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Chapter 472

Chapter 0472

If Aaron Raines thinks he’s going to keep me from my mate, he has another thing coming. He may not

know she’s my mate, but every other father in this pack would be thrilled that I wanted to take their

daughter out.

I wait until I hear the shower running before grabbing a pair of shorts hidden in the trees for when we

shift and going to her front door. I knock, waiting. When the door opens, it’s her father.

“Mr. Raines.” He steps outside, closing the door.

“Clint Nelson. What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to speak to you about dating your daughter.”

“Stay away from my daughter.” He says, turning around and slamming the door in my face. What


As soon as I leave, I go to find Anders. I find him in his room. I don’t bother with pleasantries. “I need

your help.”

He stands up, seeing that I’m irritated, pacing in his room.

“Whatever you need Clint.” He says, coming to put a hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down.

“Aaron Raines doesn’t want Lily going out with me.” I can see the tips of his lips pulling up as he tries

not to laugh at my situation. I, however, can’t find the humor in it. She’s my fucking mate and NO ONE

will keep me from her.

“Nevermind, I’ll figure it out myself.” I snarl, turning to walk out.

He grabs my arm, holding me in place. There is no evidence of a smile now. “I never said I wouldn’t

help you, Clint. You’ve always been my friend first, my brother. I would do anything in my power to help

you and this is in my power. Why don’t we go down to dinner and you can fill me in. I’ll make a call

afterward and straighten this all out.

And this is why Anders will make a good Alpha. Unlike me, that can go off all hot- headed, he keeps his

wits about him and thinks things through, strategizing the best way to handle something.

I nod. “Thanks man.”

He puts his arm around my shoulders, leading me out of his room. “That’s what we do, right? We help

each other.”


Over dinner, I explain everything to Anders. He whistles appreciatively. “I can help you with her dad, but

you need to/

things out with Lily. Are you sure you want me to intervene? It might cause more problems between

you and her.”

“I’ll figure that out, but yes, please do this for me.”

“Okay, just know I won’t interfere if Lily kicks your ass for this.” He says and we walk back up to his


He dials the phone, and I can hear when Aaron answers.

“Aaron, this is Alpha Anders. How are you this evening?”

I hear Aaron respond, before Anders continues.

“I’m wondering if you can help me with something.” He says. Nice. Get him to agree to comply before

telling him what it is you want from him.novelbin

“I understand you don’t want your daughter seeing my Guardian. Is that correct?

I snort when Aaron says he meant no disrespect.

“So, you won’t stand in the way of Clint taking Lily out this Sunday as planned?”

I breathe a sigh of relief when I hear him say he won’t stand in the way, not that he would go against

Anders, but he could as Lily’s father.

“If you have any concerns about my Guardian seeing your daughter, please bring them to me or my

father, we will be happy to mediate a discussion to resolve any issues.”

When he hangs up, he looks at me. “You should consider telling him that you are. Lily’s mate. It may

change his mind about you.”

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However, I realize quickly that Anders was right. Lily is furious with me. She


barely speaks to me on the car ride to school and when I follow her to her locker, she pulls me into a

hallway before lashing out.

“How dare you! How dare you go to Anders and have him call my father.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “I told you I wasn’t going to sneak around, Lily.”

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