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Chapter 521

Chapter 0521

Aaron has some serious balls. That or he’s desperate and stupid. I’m going with the latter. Threating

your Alpha is punishable by banishment or death. Directly ignoring a demand from your Alpha is also

punishable by banishment. My guess is that Aaron will be spending a night or two in the cells for that

little stunt.

I drop Lily off at her room and kiss her goodnight, knowing it won’t be long before I see her on the roof.

Not unexpectedly, I hear the tell–tale throat clearing behind me.

“I’ll see you soon Lily bud.” I tell her before turning to Calvin.

I walk over to him but wait until her door is closed before speaking. “Aaron was waiting for us when we

got back. He’s trying to convince Lily that she should come home, and he also basically threatened


Calvin snarls at that. “What the fuck is he thinking?”

His eyes go unfocused and I’m guessing Patrick just mind linked him. He nods. “Aaron is heading for

the cells. I’m going with the Patrick to get him.”

At least Lily will be safe from him for another couple of days. If Aaron is desperate, there’s no telling

what he will do.

I go up to my room, ready to see my mate. I can’t wait for the day when I can move her up here to be

with me all day, every day. Laying in bed with her earlier today was incredible. I love all our time

together, but the bed was a lot softer than the blankets on the roof.

I know Lily is tired, so I hurry to get to the roof. I’m climbing down from my window as I see her climbing

up. I race over to help her, and we lay down together, her curling onto my chest, her hand gently

rubbing my chest over my shirt. I’m still wondering if she knows she does that, or if it’s a subconscious

thing that Andra does to feel closer to Donovan. Donovan begins purring and I begin rubbing her scalp,

gently running my fingers through her hair. I know this is all it takes to put her to sleep.

However, tonight, her hand slides under my shirt and the feel of her hand on my stomach and chest

has me going instantly hard.

“Lily?” I ask, wondering what she’s doing. She’s been very clear about not having sex, so if this is

something else, I want to know what it is.

“I like touching your skin. It feels….good.” I feel her shrug in my arms.

I lean up, pulling my shirt off over my head before laying back down. “You won’t get cold?”

“I’m a wolf Lily bud, we don’t get cold, or not easily.” I tell her.

She lays back down and this time it’s Andra that’s purring, feeling her skin against mine.


“You could always take your top off too, if you wanted.” I say, not expecting her to do it. But my little

mate surprises me. She sits up, taking off her top before grabbing the blanket I had thrown over top of

us and laying back down, skin to skin from the waist up.

Andra’s purring gets louder and so does Donovan’s. I don’t think there is a place on earth that would

feel better than this does right now. The tingles, while still soft, are there. I have felt them getting

stronger as Lily gets closer to her birthday. This is the most we’ve touched skin to skin when there

wasn’t anything else going on. We’re not arguing, Lily isn’t upset over something with her father. It

gives both of us a chance to just enjoy the feel of being wrapped up together.

I listen as her heart rate slows and her breathing evens out and after Andra’s purring fades in her

sleep. Donovan and I drift off as well.

That week we get back to our new normal. We train with the warriors in the morning. Aaron isn’t part of

morning training, so we don’t have any run–ins with him. He’s released on Wednesday from the cells,

but he’s restricted to only joining afternoon training when Lily and I train individually.

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Calista has started joining us for dinner at the packhouse several nights a week. She and Lily have

developed a good relationship with Olivia and Naomi.

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Anders and I tell Calista and Lily that we’ll meet them in our study room after we talk to–Patrick. When

we walk into his office, he tells us to have a seat. Calvin closes the door but continues to stand.

Whatever this is, isn’t good.novelbin

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