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Chapter 480

Chapter 0480

I turn and look at Alpha Mahli and try to swallow the food around the lump in my throat. I definitely have

a bad feeling about this.

After breakfast, Alpha Mahli gives me a tour of the packhouse, including his personal bedroom. Gross.

It’s just as dark as the rest of the packhouse. I also realize that he has put me on the Alpha floor across

from his room. Yeah, I’ll be locking my door tonight.

Then, he gives me a tour of the pack lands. I realize that he’s taking every opportunity to touch me

possible, finding reasons to put his hand on my back to guide‘ me, or sliding his hand across my back

when he goes to point at

something. The hairs on the back on my neck are standing on end and all I want to do is get away from

this guy.

I do find out that he’s been an Alpha for nearly 15 years and his fated mate died. I try to consider that

maybe that’s why he’s so awkward and why he likes the dark, but I can’t reconcile it in my mind.

Finally, he drops me off at my room, telling me he needs to do some work and that dinner will be in two

hours. I wait until I hear his footsteps walk away before locking the door. The first thing I do is open the

blinds, letting sunshine in. Then I find my bag and grab my phone. I send Clint a text, hoping that I’ll

hear back, but doubting that it will happen. I know they are out hunting and fighting rogues. I feel like I

need a tether to my real life to combat the eerie feeling I have about what’s happening here.

When I don’t get a response, I decide to take a shower and lay down for a while. I doze off and am

awakened to the sounds a metal scraping on metal. I turn and see that Alpha Mahli has used a key to

unlock my door and is walking into the


“You’ve slept the afternoon away, Lily. It’s time to get up and come have dinner.” He starts walking over

to me and I quickly hop off the bed.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. Let me brush my hair and I’ll be ready to go.” I say, darting toward the ensuite


“Actually, I bought you a dress to wear for dinner. Your father gave me your size. I’d like you to wear it

tonight. I have something special planned.”

“Will my father be joining us?” I ask, hoping the answer is yes.

“No, his…..business, is keeping him busy tonight.” By the way he says ‘business‘



I get the feeling that it’s not business at all. But, if it’s not, I don’t know why we’d be here.

“Okay, where is the dress?”

He goes to the closet and pulls out a red satin dress with black lace overlay. It’s strapless and the black

lace falls farther than the satin which looks like it will barely cover my backside. Honestly, it looks more

like sexy lingerie than something that I would wear to dinner. And if I was choosing my own lingerie,

this wouldn’t be my color scheme. It matches the tawdry décor of the packhouse.

“I think it will go beautifully with your brown hair.” He says, handing me the dress while sliding his

fingers through my hair. My body shivers in revulsion at his touch, but his smile and the darkening of

his eyes leads me to believe he thinks I like his touch.

“I’ll wait here while you put it on.” He says, stepping back. I’m not sure if he thinks I’m going to strip in

front of him, but no, that’s not happening. I walk into the bathroom and firmly shut the door, listening tonovelbin

make sure he isn’t going to come in.

I quickly change into the dress and I’m just getting myself adjusted in the top when he opens the door

without knocking.

He looks me up and down. “Beautiful. And there are these.” He hands me a pair of what must be 5 inch

red and black stiletto platform heels. I lean down and put them on my feet. When I stand, I’m nearly as

tall as he is.

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“As you may have guessed Lily, I am a wealthy Alpha. I am in the business of making money.”

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“The business of luck and dreams.” He says. Whatever that means.

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“Alpha.” The ma?tre d‘ bows his head. “We have your table set up and ready for you.”

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