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Chapter 42

Chapter 0042

After that, conversation moved to easier topics, if not better. Liam has also been feeling the effects of

the rogue attacks and has been in contact with neighboring packs to discuss the issue and try to

determine what they are after. From there, talk moved to training today and Liam tried to convince dad

to come to his pack and train his warriors. Dad just laughed at him and said, “If my own Alpha can’t get

me to train our warriors, why do you think I’d train yours?” a

“Wishful thinking? Maybe hoping that if I’m your future son–in–law, that you’d reconsider?”novelbin

“I tell you what son. If it turns out that you are my future son–in–law, then I will reconsider.” 1

I brought out my bread pudding and both dad and Liam said it was delicious and I guess it was

because they ate it all.

After dinner, I cleared the table and began putting dishes in the dishwasher. Dad announced that he

was going to bed and that I shouldn’t stay up too late. The last part he said while giving Liam a

meaningful look.

“I won’t stay late Clint, Alpha’s honor.”

Dad nodded and with that, wheeled himself into his room.

Liam helped me clean up the kitchen. Afterward, we poured the last of our wine into our glasses and

went to sit on the back porch. We sat in comfortable silence and drank our wine, looking out over the


“I guess I’ll see you at the party tomorrow?” Liam asked me.

“Yep, Luna Calista invited me personally, so I guess I’ll be there. And since Alpha Anders invited dad

personally, he’ll be there too.” He raised his eyebrows at that. “I know right?” I responded to his

unasked question.

After we finished, we went inside and Liam said he was going to head out and asked if I’d walk him to

his car.

When we got to the driver’s door, he pushed me against the car and leaned in, almost touching my lips

with his. “I really enjoyed dinner tonight, thank you.”

I looked at his lips then dragged my eyes up to his. “I had a really good time. That was the best workout

I’ve had in a very long time.”

His eyes darkened and he leaned in so his lips were just touching mine, whispering, “I can think of

many ways to help you work up a sweat and ensure


that you are sore the next morning.”

Heat flooded my body, heading south. I looked in his eyes as I slid my tongue across his lips. That was

all it took for him to lose control and begin to devour my lips in a possessive kiss. I could feel the heat

of his body pressed against mine. His hardening length making itself known against my stomach as his

hand reached into my hair, grabbing hold and gently pulling my head to the side so he could get. a

better entrance into my mouth.

My hands snaked around him, one going up into his hair and one dragging my nails across his back,

grabbing hold of his shirt and he ravaged my mouth with. his tongue. I moaned as he moved to my jaw

then down to my neck, kissing his way to where my mate mark would be. He licked the area causing

my whole body. to shiver and a loud moan to leave my mouth. My head leaned back against the car

and I was powerless against the onslaught of desire he was drawing from me.

He pushed his body against me, showing me just how much he enjoyed my moans, his long, hard

length rubbing against me as his hands moved under my tank top. When his fingers moved over my

pebbled nipples, I moaned his name softly.

“Baby I love hearing you call my name like that. It makes me want to do so many things to you, so

many things that will make you scream my name until you are so hoarse that all you can do is whimper

for me.”

He pulled back and looked at me with that panty–dropping smolder. “Let me make you feel good baby.”

I looked at him and then around us. We were against his car, in front of my father’s house. I looked

back at him. He nuzzled my nose, never breaking eye contact.“Do you trust me?”

“Yes.” It came out as a whisper, not really sounding like my voice at all.

“Let me give you a small sample of what our life will be like when you are mine. Say yes. Let me show

you what the future holds for you baby.”

“Yes.” I agree and the smile he gives me could light up the night.



It’s getting hot and heavy now

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