The Ceo's Convict Wife

Chapter 1306
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Chapter 1306

Chapter 1306

Amelia thought she should have suspected it long ago. These medicines were the same as those prescribed to her by the doctorafter her first liver transplant, but she carelessly thought that the doctor prescribed the medicines to her again because herpregnancy had burdened her liver.

She was so careless!

Amelia smiled bitterly and touched her right rib again. There was her liver which once belonged to Warren.Warren gave her his liver twice. How much of his liver was left now? Amelia could hardly imagine it.

When Amelia saw Warren again, what should she say? or be sorry? Or maybe, she should tell him thatWould she say thank she loved him.

If Amelia had known this would be the ending after so many things, maybe she wouldn’t have broken up with Warren when shewas in the hospital.

She wanted Warren to live happily and healthily, but she didn’t expect that she still drag him down!

When the train arrived in Lofbury, Amelia got off and took a taxi to the address given by Rosalie. When Amelia got to the villa,she was stopped at the gate by a security guard.

“| want to see Warren. I’m his wife,” Amelia said to the security guard at the gate.

But the security guard looked at Amelia with a strange expression and said, “Is Mr. York married? | haven't heard about it. Youclaim to be Mrs. York, and any other woman can do the same thing! How do | know which one is the true Mrs. York?”

It was true that Amelia and Warren’s marriage hadn’t been widely reported. There was some gossip news in Strico. But people inLofbury didn’t know much about it.

Amelia took out her marriage certificate and said, “| suppose no other woman should have this certificate!”

But she didn’t expect the security guard to say, “Oh, your fake certificate looks quite real! It is the first time | have ever seensomeone want to meet Mr. York with a fake marriage certificate.”

Amélia rolled her eyes and shouted, “I’m really Warren's wife!”

“Then you can call Mr. York and let him order me to let you in, okay?” the security guard said.

Amelia rubbed her forehead. If she really had Warren’s number, she would have called him.

Warren either changed his number or blocked Amelia’s number.

Anyway, it meant that Warren didn’t want to have anything to do with Amelia anymore.

While Amelia was arguing with the security guard, suddenly, she heard a voice, “Mrs. York, why are you here?”

Amelia turned around and found that it was Warren’s personal assistant, Frederick Lyon. When she came to Lofbury to look forWarren, it was Frederick who received her and arranged the accommodation for her.

“lm here for Warren,” Amelia said.

“But Mr. York...” Frederick hesitated for a while and continued, “Well... How about I go in and tell Mr. York about your arrival andsee whether he wants to meet you?”

“Thank you,” Amelia said.

“You're welcome, Mrs. York,” Frederick said hurriedly and walked towards the villa quickly.

The security guard at the gate looked at Amelia in surprise and said, “Are you really... Mrs. York?”

“Yes. | will always be Mrs. York,” Amelia said. She didn’t want to divorce Warren. She wanted to be his wife forever.

Frederick came all the way to the villa. When he saw Warren, Warren was sitting on the sofa and reviewing the documents of thecompany.

“Mr. York, | just met your wife outside the villa. She wants to see you,” Frederick said.

Warren's hand holding the pen suddenly stopped when he heard this.

“She’s here!” Warren thought.

Even though Warren had made it clear on the phone that he would not see Amelia, she still came.

These days, Warren forced himself not to think about Amelia and wanted to forget her completely. But every time he was alone,he kept thinking about her voice and smile.

Those past scenes kept flashing through his mind.

He was already hypnotized! He had already forgotten his love, but why was he always occupied by Amelia?

“Mr. York?” Seeing Warren remain silent for a long time, Frederick finally asked.

“Since she wants to see me, then I'll meet her. Take her to the living room. I'll go downstairs and meet her,” Warren said.

“Yes, I'll bring Mrs. York in right now,” Frederick said.

Others didn’t know what attitude Warren had towards Amelia, but Frederick knew it more or less. Even if Warren seemed to becold and indifferent to Amelia, Frederick knew that he actually cared about her.

If Warren didn't care about Amelia,how could he ask Frederick toarrange everything for Amelia whenshe came to Lofbury? Warren oftenwent to the hotel to see Amelia, andeven stayed with her in Strico forsome time. Visit NovelDrama.Org toread the latest chapter of this novel

As far as Frederick knew, Warren even donated his liver to Amelia in Strico! So Warren was in poor health and came to the villato recover.

How many men in this world would be willing to sacrifice their own health for the women they loved? It was a rare thing.Frederick came to the gate of the villa and took Amelia into it.

When they arrived in the living room,Frederick said to Amelia, “Mrs. York,please wait here for a moment. Mr.York will come down in a minute.” AsFrederick said that, he asked theservants to leave the room. VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

Suddenly, the room became empty, and Amelia was nervous.

Amelia was not nervous when shewas on the way here and wasstopped by the security guard at thegate. At that time, she was thinkingabout seeing Warren earlier. Shewanted to see how he was doing andtalk to him. She had so many wordsto say to him. Visit NovelDrama.Orgto read the latest chapter of thisnovel

But to her surprise, when she was about to see him, she suddenly became nervous.

Suddenly, she heard the footsteps.

Amelia’s body suddenly stiffened. She looked towards the stairs and saw a tall figure walking down the steps step by step.It was Warren!novelbin

Amelia stared at Warren walking down the stairs.

He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with black hair neatly combed. His elegant posture was different from herimagination. She had thought he would walk slowly, but he seemed to be the same as before.

When Warren walked down the stairs and slowly came towards Amelia, she found that he was much thinner with a palecomplexion. This suit looked too big on him.

For a moment, Amelia just kept looking at Warren until he said, “Did you come all the way from Strico to find me just for staring atme like this?”

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