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Chapter 509

Chapter 0509

I’m so thankful that Calista agreed to go on a date with Anders. His voice is the worst voice I’ve ever

heard in my life. For a man who is so good at so many

things, he’s terrible at singing.

My mate looks so fucking sexy tonight. It took all of my self–restraint not to throw her over my shoulder

and take her upstairs to change. I’ve already had to snarl at several wolves who were looking at what is

mine. I hate that she’s not old enough to wear my mark. At least she still smells like Donovan. It’s the

only thing that’s keeping him from going off tonight.

When we get inside the dance club, the music is thumping. I lean down to speak in Lily’s ear. “Do you

want a drink, or do you want to dance?”

“Dance!” She yells over the music.

I look at Anders and it looks like Calista wants to dance as well. We follow them out to the dance floor,

and I post up against the wall, watching over my mate. Anders moves to a raised stage area so he can

look out over the crowd.

The girls begin dancing together. I periodically growl lowly when someone starts to approach them and

once, I have to go up and physically push a guy away. A club bouncer comes up to me, ready to throw

me out. I flash Donovan’s golden eyes at him, and he puts his hands up and walks away. After that, no

one messes with either of them.

Lily just shakes her head at me. She’s moving in a way that I can’t watch for too long. She may be

inexperienced in sex, but she seems to inherently know how to move in a way that makes every man

here want her. She’s sensual and sexy in her movements and it’s effortless. She’s not trying to be sexy,

she’s just enjoying being with her friend and swaying her body to the music.

When a slow song comes on, Anders and I move in. I take Lily’s arm, turning her and pulling her arm

around my neck while I pull her body against mine. I begin swaying to the music. She wraps her other

arm around my neck, and she leans in so our cheeks are touching.

I wrap my arms around her waist, my hands touching her skin and I close my eyes just enjoying her

orange and ginger scent. Her body fits perfectly against mine. We sway for a moment before I pull back

and look at her. I lean in and press my lips against hers. I feel her body tense at such a public display,

but it only takes a minute for her to tilt her head, giving me access to her mouth. Her fingers go into my

hair, her nails scraping down my scalp, sending goosebumps

over my skin.

I slide my tongue into her mouth, loving her taste. I forget where we are, I tune out the music. There is

only her and me, her body pressed against mine and this delicious taste. I could stay here in this

moment forever.

But, unfortunately, that’s not in the plan. Calista comes over, tapping Lily on the back. “Come with me

to the bathroom.” She yells over the music. I haven’t let Lily go yet, so when she turns around, I give

her a quick kiss on her lips and release her. They turn and head toward the bathrooms. Anders and I


Lily sees me and turns. “What are you doing?”

“We’re in charge of your safety. Anders and I will be waiting outside the bathroom for you two.”


“I take protection detail very seriously.” I tell her.

“It’ll be a minute. This romper isn’t easy to get off and on.”

“Need some help?” I smirk at her.

“Cali will help, thanks.” She says before walking into the bathroom with Cali.

Anders and I lean against the wall opposite the bathroom. “So, Lily seemed very receptive to that kiss.”

I shrug. I love Anders like a brother, but my relationship with Lily is private. It was never an issue

before, but none of the other women were my mate. Lily is. different, she is special.

“I hope Calista gets to that point with me.”

“Did you kiss her?” I ask him, noticing that he’s looking a bit forlorn.

“It was a quick peck. I could tell Lily kissing you like she did was a surprise for Cali.”

“It didn’t happen overnight with me and Lily. Give it time and let her go at her pace. I think that’s the


He nods as they come back out. Lily is shifting around in her outfit. “We’re going to get a drink.” She

says, starting to walk past me.

I grab her, pulling her in front of me and untying the ties on the back of her romper. “Hold on.”

I retie them, shifting it so it’s even. “Better?” I ask her.


“Much, thank you.”

We walk up to the bar and Anders turns around to us. “What do

“Water.” Lily answers immediately.

you want?”

“Two.” I tell him. It takes a lot to get me drunk, but if my mate is drinking water,

then so am I.

She and Calista down their water in three gulps and then they are ready to go back out on the dance

floor. The rest of the night is the same. Lily and Calista dance to the fast songs, and when a slow song

comes on, I pull Lily into a dance and kiss her until one of comes back to reality.novelbin

When they call it a night, we head back to the packhouse. Calista is staying over with Lily since we

were out so late. Anders and I walk them to Lily’s room. As Anders is saying goodnight to Calista, I pull

Lily in close. “Will I see you later?” I whisper quietly.

She looks at me and nods, before reaching up and kissing me again.

There’s a throat clearing that makes me pull away and turn to look at Lily’s door. Calvin. Fucking


“Anders, Clint. It’s after hours.”

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“Goodnight.” He says to us, meaningfully.

“Night Calvin.” We say in unison as we walk to the stairs.

We walk upstairs and I’m anxious to shower and get to the roof.

“Best job ever.” Anders says.

“Definitely.” I reply. “When are you taking Calista out?”

“Tomorrow. I’m taking her out in the afternoon, then to dinner then to the overlook.”

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Chapter 0510

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