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Chapter 555


Alpha Fernando, while not creepy in the way he looks at me, leaves no question that he wants me to

join his pack. “My son, Santiago, may be a year or so younger than Chapter you, my dear, but I know

he would happily take you as his chosen mate. You should make sure you consider all your options. A

young lady in your position has many options to choose from. Do not feel that you are bound to remain

in this pack if you are unhappy here.” Santiago takes my hand and kisses it. It was meant to be a

charming gesture, but it falls considerably short as Santiago is young and you can tell that he’s never

kissed a woman’s hand before.

“Thank you, Alpha Fernando, Alpha Santiago. I am quite happy here.” I say, pulling my hand free from


Before I have a chance to move away, another Alpha is right there. This one is young, older than me

but not by too many years. His Alpha aura and charm flow off him like water flows over pebbles in a

creek. And I am Alpha Eric.” When he takes my hand and kisses it. I can tell this man is used to having

women fall at his feet. As much as I feel a pull to Clint, even I am captivated by his debonair nature. He

looks up at me, still bent over my hand and the look he gives me is smoldering.

Andra must also be affected because she comes forward. His smile is radiant as he winks at me before

standing up. “Is it true what they say about Guardians?” He asks me.

“I don’t know, what do they say?” I ask, finding myself responding to his flirtation in an equally flirtatious

way. It’s like he’s drawing it out of me without me being conscious of it.

“They say,” his eyes twinkle as he leans in as if this is some secret information that he is sharing with

me alone, “that a Guardian can defeat an Alpha in a battle.”

I shrug. I haven’t removed my hand from his. For some reason, he isn’t nearly as offensive as the

young. inexperienced Santiago. “Clint has defeated both Alpha Patrick and Alpha Anders in sparring


His smoldering eyes never leave mine, and now they are twinkling with mischief. “And what about you,

Lovely Lily. Have you ever defeated an Alpha?”

I realize that several of the Alphas surrounding us are now listening in to our conversation. “Alpha Eric.

are you truly willing to risk your reputation by losing against a she–wolf in a sparring match?”

“Not any she–wolf. A Guardian. And yes, I’d be willing to try my hand against you in a sparring match. I

don’t think my reputation would be damaged, not because I doubt your strength, but because you are a

Guardian. You are meant to be the strongest of us all, are you not?”

I feel heat at my back and the scent of apple pie lets me know that Clint is right behind me. “Lily is a

very strong Guardian. I’m quite sure she could take you, Alpha Eric.” He says as he wraps his hand

around my wrist and, not so subtly, pulls my hand from Alpha Eric’s.

“Then perhaps we can set up a sparring session tomorrow. I’ve never had the opportunity to go againstnovelbin


Guardian.” Alpha Eric says, never taking his eyes off me

“I’d be happy to spar with you, Alpha Eric.” Clint says to him.

Alpha Eric finally looks up at Clint. “It would be my privilege to go up against both of you, though not at

the same time. I don’t have a death wish. Afterall, how many Alphas can say that they have sparred

with both Guardians?”

“Two in this room.” Anders says, walking up and joining the conversation.

“I would also be interested in seeing If what they say about the Guardians is true. I can’t believe this

little girl could possibly defeat me.”

Alpha Patrick walks up and snorts. “And that would be your undoing, Alpha Benjamin. Lily defeated me

and Anders just this past week.”

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