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Chapter 498

Chapter 0498

As Calista collects herself, she looks from Lily to me. “This is why. This is why you are spending so

much time together.”

“Yes.” Lily says to her.

I move to Lily, standing beside her. “I’m going to be training Lily and making sure that she is safe. But

you know what this means, Calista, especially in light of what we know about her father.”

Her eyes go from me to Lily. “You must have been terrified this weekend.”

Lily takes a step toward Calista, just as the door swings open. I move to block Lily from whoever is

walking in as Andra is still shining in her eyes.

“I thought I was clear about the door staying open.” Patrick says, walking in.

“I’m sorry Alpha, it’s my fault.” Lily says, not turning around. “I needed to show Calista something

private.” She turns, showing Andra in her eyes.

Patrick turns, closing the door. “Calista, this is a lot of information and it’s dangerous for Lily if thisnovelbin

information gets out. I expect that what she has shown you here will stay in this room.” He says, using

his Alpha tone.

“Cali knows how to keep a secret, dad, and she’s a good friend. She wouldn’t do that to Lily.” Anders

jumps to her defense.

Patrick looks at all of us in the room. “I would suggest that this conversation not include anyone else in

the pack. At least not until I have figured out how to keep Lily safe once the secret is out.”

“Can’t we just keep it a secret until she turns 18? That’s only a couple months. away.” Cali says.

“It’s not that easy.” I tell her. “When we spar, Andra comes out. It’s not something we can control, or not

easily. Our wolves are warriors, and their strength pushes through us, frequently showing in our eyes.”

“Well, I’ll do whatever I can to help.” Calista says, reaching out and pulling Lily into a hug. “You’re my

best friend and I love you. Whatever you need from me, you let me know.”

“Thanks Cali. I love you too.” Lily says, hugging her back.

“I’m taking Cali home, dad. I’ll come see you when I get back.” Anders says before pulling Calista’s bag

off her shoulder and throwing it over his.


I grab Lily’s books and stack them on mine before guiding her out to the hall, nodding at Patrick as we

pass. “We’ll see you in the morning, Cali.” Lily says. before we walk upstairs.

I walk Lily to her room before handing her books back to her. I wait until she opens her door, standing

in her doorway, making sure everything looks normal. ” Text me if you have trouble sleeping tonight.” I

tell her.

She sets her books on her desk before coming back to the door. “Thanks Clint. I really do appreciate

everything you are doing for me.”

I’m just about to lean down and kiss her when I hear someone clear their throat behind me. “It’s after–

hours Clint.” Calvin says to me.

I turn and look at him over my shoulder. He’s in the same position at his door, arms crossed over his

chest, just like last night. “I was just walking Lily to her room after our study session, Calvin.” I turn back

to Lily and roll my eyes. She giggles, making me smile.

“See you in the morning, Lily.” I say before heading back to my room.

When I get back, I grab my guitar. I’m still practicing when Anders walks in and flops down on a chair.

“You know that sounds like you’re killing cats.”

“How do you know what killing cats sounds like?” I ask him, continuing my practice.

“Because I’ve been listening to you do it every night for days!” He says.

I strum my next chord. “How was your walk?” I ask him, knowing he’s been wanting alone time with


He smiles, his eyes lost in a memory. “It was good.”

I strum another chord, before looking over at him. “Did she agree to go out with you yet?”

“No, but she did say she enjoyed studying with me more than she thought she would.”

I snort. “So, basically she thought you were a dumb Alpha but now she knows you actually have a


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I laugh at that. “I like her more and more.”

“How about you, you walked Lily to her room.”



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“So, your mom didn’t scare Calista away with her dinner invitation?” I ask after

a moment.

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