The Ceo's Convict Wife

Chapter 1399
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Chapter 1399

Chapter 1399

Hanna’s expression changed. Most of the students she saw in the room had abused, beaten, and laughed at her in college.These people had a good relationship with Christine.

To Hanna, these people were like nightmares in college. Her face was slightly pale and her body trembled faintly.

Shelly, who was holding Hanna’s arm, naturally noticed Hanna’s change.

Shelly strode forward and stood in front of Hanna, helping to block those disdainful and mocking eyes. “We didn’t come to jointhe class reunion. Don’t flatter yourself!”

Someone said in an ironic tone, “Wow she’s different now. | heard that Hanna has become a cartoonist. There is still a comicadaptation to be filmed! If it goes viral, Hanna would be famous! How could she want to come to our class reunion?”

Another person sneered immediately, “Hanna? Famous? If Hanna becomes famous, I’m afraid that people will all know theshameless things she did in college before.”

Someone said sarcastically, “Humph. Do you think it’s great to have a comic adaptation after drawing some comic books? We allknow what kind of woman she is, and it won’t change.”

“| know, right?” Another voice sounded.

Hanna bit her lower lip tightly and didn’t defend herself because she knew that no matter how much she said in front of thesepeople, it would be no use.

When she was in college, she had defended herself. But it was just that these people treated her even more aggressively.Her explanation was just a joke in the eyes of these people.

Shelly saw her friend’s pale face and was about to leave with Hanna.

However, several of their classmates blocked their way back and wouldn’t let them leave at all.

One of them said, “Why do you leave so quickly? Since we're all here, why not drink with us and make amends for Christine? If itweren't for you at the beginning, Christine and Lorin would have been together long ago. At that time, it was because of you thatChristine and Lorin had misunderstood each other, so Lorin went abroad!”

Someone suggested, “Yeah! Hanna should apologize to Christine. How about letting her kneel down and apologize today?”Hearing this, the others cheered up and said, “Okay, okay! Just let her kneel down and apologize!”

Shelly listened to these people’s words and only felt that they were getting more and more exaggerated, “You perverts! Do youstill think it was in the college? You bullied Hanna before. How could you do this again?”

But Shelly’s scolding didn’t stop these people at all, and they became more arrogant instead. “Shelly, this is none of yourbusiness. You'd better stay out of it, or you will be targeted as well!”

Shelly said impolitely, “If you want to do anything to Hanna, all of you will be unlucky.”

Those people laughed arrogantly, “It’s funny. Let's see how unlucky we will be.” Two of them pulled Shelly away from Hanna, andthe other one walked to Hanna with a bottle of wine. “Hanna, don’t you kneel? You have to drink this and apologize to Christinetoday! We can’t let Christine suffer the grievances!”

Hanna took a deep breath. “I’m not guilty. Why should | apologize? Christine and Lorin knew clearly that | didn’t do anything toeither of them!”

She thought, “It was them who were sorry for me!”

Hearing this, Christine frowned with dissatisfaction. Thinking that Lorin refused her because of Hanna, Christine was evenunhappier.

Christine pretended to be wronged. “Forget it. Since Hanna said that she didn’t do anything wrong to me, just take it as if shewas not.”

“Christine, how could this be possible?

“Yeah, you can’t let her go so easily!”

“If you let her go like this, it will only make her more complacent!”

Agroup of people began to find it unfair to Christine. But they looked funny in Hanna’s eyes.

But then, her shoulder was pressed down so hard that she almost knelt on the ground.

Hanna struggled to push them away, but she couldn’t resist the crowd.

With a bang, Hanna was forced to kneel.

Seeing this, Shelly was anxious. “What are you doing? Who gave you the right to force people to kneel down?”

Someone sneered, “Hanna deserves it. Otherwise, you can kneel down with her!”

Suddenly, Shelly saw a waiter passing by and hurriedly shouted, “Go find someone in the next room. These people are bullyingme and my friends!”

The waiter was stunned for a moment and wanted to ask, but someone said, “We are playing. We are schoolmates!”“You're kidding me!” Shelly scolded.

“Hey, Shelly! Why are you so angry?We just want Hanna to drink!” T

the persop.snlég athe Waiter “Youc leave now since we're having aclass reunion. How could anythingdangerous happen in yourrestaurant?” Visit NovelDrama.Org toread the latest chapter of this novel

The waiter left suspiciously, and Shelly was immediately disappointedShelly’s eyes turned red when she saw someone holding Hanna’s chin and forcing her to drink.

“Stop! Stop it! You... Do you know who Hanna’s boyfriend is? It’s Calvin Gunner. If you treat her like this, he won't let you go!”Shelly shouted.

Originally, she didn't intend to tell thetruth a Calvin was piel omee Ae all, dons ane

S to want to say it to others, butnow, she could only use Calvin tostop these people from beingridiculous. Visit NovelDrama.Org toread the latest chapter of this novel

But to Shelly’s disappointment, these people didn’t stop but laughed out loud. “Shelly, if you want to lie, at least make up adecent story. It is ridiculous to say that Hanna’s boyfriend is Calvin.”

“That’s right. If her boyfriend is Calvin, my husband will be Jonathan Youngblood!”


Christine didn’t smile, and a trace ofhesitation flashed in her eyes. Shesuddenly rem mbered that Kanna! |nds forded to ctas a stand-in lasttime. Terrible things almosthappened. The person who came tosave Hanna at that time was fromthe Gunner Group. VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

And afterward, all the actors who took part in the strike were replaced. Christine thought, “Is Hanna’s boyfriend really Calvin?”

Thinking of this, Christine couldn’t help but be startled. Then she immediately denied it.

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