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Chapter 308

He moved his body from hers and leaned in for another soft kiss, something he knew would be anaddiction from here on in. Having this ability to just kiss her whenever he wanted was like all hisbirthdays coming at once and he intended to use it to its full potential.novelbin

“I’m still mad at you.” Emma slid her palms across his stomach, sending shivers of anticipation throughhim, her hands smoothing within his jacket which was open and sliding up across the muscles in hischest. He had to steel himself against the urge to turn to Jell-O. His eyes followed her progress and thetiny hint of a smile tugged at her lips, he couldn’t stop looking at her.

“I don’t blame you, bella.” He frowned. “I’m mad at me too,” Jake replied regretfully, smoothing her hairback behind her ear and taking a moment to focus on untangling a strand from the dangling diamondcluster earring. He needed to calm down his playboy impulses if he was going to romance her into ahappy ever after. She wasn’t going to be some one-night piece of fun for him; Emma was all he hadbeen waiting for in life. The other half to his soul. He watched her carefully, regret at so many lostmonths eating at him, knowing if he had just been honest with her long ago then he would have alwayshad her.

Complete idiot.

“Makes a change from being mad at me, I guess.” Emma’s smile widened to a smirk as he regardedher. Lost in how many times he could have changed the course of their relationship by saying threelittle words to her.

“I only got mad with you because of how I feel about you, Emma. It was ripping me apart. I didn’t knowhow to behave around you or how to deal with all this crap inside of me. Over-emotional men are justsnarky shits.” He softly smiled, knowing it was lame as apologies went, but he intended to spend everyday for the next hundred years making this up to her.

“I get mad at you because you’re an asshole sometimes; nothing to do with emotions or love.” Shejoked, smiling widely with a hint of amusement in those gorgeous pale eyes. She moved to run herfingertips softly across his mouth again, drawing his attention to how perfect they gelled. Each touchtailored to the other almost perfectly and how she could weaken him so easily.

“We need to make this work.” Jake sighed. “I can’t walk away again … I don’t want to. This past monthhas been unbearable like I had my insides wrenched out.”

“Are you asking me to be your PA again?” she asked softly, looking him dead in the eye with a hint ofthe old Emma confidence seeping back in. He couldn’t help but smile at her.

“I’m asking for way more than that, miele.” His hands had moved back into that blonde curled hair heloved so much, fingertips grazing her scalp as he entangled its silky smoothness between his fingers.He loved that every time he touched her hair it not only felt good but released more of her deliciousscent.

“Tell me what you want from me, be specific.” Emma had gone into full-on PA mode, that stern yetinquisitive look, she was waiting for him to lay his cards on the table before she let too much of her ownhopes out. Typical Emma, still guarding her heart until she was sure he wasn’t going to trample on her.

I love you, bambino.

Jake did not hesitate in doing what she needed.

“I want you … all of you … I want us. Just you and me and no one else. No games, no hiding, no moremisunderstandings. I want you to be the one woman I share my bed and my life with. I want a realrelationship with you, bambino.” He didn’t think he could spell it out any clearer than that, and shedeserved his full honesty after everything he had put her through. Somehow though, even knowing shefelt this way too, it was still terrifying to just lay his soul bare out there.

Emma threw herself against him so suddenly it almost winded him and wrapped herself tightly aroundhim like a child would to a parent. She squeezed him as tightly as she could.

“I want that too,” she whispered so softly it was barely audible and his heart swelled tenfold, he slid hishand back into her hair, resting her head against him and cradling her close.

“You better not be crying again,” he joked, warming more when she tilted back to look up at him withwide happy eyes and the most gorgeous of Emma smiles, the one thing that had always captivated herto him was that genuine smile. Even eons ago when they first met, any hints of her genuine smile hadfloored him.

“No tears … Brownie’s whatsits.” Emma attempted some sort of disastrous salute that had him grinninglike a kid, pushing her hand down with an indulgent look. She maybe wasn’t so perfect at everythingshe did, but she was perfect enough.

“This … us … it’s really happening?” Jake needed to say it aloud, needed to get to grips with the factthis was real, and she wasn’t just a dream, resulting from a major emotional breakdown at losing her.

“It looks that way.” Emma wiggled her fingers into Jake’s and pulled his hand to nestle against his ownchest beside her face, he could feel the soft sensation of her breaths on his wrists and it was sendingtingles all through him.

“You may need to pinch me a couple of times to believe it, shorty.” Jake slid her off of his body so hecould bridge the height difference and kiss her once more, his hand freed from hers was now skimmingacross the softest expanse of creamy throat, across her shoulder slowly. Her skin felt like the softestvelvet.

Emma looked suddenly so very serious, her facial expression dropping in an instant and her bodytensing as quickly, she looked up at him with wariness.

“What about Marissa?” Her voice broke subtly, emotion under the surface and pain in the depths ofthose eyes, he cursed internally. Hating that this was one situation he couldn’t just wipe away, even forher.

“I don’t want her! I didn’t want her! It was a stupid drunken mistake. I’ll be there for the baby but as faras she’s concerned, she means nothing. It’s you, it will always be you.” It’s all he had, the best he coulddo, knowing that it was something he would need to deal with soon. He traced her eyebrow gently,trying so hard to erase that goddamn soul-crushing look of doubt in her eye. She was thinking aboutthe one thing that could potentially ruin what they hadn’t even started yet.

“How do you feel about the baby?” she asked sheepishly, and he knew there was no getting around itat that moment. She wanted to feel secure, and it was his job to make her that way.

“I’d be lying if I said I was happy … I’m not … but I did this, and I need to take responsibility. I hadn’tever thought about having kids, so this is all pretty overwhelming right now.” Jake screwed up his faceat the thought of that wretched whore Marissa crossing his mind’s eye, all smug and repulsive.

“Don’t walk away from your child.” Emma blinked up at him earnestly, her mind obviously followingthrough to what it was like in her own childhood with a guy who didn’t want a kid. Jake leaned in to kissher again, this time to try to erase some of that self-doubt and heartache almost instinctively. He hatedthat guy for doing that to his beautiful girl.

“That’s not me, Emma … I’m nothing like your father. I won’t walk away.” He pushed her forehead withhis reassuringly. “Can we drop this conversation for now as I have something I’d much rather be doing.”Jake grinned, determined to take her mind elsewhere and her body too if she was willing. Enough ofthe delaying and standing in a dark hall surrounded by strangers; he wanted to take her home andmake this thing real.

“Such as?” Emma smiled warily, sudden doubt as to his motives and it only made him want to grin.Always a little unsure and childlike, it was something that had always drawn him to her and made himwant to take care of her. She had no clue how vulnerable and na?ve she often came across even in full-blown school mistress PA mode.

“Taking my girlfriend home and fucking her brains out. It’s long overdue.” He grinned, hitting her with aground moving kiss in a bid to recapture some fire between them, hands sliding around herpossessively and pushing her back into the wall to support them both.

Emma kissed him back with equal fervor and passion, her body molding to his and hands sliding upinside between the buttons of his shirt. Bodies igniting with raw lust and on the verge of losing control.He knew there was no stopping them now, he was taking her home as soon as he stopped kissing herand never letting her go again.

The end of The Carrero Trilogy book 1 , the next in this series is The Carrero Heart and Follows Sophieand Arrick.

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