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Chapter 198

Chapter 198

Jonathan knew Rosalie had always disliked darkness. Even when she was sleeping, she liked to sleepwith the light on.

In the past, although she could turn off the lights and go to bed for a period when she stayed in therental home, it seemed that later on, she reverted to the habit of sleeping with the lights on.

He frowned slightly and thought, “Could it be that she’s not in the room?”

But just as he was about to turn around and leave, he heard a muffled weeping sound. He exclaimedinwardly, “She’s here!” His steps abruptly halted, and he fumbled for the wall, turning on the light.Suddenly, the room was bathed in brightness.

He only saw a slender figure hiding in one corner of the room at that moment. She curled up andleaned her back against the wall, with her face buried in between her knees. Her shoulders twitchedwhile she was sobbing depressively.

“Is she crying?” He thought as his black eyes suddenly narrowed. He walked forward quickly andsquatted down, then looked at her. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

His voice caused her body to stiffen suddenly. Then, she moved her head slightly and slowly raised herhead. With her eyes filled with mist, she looked at him.

Her eyes were red and swollen. Obviously, she had been crying for a while. Her face was stained withtears. The fragile and painful expression made his heart suddenly twitch and burst into pain.novelbin

He rarely saw her cry, but every time he saw her tears, he felt a sense of helplessness.

“Tell me, what happened?” It took him a while to get back his voice.

She sniffed and choked, “I-I couldn’t find where my mom is. I can’t find her… I just can’t…”

When she said that, her tears fell even more uncontrollably.

She thought, “After coming back, I just can’t figure out where my father would move my mother’s graveafter thinking for a long time. Will it be a cemetery? Or will it be some hilltop that could be used to burythe dead?”

Even if she wanted to investigate, she didn’t know how to do it all of a sudden.

Later, no matter how many calls she made to Gordon, Caitlin, or Loretta’s phone, there was no answer.

Rosalie didn’t even know what else she could do. She thought, “10 million dollars? I couldn’t get 10million dollars, even if I sold myself!”

Her eyes suddenly fixed on Jonathan. She thought, “That’s right. Perhaps the reason my father andstepmother asked me for 10 million dollars is that I’m supported by Jonathan. I don’t have 10 milliondollars, but Jonathan does.”

At this moment, Jonathan frowned in confusion after hearing her words. He thought, “Didn’t her motheralready pass away long ago? What does she mean by she couldn’t find her mother?”

“What exactly is going on? Tell me clearly.” Jonathan raised his hand and wiped the tears from herface.

She suddenly grabbed his hand, and a decisive glint flashed across her eyes. “Can you give me 10million dollars? If you are willing to give it to me, then… I’ll accompany you no matter how long youwant me to stay with you. I will do whatever you want!”

She thought, “As long as he would give me 10 million dollars, and as long as I can find out whereMother’s grave is now! To me, Mother is like a spiritual anchor. I’ve already lost so much. I don’t want to

be left without even a place to mourn my mother. I don’t want to lose this too.”

Jonathan’s eyes suddenly darkened. He fixed his gaze on Rosalie and asked, “Do you know what youare talking about?” “I know.” She choked. But now, she didn’t know how else to get 10 million dollarsexcept for doing that.

He suddenly chuckled. “But I don’t want to!”

Her body suddenly stiffened. She was like a deflated ball, and even the last glow in her eyesdisappeared.

Rosalie mocked herself inwardly, “Of course, he’s allowed to refuse me. Why did I think that as long asI was willing to accompany him and agree to all his requirements, he would pay the 10 million dollars?I’ve overestimated my own worth. Did I think his interest in me is worth 10 million dollars?”

Rosalie remained silent, her head bowed. She slowly released her grip on Jonathan’s hand, as if shehad no strength left.

Jonathan looked at Rosalie with deep eyes. After a while, he stood up and said, “Rosie, I think you’dbetter have a good rest. I’ll ask the housekeeper to bring something in later. You can have some foodbefore sleeping.”

After saying that, Jonathan left the room.

Rosalie was the only one left in such a big room.

She wrapped herself tightly in her hands bit by bit. Sure enough, she was the only one left.

It turned out that loneliness and helplessness could really eat a person’s soul. It turned out that even ifshe wanted to sell herself, it was not easy.

Jonathan went to the study and called Carlos directly. “Go and find out where Rosie went and whathappened today to make her so emotionally distraught.”

“Yes,” Carlos said. It only took him more than an hour to figure out what was going on. Then he calledJonathan and reported everything about it.

“Move the grave?” Jonathan frowned slightly.

“Yes. A week ago, Ms. Leighton’s father moved her mother’s grave away. Today, Ms. Leighton went tovisit her mother’s grave but found it empty. According to the person in the village responsible forregistering the cemetery’s visitors, Ms. Leighton was very agitated after knowing that her mother’sgrave had been relocated today and insisted on going up the mountain. After coming down themountain, she hurriedly left by electric scooter…”

Carlos then informed Jonathan of Rosalie’s return to the Leighton residence and her conversation withthe Leighton residence’s neighbor. Carlos also told Jonathan that Rosalie’s call records todaycontained calls with Gordon and Loretta.

“The records show that Ms. Leighton later dialed a total of 38 calls to her family, but no one answered,”Carlos said.

Jonathan’s face darkened as Carlos reported.

At this time, Jonathan could guess that the 10 million dollars might be the price Rosalie had to pay tofind out the whereabouts of Tracy’s grave at present. He thought, “So, is she planning to sell herself tome in exchange for the whereabouts of a grave? This woman…” Jonathan only felt that there was anindescribable feeling in his heart.

“Then where is her mother buried now? Go and find out,” Jonathan said.

Carlos hummed a response.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the study. However, it was a housekeeper who cameto report that Rosalie wouldn’t eat anything. No matter what the housekeeper said, Rosalie didn’t reactat all.

“I understand,” Jonathan answered and walked toward Rosalie’s room.

When he entered the room, he only saw a plate of food on the table. The slender figure still curled upthe same way as he had seen before when he came into the room just now.

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