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Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Rosalie glanced at the back of her right hand, which was where Mandy had stepped on earlier today. “I accidentally bumped my hand while sweeping the floor today. It’s nothing,” she explained lightly, notwanting him to worry. “Is that true?” Jonathan fixed his gaze on Rosalie. “Rosie, if anyone ever mistreats you, just let meknow, and I’ll have your back.” He silently vowed to make those who dared to bully Rosalie face theconsequences, so that no one would ever dare bully her again in the future. In an instant, her heart raced as if he knew everything. “I can protect myself,” Rosalie replied. “But what if you can’t?” Jonathan asked again. If it were truly like that, telling him wouldn’t make a difference. However, Rosalie didn’t voice herconcern; she didn’t want to hurt his pride. “Rosie, don’t you want me to protect you?” His voice rang out again, and his deep, dark eyes fixated onher. She lightly bit her rosy lips and thought for a moment. “Then, Jon, when the day comes that you havemade a name for yourself and become stronger, you can protect me. For now, I’ll protect you, and workhard to ensure no one bullies us.” A glint flashed through Jonathan’s eyes, but he didn’t say anything more and merely replied, “Okay.” After dinner, Rosalie changed out of the slightly torn clothes, holding a needle and thread as shemended her clothes under the lamplight. Jonathan sat at the side and glanced at the woman illuminated by the soft glow. Her head was lowered,and her shoulder-length hair cascaded over her shoulders. Her hair appeared slightly dry anddiscolored, perhaps due to poor nutrition, and her skin was not fair and bore the signs of three years ofincarceration and exposure to the weather. Despite her inherently delicate features, the hardships oflife had left a touch of weathered resilience on her. Nevertheless, as she was stitching her clothes, there was a quiet and understated elegance emanating

from her that was strangely captivating. It was endlessly delightful to the eye. In his life circle, he rarely encountered women who sew their own novelbin

IA 11:29 The Ceo’s Convict Wife clothes. Many women around him would intentionally present themselves as elegant or charming,hoping to catch his attention. He had never expected to be drawn to such a simple and unassuming aspect of a woman. Rosalie finished sewing a seam and lifted her head, her gaze meeting Jonathan’s. His gaze was so focused that it caused a slight blush to rise to her cheeks. “What’s wrong? Why areyou looking at me like that?” “I just think you look really beautiful,” he said. Rosalie laughed. She knew how vast the difference was between her current self and her past self.She doubted anyone would consider her beautiful when she stepped outside. At most, they might thinkshe wasn’t ugly. Nevertheless, receiving compliments like this did brighten her mood. After all, which woman wouldn’tappreciate hearing flattering words? “By the way, I found a piece of garment online when I was free today. Have a look and see if you likeit?” She took out her phone, opened a shopping website, and clicked on a sweater she had placed inher shopping cart. Then she handed the phone to him, allowing him to examine the garment. Jonathan looked at the sweater. It was a plaid sweater priced at 40 dollars with quite high sales figures.The monthly sales volume showed that it had sold tens of thousands of units. “You only have one sweater for winter, and you don’t even have a replacement. It would be good to getanother one. I’ve read some good reviews about this one, people say it’s great value for the price. Andthis style should look nice on you,” Rosalie suggested. “I’ll like it if you like it, Rosie,” Jonathan replied.

“It’s not about what I like; it’s about what you like. If you don’t like this sweater, I can find a differentstyle or color for you,” she said. “No need, this one is fine. I really like it,” Jonathan assured. “Okay, I’ll go ahead and buy it for you.” Rosalie then proceeded with the online purchase. Jonathan looked at her and asked abruptly, “Rosie, why are you so generous to me?” She boughtclothes and mobile phones for him without hesitation while trying to cut corners on her own expenses. 274 11:29 The Ceo’s Convict Wife “You’re my little brother. Of course, I have to be good to you,” she replied matter-of-factly. He was unsure why the words “little brother” sounded somewhat grating to him. He wondered if Rosaliehad forgotten that he was also a man. After being embarrassed at the club, William was beaten into the hospital by his father. Even so, several of the Straus family’s business dealings related to Youngblood Group were also adversely affected, resulting in significant losses for the Straus family. The attendees of the class reunion that day found themselves in a dire situation as well. It seemed thateither they had lost their jobs or their families were facing severe consequences. In a nutshell, each ofthem was engulfed in a cloud of misfortune. Jennie’s legs were shaking and could hardly stand when she came out from the HR Department. TheHR Department had handed her a termination letter, officially informing her of her dismissal and therequirement to complete her resignation formalities within a week. She had never thought about being dismissed by a company before. Her family had gone to great lengths to secure a position and stable job for her at the MunicipalManagement Bureau. Furthermore, her job played a prominent role in her recent attempts atmatchmaking. The potential suitors she had encountered were primarily drawn to her because of herposition at the Municipal Management Bureau. If she were to be dismissed, not only would it be challenging to find another job in the current job

market, but she would also be embarrassed in front of her friends and family. Her potential suitor wouldlikely reconsider getting in touch with her as well. When she asked the HR Department about the reason for her dismissal, they simply stated that it wasa directive from the higher-ups within the bureau. They assured her that she would receivecompensation for her termination but made it clear that she would not be rehired. Jennie panicked and called Mandy, “Mandy, what should I do? I’m going to be fired by the MunicipalManagement Bureau. You… Didn’t you say you have connections? Can you find a way and asksomeone who has a good relationship with our director to help me plead my case?” Under normalcircumstances, Mandy might have considered helping Jennie since she was obedient. However, at thismoment, Mandy was 874 11:29 The Ceo’s Convict Wife helpless as she was burdened by her own troubles as well. The bank loan she had arranged was suddenly denied, and her family’s business was on the verge offinancial collapse. Everyone from her family was desperately trying to find people to borrow moneyfrom. Unfortunately, they faced rejection everywhere they turned, with no one willing to lend money to theirfamily. The possibility of bankruptcy loomed over their family at any moment. “I can’t help you. Go look for someone else!” Mandy said. “How could you say that? I did what you asked me to do before. You said you wanted me to leadRosalie into the private room of our class reunion, and I did it without any hesitation. Now, when I needyour help,’ you’re refusing?” Send gift

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