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Chatper 426

Chapter 0426

After checking in with Carlos that everyone has been assigned a place to stay temporarily, I walk

around the packhouse making sure that everyone is getting settled and has everything they need.

Once I see that each room is full and they have bedding and clothing. I head out to walk around

the pack.

I stop by all the houses that have volunteered to house the newcomers and check that the new pack

members are settled and there aren’t any problems. Most everyone seems to be adjusting and settling


When I return to the packhouse. I find my mate already asleep in our bed. I shower off the grime from

the last couple of days and join her, falling quickly to sleep.

The next morning over breakfast, I call a meeting for all the new pack members as well as the ranked

members, excluding Sirona who is still taking care of those in the hospital.

“Good morning, everyone and welcome to Safe Haven Pack. I hope you slept well and have full

bellies.” There is a lot of low rumbled agreement. I introduce the ranked members to the new pack.

“As you have seen, our pack is in the process of rebuilding. This means that you have the opportunity

to build your own home.” I explain to them the payment and repayment requirements. of building their


“In addition, you will be assigned to a work detail within the pack. If you have a skill set that you feel is

marketable, you can let me or Beta Carlos know and we will get you on the list to have a storefront built

on our new Main Street. Otherwise, we have plenty of work within the pack that needs to be done. Over

the next couple of days while you are getting settled in and learning the boundaries of our pack lands,

your ranked members will be meeting with you, assessing your skills and assigning you to your place in

the pack. Any questions?”

I answer some questions about the work they used to do and if they will still be doing that. payment for

their work and things like that. After all the questions are answered. I turn it over to Grace.

“We are happy to have all of you here, and you are welcome, as long as you follow the rules of this

pack. You will respect your ranked members and we will respect you. You can ask anyone here if they

are mistreated, and they will tell you that they are not. That goes for everyone in the pack. This pack is

called Safe Haven for a reason. If you have a disagreement with someone, you either work it out with

them, or if you can’t, you come to one of your ranked members. Violence is not allowed. Abuse of any

kind, to anyone, is not allowed. If you are found being abusive to anyonenovelbin

within the pack, you will be punished and given a warning. If it happens again, you will be banished. If

you do not think that you can live under these rules, you are free to leave. However, if you agree to this

life, one that you and your pack will build together, then we will be holding a ceremony tomorrow night

for you to swear your allegiance to Safe Haven and officially join our


“If you have any further questions, feel free to join us up here and we’ll be happy to answer your

questions. Otherwise, enjoy the day, please feel free to walk around the pack, see what we are building

here and talk to the other pack members.” I tell them before dismissing them.

We had about 150 come back with us. I don’t know that all of them will stay, but many have pups

and would be safer in a pack than on their own. Several pack members come up, wanting to start

working right away. They appreciate the ability to build their own homes and make money for the work

they do, and they want to get started as soon as possible. For those that can work in construction, I

send them out with Noah to have Perry find work for them. Several are carpenters,

and I call Jeremy over to assess their skills and see if they can work for him.

While we have taken in many omegas, they are still recovering and will need another day or two before

they can begin working. However, their desire to work and make sure that they show their

worth in the pack is strong so Grace and Amber set them up to meet with Cammy and Summer to

see what they can do. Grace called Anna over as well, so I’m assuming we have some

seamstresses in the new group.

After the first day in the pack, we lost another 30 wolves, most of those were unmated males, but

we lost some older couples that didn’t seem too keen on building a life from scratch.

On the second night, we had a pack ceremony, and 105 wolves of age swore their allegiance t


our pack. The other 14 had not yet gotten their wolves and would have to wait until they are older. We

had a big celebration with lots of food and music to celebrate the new pack members joining

our group.

At the end of the night, I reminded everyone that we would be having a mate gathering this weekend

and that several packs would be joining us as well as the sprites that are looking for


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As the day and the festivities wind down, I pull my mate into my lap and just take a moment to enjoy

the peace of the evening, the happiness of the pack and the love I have for my own mate.



Safe Haven continues to grow!

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