The Ceo's Convict Wife

Chapter 1080
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Chapter 1080

Chapter 1080

“His filthiness… is because of me. These days, he must have taken good care of me all around theclock. The filth on him now only serves to prove how much he loves me!” mused Lillian.

At last, Callum took off his coat and trousers, then lay on Lillian’s hospital bed.

Lillian looked at the man lying beside her and said, “All right, go to sleep. It’s been hard on you recently,Hubby.”

To him, her voice was akin to the most pleasant lullaby, and he slowly closed his eyes.

Likely because the past few days had truly been too exhausting for him, Callum virtually fell into a deepsleep right after he shut his eyes, and he even snored.

Lillian gazed at the man next to her with teary eyes, struggled to inch closer, and leaned her lips towardhis forehead, planting a gentle kiss.

“Callum, I won’t be separated from you in this lifetime,” Lillian murmured.novelbin

The next day, when Rosalie came to visit Lillian in the hospital, she saw that her friend had alreadywoken up and was having oatmeal. As Lillian hadn’t eaten due to her coma these days, she could onlyconsume some soft food for the time being.

Meanwhile, Callum was fast asleep by Lillian’s side, whereas Stephen and Abigail were burping theirprecious granddaughter, who had just been fed milk, across the room.

The newborn was a relatively fuss-free baby who only made noises. briefly whenever she was hungry.Once she was full, she’d stop whining and soon fall asleep.

As soon as Stephen and Abigail saw Rosalie’s arrival, they hurriedly asked about last night’s events tofigure out why their daughter suddenly woke

Lillian, too, peered at Rosalie curiously. All she remembered was the room being chaotic when shewoke up last night. Numerous people were there, but at that time, her attention was all on Callum.

She vaguely recalled that the mysterious little boy she had seen back then was also present, but shehad no impression of what he said or did.

When she awoke at dawn today, she also forgot to ask Callum about it.

Therefore, Rosalie succinctly explained what happened last night. Upon learning that she had wokenup due to drinking that little boy’s blood, Lillian looked astounded.

“That child’s blood even has this function?” she asked in disbelief. “So, that means he’s saved meonce?”

“More than that. He saved you twice and the baby once.” Rosalie then told her best friend about whathad transpired in the delivery room.

Lillian was completely dumbfounded, feeling as if she were listening to a fictional story.

“That’s too unbelievable,” she mumbled in amazement.

“Had I not seen it with my own eyes, I’d find it unbelievable too,” Rosalie said. “I asked Jon afterward.He said that the Woolbright family is a reclusive family. Families like that probably have some secrettechniques of sorts.”

So far, Rosalie could only speculate in this regard.

“Wow, then, I ought to really thank this child. Do you guys know where he lives?” Lillian asked.

Rosalie answered, “No. We tried to find him before, but we practically turned Strico upside down andstill didn’t obtain a clue. It was only later, when we used your daughter’s fake news, saying that Yasminhasn’t been doing well after being born, that we managed to lure the child out.”

Lillian appeared quite regretful to hear that. “That’s such a pity. I planned to thank him in person, butnow I don’t even know when I can see him again. Perhaps we might never meet again, too.”

“You will see him again!” Rosalie sounded certain.

Lillian looked at her friend confusedly, alongside Stephen and Abigail, who were waiting for Rosalie’selaboration.

In a flash, Rosalie felt a little awkward and glanced at Yasmin in Abigail’s arms, then at Callum, whowas still in his slumber on the hospital bed. She chuckled dryly and went on, “Well… Callum haspromised that little boy that the boy can marry Yasmin after she grows up, so I reckon… you should beable to see him again.”

“Uh…” Lillian was stunned. “Promised? Is it a serious promise?”

“I… think so?” Fearing that the Quinn family might misunderstand Callum, Rosalie quickly added,“Here’s what happened. At that time, we thought that since the little boy could keep you safe in thedelivery room before, he might be able to save you and wake you up. Moreover, when we asked him tosave you, he didn’t say he couldn’t but simply refused to do so. Even afterward…”

“Afterward? What happened afterward?” prompted Lillian.

Rosalie continued, “Afterward, the people that came with the boy almost had a conflict with Jon andWarren. Then, Callum abruptly came over with Yasmin in his arms and directly went down on his kneesto beg the kid to save you!”

In a trice, Lillian’s eyes welled up with tears as she thought, “A proud and arrogant man like him wouldnever go down on his knees easily, yet he actually knelt before a child for my sake!”

“Regardless, that child still refused. His attitude only changed later when Yasmin cried, but he insistedon saving you only if you guys allow him to marry Yasmin in the future. In order to wake you up, Callumhad to agree to it,” Rosalie explained.

At that time, everyone knew Callum only agreed because he was all out of options.

“Is that so?” Lillian murmured, turning to look at the man who was still sleeping beside her. Her heartwas filled with distress.

“How could I not love this man?” she mused.

“Rosalie, thank you for doing so much for me,” Lillian said.

“I didn’t really do anything, but… that little boy is from the Woolbright family, a mysterious family. It’s notknown why he’s so determined to have Yasmin, and we have no idea what will happen in the futureeither…” Rosalie remarked with some anxiety.

Stephen and Abigail were also worried.

On the contrary, Lillian grinned carefreely. “That child doesn’t look like a bad person. Since he savedmy daughter and me, let’s take things as they come. Anyway, there are still 21 years before Yasminreaches the legal age to get married. We have plenty of time to come up with a solution.”

Rosalie’s initially heavy heart felt much more relieved after she heard that. “Indeed, there are still 21years left. If anything is really inappropriate, we can always find a way!”

With that, Stephen and Abigail relaxed as well.

In the afternoon, Amelia and Warren also came to visit Lillian. Callum had already woken up andwashed up at this time. He was dressed in clean casual clothes with neat hair and his five o’clockshadow shaved off, looking as handsome as he did before, albeit much thinner.

“Geez, you’re too thin, almost emaciated. I have to really fatten you up. We can’t waste your goodlooks.” Lillian hooked Callum’s chin with a finger and observed him meticulously.

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