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Chapter 524

Chapter 0524

When we arrive, I can see that the area where we are staying is gorgeous. The air is cool and crisp, but

everything is starting to bloom after their harsh winter. When we get to the vacation home that Alpha

Patrick rented for us, there are only two bedrooms. I’ll have to talk to Cali about our sleeping

arrangements. I’d prefer to sleep with Clint, but I don’t want to make her uncomfortable, or force Anders

to sleep on the couch.novelbin

After we drop off our bags, we head out to look around. We walk to the Harbor and the air coming off

the water is chilly. Clint wraps his arms around me as we watch the boats heading out for the day.

“It’s beautiful!” Cali says and I turn to see that Anders has wrapped his arms around her as well. She

doesn’t seem upset with the touch or his closeness.

We find a coffee shop and I feel myself relaxing for the first time in a long time. I feel carefree away


the demands of school, the pack and my parents. After coffee, we find that our hike is scheduled for


afternoon. We head back to the vacation house and change into clothes more suitable for hiking.

We drive out to the mountain range and find a place to park. The information that Clint and Anders

have on the hike is that we are on pack property, and humans can’t hike here. Normally, we would shift

into our wolves, but instead, we stay on foot and begin climbing.

It’s beautiful, the landscape, the view, all of it. As we’re hiking, Clint and I start to pull away from Cali


Anders. Cali isn’t as in shape as the rest of us, not participating in training like we do. Clint and I start to

find rocks and areas where we can test our strength and speed without actually training. We’re


and play fighting trying to beat each other at every “test‘ we set up for ourselves.

“Are they always like this?” I hear Cali ask.

“I’m not sure. Maybe it’s a Guardian thing.” Anders replies.



Clint and I are racing to the top of a boulder. He bet me a kiss that I couldn’t beat him. I keep moving

ahead of him and he keeps grabbing my foot and pulling me back. When we finally reach the top, we

both bend over, laughing and panting at our antics. I look down and see that Cali is riding on Anders

back. He

doesn’t look phased at all that he is hiking with the weight of another person on his back.

Clint pulls me to him. “You lost.” He says, before taking my lips in a scorching kiss.

“You cheated.” I tell him when we pull away.

“All’s fair in love and war.” He says kissing me again..

I laugh. “And which is this? Love or war?”

“Love, absolutely.”

I look at him, waiting for the smirk or laughter. It doesn’t come. He is completely serious. I’m on the


? +15 RONUS

of kissing him when Anders finally makes his way up the boulder, Cali hanging on him like a monkey.

“Cali, I can’t believe you made Anders carry you!” I exclaim, running over to help him.

“Made him? He insisted on carrying me. I told him to put me down, but he refused.”

“I’ve got her Lily. She barely weighs anything.” Anders says, standing up. He’s not even winded.

We sit and enjoy the view before starting our descent. We have dinner plans tonight and according to

Anders, his father made reservations at a nice restaurant for all of us.

We get back to the house, and I take the opportunity when the guys are showering to talk to Cali about

the sleeping arrangements.

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“Are you sure, Cali. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

“I’m sure.” She tells me.

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of their getaway!


Chapter 0525

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