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Chapter 507

Chapter 0507

Okay, Clint confessing that his mate will be his everything made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I

almost want to be his mate if that’s really how he feels. I’ve never wanted to be with him, but the way

he talks about his mate makes me consider changing my mind.

When we get back to the packhouse, I go to my room and look for an outfit for tonight. Cali is comingnovelbin

over and we’ll get ready together before we meet up with my guards for the evening. It’s nothing fancy,

but I also like to make sure I look good when I go out. You never know when you’re going to meet your

mate. Not that I’m old enough yet to know, but if he’s there, better to make a good first impression. And

who knows, maybe Clint will show up.

So, I’m wearing a black fringe romper with black high heels. Calista chose her usual elegance, with a

colorful sequined dress that looks great on her. She’s wearing gold heels and we’ve both done up our

hair. I’m leaving mine down in its usual fat curls, but Calista has straightened her dark blond hair, so it

falls to the top of her butt cheeks. After making sure our makeup is flawless and grabbing our small

purses, we head downstairs.

As we walk down the stairs, I see Alpha Patrick talking to Anders and Clint. Clint is wearing a black t

shirt that looks like it was painted on him and black jeans. The whole outfit makes him look sexy and

dangerous. The only difference in his outfit and Anders‘ is that Anders is wearing a jacket. Where Clint

looks like a Calvin Klein model, Anders looks like a movie star.

I feel Calista reach over and squeeze my hand. She’s not immune to how great they look either and as

I look around, I see the covetous looks of every she–wolf in the room. No worries girls, they aren’t here

for us.

“Good evening, Alpha.” I say to Alpha Patrick. I turn and nod my head, acknowledging Clint and


I hear Clint growl. “What are you wearing?”

I frown at him, then look down at myself. “It’s a romper.”

“You look lovely, Calista.” Anders says to her.

“Thank you, Alpha. It looks like the two of you have dates tonight. I hope you have a nice evening.” She

links her arm through mine. “We certainly plan to.”

I can tell Cali’s hiding her jealousy. I’m right there with her. Clint and Anders. have been showing us so

much attention, it almost felt as though they really

wanted to date us. Yet, here they are, ready to take out some other she–wolves. Not only are they

going out, but they’re dressed to impress.

I turn to look at Alpha Patrick. “Alpha, we’re ready to go. Who did you have in mind to be my guards


Alpha Patrick smiles at me like I’m missing the joke. “You’re looking at them, Lily.”

My head whips around to look at Clint and Anders, and I hear Calista gasp.

“You two are my guards?” I ask.

Clints smiles at me with a Cheshire Cat grin. “Yep.”

Anders looks at Cali. “I guess that makes you my date.” He says and holds his

arm out to her.

She looks at me then unlinks her arm from me and links it with Anders. Clint comes up to me and does

the same. I link my arm through his. I know it’s my imagination, but I swear I can hear hissing from

every female in the room. The jealousy that Cali and I are going out with the two most eligible

bachelors in the pack is thick in the air.

Anders has his father’s SUV, and both he and Clint open the passenger doors for us. Once we are in

our seats, they walk around to the other side, Anders sliding into the driver’s seat and Clint sliding in

beside me.

“So, where to?” Anders says.

“Dark Moon. They have a place where we can get some food and later we can go. dance.” Cali tells


He smiles at her, and I know that look. It’s the look that Clint gives me. When I turn to look at Clint, he’s

frowning down at my legs. I look down seeing nothing wrong. “What?”

“Those may be shorts, but they are awfully short.”

“Well then, I guess you’ll earn your money tonight, making sure no guy puts his hands on me.” I joke.

His answering snarl is anything but playful. “No one will touch you.”

“Geez, I was kidding. Relax.”

“Yeah, relax Clint. Lily looks great. If you’re going to be a wet blanket, we’re

going to leave you at home and let Anders be Lily’s bodyguard tonight.” Cali tells him.


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His smile is smug and mischievous. “You think I look sexy?”

I shake my head at him. “You know you do. Don’t go fishing for compliments.”


Chapter 0508

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