to Amelia, “Okay, I promise tohelp you. At least I won’t tell Warren about seeing you before. As for whether someone else will tellhim, I can’t guarantee it.” Nevertheless, even such a guarantee was enough for Amelia. “Thank you, Mr. Gunner. Thank you…” Amelia said gratefully. Vaguely, she seemed to have come to arealization. Perhaps it was because she had mentioned the word “compassion” that made Calvin willingto agree to this matter. Then, she thought, “I’m afraid that this Mr. Gunner treats Rosalie as…” There was a trace of worry inAmelia’s eyes. She wondered if it was a good thing or a bad thing for Rosalie.

After all, she herself could be the perfect example. After dealing with Rosalie for these few days, shetreated Rosalie more as a friend rather than an employee. If Rosalie involved herself with Calvin, perhaps her fate might change. However, it would be hard to sayif she were to be happy in the future. At noon, Gordon received a call from the owner of the house, Harper Smith. Harper said that on theprevious day, someone had entered the room Gordon rented. Gordon immediately shuddered and saidin a hurry, “Who was it? I rented this place. How can you open the door without my permission?” However, Harper was angry with Gordon when the latter questioned him. “How bold of you to say that?I rented the room to you so that you can stay in it. But instead, you put an urn in the room. Besides, if itweren’t for you, the police wouldn’t have come to investigate my house. Now, I have to renovate it. Thereason why I called you is to inform you that I want to renovate the house. I won’t refund the rest ofyour rent and deposit!”

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