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Chapter 531

Chapter 0531

I did it. This weekend has been amazing, and I wanted to

ive myself to Clint. Maybe I should have waited another couple of weeks to see if he’s my mate. But

this weekend is perfect. This place is perfect, our time together has been perfect, and he has been

perfect. He is everything I have ever wanted in a mate. He’s funny, considerate, loving, caring. He is

constantly making sure my needs are met, that I’m happy. He hasn’t pushed me to do anything that I

didn’t want to do and it’s why I finally decided that

tonight was the night.

I don’t think I could have chosen a better time or place to lose my virginity. Clint made it so special. He

made me feel like I was precious to him, he made sure it was good for me and goddess was it good!

For once. I appreciate his sexual prowess. I got to reap the benefits of that knowledge tonight. Beyond

that. he told me he loved me. I’m not sure he realized that he said it, but I heard it, and it made my

heart soar.

His head is still beside mine, and our bodies are still joined. I kiss his shoulder and his neck, wishing I

was old enough to sink my teeth into his mating spot. He responds by kissing my shoulder and I feel

his teeth graze my mating mark, causing my inner walls to contract around him and my body to shiver.

He lifts up, looking at me before leaning in to rub his nose against mine. “How do you feel Lily bud?”

“A bit sore, but good.”

“No regrets?”

“No regrets.” I kiss him gently and he responds just as gently, treating me as if I am a treasure.

We hear Anders and Calista return, and Clint slides out of me. Instead of laying flat, he curls up behind

me, wrapping his arms and his body around me. I sigh contentedly as Donovan begins purring. I can

feel it in my body as his chest is pressed against my back and it’s just as soothing as if I was laying on


chest. It doesn’t take long before I drift off to sleep.

The next morning, I wake up slowly. I feel different and it takes a moment for the events of last night to

come back to me. I open my eyes and turn my head to look at Clint behind me. His eyes are open, and


shifts, laying back so I can turn over.

“How do you feel this morning, Lily bud?”

I stretch, feeling some soreness between my thighs. “A bit sore, but overall, I feel really good.”

I look up at him. “How do you feel?”

“I feel like the luckiest man in the world.”

I smile shyly at him, before tucking my head against his chest. He begins to run his fingers through my

hair, massaging my scalp.

“What are we doing today?” I ask.


“Today is a free day. We need to check in with Patrick and make sure that Alpha Mahli is leaving today.

but we don’t have anything specific planned.” I feel him look down at me. “Is there something younovelbin


like to do today, Lily bud?”

I shrug. “Let’s ask Anders and Cali, but I would be fine just walking around, maybe looking at some of


local shops and just enjoying the area.”

“I think that sounds like a good plan.”

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I’m a bit sad to leave here, I’ve enjoyed our time relaxing, and it has given me time to really enjoy Clint.

He’s different away from the pack, more calm, more himself.”

After a fantastic day where we walked around our town, walked the marina, shopped in a cute art store.

with paintings of the local area, and had a final lobster dinner, we finally decide to call it a night.

That night, Clint makes love to me again. It’s the only way to describe it. It’s not just sex, it’s so special

that I know I’ll never forget this weekend. I wish it would last though. I really hope that he’s my mate.

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