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Chapter 458

Chapter 0458

As we walk toward our lockers, Cali leans into me. “Did Clint just wink at you?”

“Looked like it.”

“Obviously you made an impression on him.”

“I guess. Whatever, it doesn’t matter.” I say as a hand comes down on my open locker door and heat

seeps into my back. I look over my shoulder and see Lucas. I want a rematch tomorrow, beautiful.”

“Are you sure you’re ready for that kind of embarrassment Lucas?”

He leans his 6’2” frame down to my smaller 5’6” frame, his lips grazing my ear. “Winner buys dinner

Friday night.”

“Is this your creepy way of asking me out Lucas?” I say closing my locker door and turning toward him.

From the corner of my eye, I see Clint scowling in our direction. I wouldn’t be bothered, but Anders is

making his way toward Calista and Clint is right beside him.

“What if it is?” Lucas asks me.

“Then I’d say you need better lines, Lucas.” I turn to Cali. “We’ve got to move, fast.”

Her head pops

and starts layer. She sees Anders and Clint headed our way. Lucas turns too

and starts laughing. “Good luck with that.”

We take off in the fastest walk we can without actually running, ducking in and out of other students to

get away. “You can run, but you can’t hide Calista.” We hear Anders chuckling as we head to our

classes. He’s right, since they have two classes together.

My first class is fine, but my second, Chemistry, I have with Clint. Today, he decides that he is my new

lab partner. “Kevin, switch partners with me.”novelbin

I raise my eyebrow at him. “Excuse me. Kevin is a great partner and I have no desire to switch.” Okay,

that’s not exactly true. Kevin’s a mediocre partner but having to stand close to Clint during our labs

every day for the rest of the year, possibly touching him, sounds like torture. I may not want to be with

the man, but that doesn’t mean that my body and my wolf are immune to his power and dominance.

‘Mmmm, and have you seen his wolf?‘ Andra asks me.


“Yes, Donovan’s as big or bigger than Zakai.‘ Zakai is Alpha Anders wolf. ‘You know that’s because

he’s a Guardian. They have the strength of an Alpha, or in Clint’s case, I actually think he’s stronger

than Alpha Anders.‘

‘I’d love to rub myself all over that fine specimen.‘

‘Down girl. We need to get through this class without smelling like we want to jump his bones.‘

“Done talking to your wolf?” Clint asks me and I see that Kevin has moved away. It’s not like he was

going to challenge Clint to stay.

“Yes.” I say and grab my chemistry book to begin today’s experiment.

I’m trying to ignore Clint, but he leans in. “I bet she likes me.”

“You’re implying that I don’t like you, Guardian.”

A soft growl comes from his chest and he’s standing so close that I can feel it. “I told you to call me


“Right, Clint. Well, my wolf is like every other she–wolf out there. She is drawn to strength and power

and we both know, that as a Guardian, you have both. So, your statement of the obvious seems like a

pathetic way to have me give you a compliment. If your ego is so fragile that you need me to tell you

that my wolf finds yours appealing, then consider yourself complimented.” I say before turning back to

my book.

I hear him chuckling before I feel his breath against my neck. “Beautiful, there is nothing about me that

is fragile.”

“Good to know. Let’s get started, shall we?”

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At the end of class, as we’re cleaning and putting our items away for the next class, he compliments

me. “You’re good at chemistry. I wasn’t expecting that.”

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“You really don’t like me, do you?” He asks and I swear I hear a bit of hurt in his tone. But that can’t be

right, why would he care what I think of him.


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Chapter 0459

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