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Chapter 549

Chapter 0549

I am so angry at Anna that I could literally tear her apart. I was on the verge of doing just that when Lily

stood in front of me. Her calming touch helped me to settle down, but it was her telling Patrick that she

would let me guard her again that finally had me settling.

I know that other Alphas will have heard about her by now and they will be coming for her. But I also

know, if I’m with her, they won’t get to her. No one will take my mate from me.

I don’t know how Lily can be so forgiving of what Anna did, but I can’t. I won’t forget that she put my

mate’s life in danger.

When we leave Patrick’s office, I walk her to her room.

“Clint, you’re dead on your feet. Come in and lay down.”

I don’t have the energy or the will to argue with her. She leaves her door cracked open and takes me to

her bed, tucking me in. “What are you going to do while I sleep?” I ask.

“I need to catch up on homework and then I’ll order food for us to have when you wake up.”

I pat the bed beside me. “I need to catch up on homework too, Lily bud. Probably a lot more than you

do, since I haven’t been able to focus all week. Come lay down with me. It will help me to sleep and

then we can start our homework over dinner. Deal?”

I honestly don’t need her to lay down with me. The scent of her is all over the bed and I could sleep

easily, but I’ve missed her so much. I just want to curl up around her,

She rolls her r eyes at me but comes over and crawls into bed. “I can’t sleep too long, otherwise I won’t


able to sleep tonight.”

“Wake me when you get up.” I say as I wrap my arms around her, my entire body relaxing, and I bury




face in her hair before I fall asleep.

When I feel Lily begin to stir, I wrap my arms more tightly around her. “Just a little while longer. I’m still

healing.” My voice much deeper than it should be.

That has my eyes shooting open, Lily’s head turning to look at me over her shoulder. “Donovan?” We


in unison.

“Mmhmmm.” He says, snuggling closer to Lily.

She turns over in my arms, facing me. She begins stroking my hair and my face as if Donovan was in

wolf form. Donovan immediately begins purring at her. “There’s that sound I love.” She says to him.

I watch her through Donovan’s eyes, letting him stay forward with her. Her touch will heal him too.

“How did he convince you to come back?” He asks her.

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I watch as Lily’s azure eyes shift to green and rim with gold as Andra comes forward. “He told us that


are your mates.”

Donovan nuzzles Andra’s nose. “You are. You are mine, little one.”

Andra’s answering purr makes it nearly impossible to hear their conversation. “I’m very happy about

that, even though I can’t feel it yet. Lily isn’t quite there, but Clint is being patient.”

“You both have every right to be angry with him. We are yours as much as you are ours. That she–wolf

is lucky to be alive. I wanted to kill her that night.”

Donovan begins rubbing his face on hers, trying to scent her, but it won’t work in our human form. The

meaning is still there, and Andra seems to appreciate the gesture. “What else did I miss?” He asks her.

Andra tells him and when she’s nearly done, there is a knock at the door before Calvin walks in,

carrying food. He stops when he sees both of our eyes shining gold.

“Guardians.” He nods his head, acknowledging our status and our wolves being forward. I watch as

Nolan, Calvin’s wolf pushes forward.

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She nods, sitting up. She has pulled Andra back, so Donovan shifts to the back of my mind to continue


“I’ll be there.” I say.

She turns and looks at me. “Clint…”

“Where you go, I go, Lily bud.”

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Chapter 0550

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