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Chapter 493

Chapter 0493

I’m warm and comfortable when some rude person starts shaking me awake

“Lily, wake up, we have to get back to your room.

That jolts me awake and 1 shoot up. I’m outside, on the roof with Clint. I fell asleep. I’d been tossing

and turning all night and on impulse, I texted him. When he brought me up here, I was ready to stompnovelbin

right back to my room until he told me I was the only one he’d every brought up here. And then I fell

asleep, almost immediately. Between Clint’s fingers in my hair and Donovan’s purring in my ear, I didn’t

stand a chance.

Clint is standing up, holding out his hand to me. “We have to get you back to your room before anyone


“What time is it?” I ask, moving off the blanket and letting him fold it up and put it back where he stores


“Early, but not early enough. We both fell asleep.” He gets to the slanted roof and carefully slides down

before turning, reaching out for me with one hand and putting a finger to his lips. The universal sign to

be quiet. He helps me down and we scoot across the ledge before he helps me back into my room.

“Meet me downstairs in 15 minutes.” He whispers and I start to hear the warriors. moving around below

us. My eyes widen and I nod before quickly closing the window.

I rush to get dressed, quickly use the bathroom and brush my teeth before grabbing my hair tie and

leaving my room. As I’m walking downstairs, I hear someone coming up behind me. I turn and it’s Clint.

“Good morning, Lily. Did you sleep well?” He asks me with a goofy grin as if he didn’t just see me a few

minutes ago.

“It took me awhile to fall asleep, but when I did, I slept very well. Thank you,


“Patrick told me the warriors will be running and sparring this morning, so we’re taking the obstacle


Over the next hour and a half, he pushes me hard. He’s forcing me to test my strength and speed and

I’m quickly realizing that I am stronger and faster than I


When he asks me to start jumping long distances, I hesitate. I’ve never been good.

at leaping distances. Andra’s great at it. Me, not so much. Clint takes his time showing the how to push

off with my feet, use my strength and basically testing my ability. By the time we are done, I’m leaping

the same distance that he can.

Nice! You’ll need to learn what your abilities are now that you are a Guardian. We’ll continue to

practice, but this was a good start today.” He tells me as wan climb down the obstacles to get back to

the ground.

When we get there, Alpha Patrick, watching us. “Nice job, Lily. It looked like Clint was putting you

through your paces up there.” He says.

I’m still out of breath when I reply. “Yes. But it was fun. I’m stronger than I was even a couple of days


“I’m glad to hear it. Did Clint tell you I’d like to assess your training every couple of days?”

I look at Clint. He mentioned that it might be the case, but not that it was definite. I turn back Alpha

Patrick. “He mentioned something about that. What were you thinking? How can I show you what I’m


He gives me a wicked grin. “You’ll have to spar with me or Calvin.”

Clint laughs at what must be a terrified look on my face. “Don’t worry, Lily. I won’t let you fail. We’ll spar

this afternoon and see how you do.” Clint assures

1. me.

Before we can walk away, Patrick stops us. “There is another reason I came to see you, Lily.”

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