The Ceo's Convict Wife

Chapter 1029
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Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029

“Wow, it seems that Aiden enjoys much attention from girls. Even a three-year-old girl fell for him,”Lillian teased.

Aiden’s youthful and delicate face turned red. Shy, he didn’t know what to say and buried his head inthe food.

“But… Nadine was the first person to say she would help me protect my cochlear implants,” Aidenthought. His long eyelashes quivered slightly, and he was determined to play with her when he met heragain next time.

After lunch, they left the restaurant and bid each other farewell. Lillian got into the White family’s car.Meanwhile, Rosalie drove Amelia and Aiden back to the concession stand.

In a coffee shop next to the restaurant sat a woman. Her eyes were fixed intently on Amelia, who gotinto the car.

“Amelia… we meet again!” Irene thought darkly.

To Irene, all her misfortunes were caused by Amelia.

The Fletcher family had fallen, and she was in prison for five years. While there, she was tortured andridiculed. In the past, she enjoyed great glory and was the future wife of the head of the York family,with many people flattering her and ingratiating themselves with her.

But in prison, anyone could trample on her. Even many female prisoners who were more lowly than hersuppressed her to gain a sense of existence.

Throughout it all, she could only endure and put up with it, looking forward to the day of her release.

She thought, “Amelia! Why must I suffer while she can live a peaceful life with her son? Even if shedidn’t get together with Warren, I could’ve been with him had it not been for her! She didn’t want himanymore, yet she wasn’t willing to give him to me!”

At the thought of Warren, a wave of pain and hatred swamped Irene once more.

“I sacrificed so much for him. But in the end, he had no qualms about being so cruel to me, even moreso than he was to Amelia back then! I will also definitely have him experience true pain. That’s forsure!” she resolved inwardly.

At night, Rosalie told Jonathan about bumping into Lucas earlier that day. Jonathan couldn’t helpfrowning. In truth, the men he thought posed the most threat to him in the past were Calvin and Lucas.Lucas came from an ordinary family and had average looks, seemingly having nothing too attractiveabout him in all aspects. In other words, there was nothing much to him, and he was merely a so-called“kind man.”

However, it was precisely because of his “kind” nature that Jonathan felt even more threatened.

After all, he knew Rosalie liked “kind” people. In fact, she brought him back to her rental home backthen because he was a “kind” person.

“You’re very happy about it?” he asked.

“Naturally, I’m happy to meet an old friend after such a long time! But he may not be doing well now, soI feel a bit…” Before Rosalie could finish speaking, Jonathan had already pulled her into his armswithout warning.

In the next moment, he kissed her.

“Don’t bother about Lucas, Rosie. Even if he is a kind man to you, don’t concern yourself with him,” hemurmured.

“Jon, are you… are you jealous again?” Rosalie asked with a slight frown.

Jonathan looked at her and countered softly, “What do you plan to do if I say yes?”

“What I plan to do?” Rosalie repeated internally, blushing slightly.

Jonathan’s crystalline eyes were fixed on her as though he was waiting for her answer.

“Oh well, men behave like kids sometimes, no matter how old they are,” Rosalie lamented soundlessly.


09:35 D

Then, Rosalie leaned down and kissed Jonathan.

After he was thoroughly appeased, she said, “You know I love you most, yet you were still jealous. Imerely feel sorry about Lucas’s marriage. He is a kind man, but his marriage didn’t end well. Now, he’sdivorced from his wife with a three-year-old girl.”novelbin

While saying that, Rosalie kissed Jonathan on the face again and added, “You are always jealous, andit makes me wonder whether I have not expressed my love for you enough that you feel insecure.”Jonathan stared at her. Even to that day, he still felt insecure sometimes because he loved her toomuch. Despite knowing that she would die for him, he still didn’t want her to care or bother about othermen. He domineeringly wanted everything.

“Would you find it too tiring to be with me like this?” he asked in a low voice, fearing that his love wouldmake her tired and suffocated.

He was afraid that he wanted too much, and she would feel suffocated.

“I will only feel that I need to love you even more.” Rosalie smiled and kissed Jonathan again.

“How could I not love him?” she mused to herself.

At the concession stand, Amelia suddenly shuddered and looked around, only to find that she wasoverthinking things. No one was staring at her.

“What was wrong with me that I felt someone spying on me from a distance earlier?” she wondered.Warren had long since left Strico and returned to the York family, so he couldn’t keep looking quietly ather from a distance anymore. Besides, the feeling of being watched just now was different whenWarren followed her and secretly spied on her.

“I must be too sensitive, I guess. Maybe the matter of Aiden being bullied at school recently hadstretched my nerves taut,” she thought.

Aloud, Amelia said, “Mom, I’ll go and stock up while you keep watch here.”

“Okay,” Matilda answered.

Amelia then rode her electric tricycle toward the small commodity market in Strico.

The concession stand needed to be restocked once a week. When Amelia arrived at the commoditymarket, she skillfully navigated her way to an old merchant and started buying the goods required.

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