The Ceo's Convict Wife

Chapter 1344
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Chapter 1344

Chapter 1344

Hanna looked at Lorin coldly. “I don’t need you to give me any explanations. Lorin, if you really feel guilty for me, please don’tshow up in front of me anymore. That’s the best way to make up for that.”

Lorin’s face turned pale. “Do you hate me that much?”

“You think | should be happy to see you appear in front of me from time to time?” Hanna felt ridiculous and asked. “If you hadn’tused me as a pawn and a stepping stone for your own relationship, why would | experience all that? | wouldn’t have been on thetrending topics for such an affair.”

“| know that | hurt you too much back then. But Hanna, | just hope that you can give me another chance to make it up to you,”Lorin said bitterly.

“Make up for that? No need!” Hanna refused mercilessly.“No, because I...” Lorin suddenly paused.

But Hanna didn’t bother to talk to Lorin anymore. She directly stood up and was about to leave the room. She could come todiscuss the script with the screenwriter again when she came back.

But Lorin stepped forward and stopped Hanna. “Wait, let me finish my words first, Hanna!” Lorin was almost begging.

“Lorin, what you and | should say have already been said back then. | don’t think it is necessary to say anything more,” saidHanna.

“Then if | say that I’m not only guilty but probably...” Lorin’s bitter. He paused for a while before continuing, “And maybe itbecause of love! Marvin said that maybe | had fallen in love wit a long time, but I just didn’t know that. Over the years, | have beregretting what | did to you, and I’ve even been concerned about the time...”

Lorin said that arduously. He thought, “Hanna won't know how muc courage I’ve used to say these in front of her.”Hanna was shocked. She had never expected Lorin to say these kinds of words.

“Hanna, | think maybe | really love you. Maybe I’ve fallen in love with you unconsciously. So please give me another chance.This time, | won hurt you anymore. | will try my best to protect you more than anyone else,” Lorin said in a hoarse voice.

Hanna suddenly burst into laughter. She laughed so fiercely that there were even tears coming out of the corner of her eyes. Shefelt ironic and ridiculous.

“Lorin, if you could say this to me when | was bullied back then, | would be moved, forgive your harm to me, and be willing to bewith you. But now... Don’t you think it’s too late? Do you think other people will always wait for you in the same place?”

Hanna raised her hand and wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes. “You just think you may have fallen in love with me now,so you Say you're guilty and want to make it up to me and protect me. But what if you haven't fallen in love with me? Thenmaybe you won't even feel guilty. You'll feel that there’s nothing wrong with using me as a pawn and a stepping stone. Not tomention making up for what you put me through!”

Hanna’s questions made Lorin speechless.Lorin wanted to deny it and retort, but he found that he couldn’t retort at/ all.

Hanna was right. Lorin felt guilty, wanted to make up for Hanna’s loss, and regretted what he had done all because he fell in lovewith her.

Then what if Lorin didn’t fall in love with Hanna?

All that would just be a negligible past in Lorin’s school days. The past was in the past. Lorin wouldn’t make up for it at all.“Lorin, | won’t love you. Don’t say such ridiculous words to me anymore afterward,” said Hanna.

“Because the one you love now is your boyfriend?” Lorin said with clear jealousy.

“Yes, | love him. Is that enough?!” Hanna used Calvin as an excuse.

Lorin pursed his thin lips. “That man is not ordinary. You and he won't have a future. Hanna, don’t make a choice that you'llregret for the rest of your life just to annoy me!”

Hanna said seriously, “The relationship between me and my boyfriend has nothing to do with you at all.”After saying that, Hanna pushed Lorin’s hand away and walked out of the room directly.

Lorin’s pale face was full of bitterness.novelbin

He thought, “Do | really have no chance anymore?”

After Hanna walked out of the room, she saw a lot of people gathered ahead, and there was some noise.

Hanna frowned and didn’t know what had happened there.

The grip walked to Hanna and patted her on the shoulder. “Hey, Hanna, you are here. The director is looking for you.”“The director is looking for me?”

“Yeah, he’s over there now!” The grip pointed to the crowded place.

Then Hanna walked towards there. On the way, she saw many people holding a box of exquisitely packaged pies.Hanna thought, “Are they... delivering pies? But it’s still far away from the next festival.”

When Hanna approached, she foundthat there were many people CU ealrsup in front of per fermte wottd' hetaNNoF ie! xt to the person whowas delivering the pies, there werethe director and a woman in anoff-white suit. Visit NovelDrama.Orgto read the latest chapter of thisnovel

Hanna’s pupils suddenly shrank and she stopped.That woman was Christine Herst!The origin of all Hanna’s misery in college was Christine!

Christine’s long straight hair that she had in college had turned into charming curly hair, and she had delicate makeup on herface. She looked more charming than before.

“Hanna, this is Ms. Christine Herst. |heard that you were classmates i nNcollege,” a grestes gakedGoOHahaha nd said. “Ms. Herst is thesponsor of our drama. This is a newpie from her company this year, andshe wants our crew to have a try.”Visit NovelDrama.Org to read thelatest chapter of this novel

“Hanna, it’s been a long time. I’m soglad to see you again. | heard eMyou were the original author ofSe Ge aieNat an, to sponsor it. It’s also away to support you,” Christine saidwith a smile. Her smile looked sogentle and sweet. People who didn'tknow the truth might think that shewas really close to Hanna. VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novelBut Hanna still remembered how Christine asked Lorin to make her a laughingstock of the whole school, and when she wasbullied, Christine just watched it like a superior judge.

And those girls who often bullied Hanna were all close to Christine. They even dragged her to Christine, kicked her with theirfeet, and stepped on her hands hard.

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