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Chapter 55

Chapter 0055

Everything was perfect. Exactly as I had planned. I knew she’d be angry at first but unless she made a

public spectacle of leaving me on the dance floor, I have about four and a half minutes to tell her how I


I could see the change in her the minute I started telling her about her mother’s and father’s sacrifices.

Her surprise, her mouth dropping open as I went on and on about what her family had done for mine.

As I continued my story, I felt Kai push forward. He wanted Artemis to know that he was also part of

this, that he also appreciated what her parents had done for us. It has the desired effect as I see

Artemis push forward to join the conversation as well.

I was so right about the jewelry. It’s a perfect match to her eyes when Artemis is forward. Her beautiful

eyes which have haunted my dreams. Even though my entire focus is on her, I make sure that we

continue our dance and I’m pleasantly surprised that she does not have any trouble following my lead.

She’s perfect.

p to come

I continue to tell her that I’ve wanted to meet her for years, hoping across her at any pack event. Then

letting her know that I want her to get to know me. This is key. I want, no, I need her to fall in love with

me before she turns 18 and Artemis feels the mate bond. I want her to feel it before the bond takes

effect, to know that it is me that she wants in her life.

I can feel her shock at what I’ve said and how she is struggling to adjust her lifetime of thinking about

me with what I’ve just told her. I pull her closer, feeling my body tingling at the contact with her, even

through our clothes. I touch my forehead to hers, needing the skin to skin contact, but also making it

impossible. for her to look away from me. I want her to understand that this is just the beginning. I have

every intention of making her mine, showing her how wonderful our life can be together.

I can tell the minute that it has become a bit overwhelming for her as she changes the subject and asks

about my song choice. She seems completely taken off guard. when I tell her I chose the song for her. I

tell her some of the other choices I went through before choosing this one. I smile internally at her

blush when I mention ” 50 Shades of Grey‘ and asking if that’s her kink. Her blush is beautiful but, as

expected, she ignores my question and pushes back to her original question. I tell her I chose this one

because I had really hoped that she would wear the dress and jewelry I bought her. She did, and she

does look absolutely perfect.

So, when I tell her it was me that got them for her, I’m prepared when her steps


falter and I accommodate to make sure our dancing seems seamless to anyone watching.

When Artemis pushes forward and I hear them both thank us, Kai also pushes forward to reply with

me. He was desperate to have her in our arms, and now that she is, he is calm and content in my

head, practically willing to roll over and show Artemis his belly.

Then she asks me about the jewelry. So, someone recognized what I had done. Not hard if you’ve ever

seen Artemis in her eyes. But then I decide to go a step further and let her know that I’ve been

dreaming about her, hoping she won’t specifically ask about the dreams. She doesn’t ask outright, but

her devious smile gives her away. And, now I’m wondering if she’s been dreaming of me as well.

Goddess I hope so.

When she licks her lips, it is all I can do to not kiss her. I don’t know if she’s ready for that yet and I

don’t want to scare her off. ‘Kiss her! Kiss her!‘ Kai barks in my head. Instead, I tell her I’d rather save

that for our second date, setting it up for her to go out with me at least twice.

When she asks me if I’m counting this as a date and then gives me that grin, it reminds me of the first

lines of All of Me and why I nearly chose that song.

‘What would I do without your smart mouth?

Drawing me in and you kicking me out.

You’ve got my head spinning, no kidding

I can’t pin you down.”

Yeah, she has a smart mouth and one day, very soon, I’ll be punishing those beautiful lips with my own

when she gets smart with me.

But I don’t want her to think of me as her Alpha, I want her to think of me as her lover, her mate, hernovelbin

friend, her partner. So I ask her to call me Rik. I let her know that when I take her out, she will know it’s

a date. I’ve never had a reason or desire to really wine and dine a girl. They always fall at my feet and

don’t seem to expect much from me other than a possibility of being the next Luna, which was never an


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