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Chatper 414

Chapter 0414

Fear, I have never felt such fear in my life. I’ve been afraid many times. I was afraid when my mother

started having her ‘episodes‘. I was afraid when my mother died, and I was alone world. And I was

afraid when I was being hunted across the country by Alphas wanting to force

me into a mate bond.

But this? This isn’t fear for me. This is fear for my mate. Fear for my sisters standing beside me. Fear

for my pack, and fear for the innocent pups huddled behind me.

How dare they? How dare these hunters come to take what is mine? How dare they threaten the

happiness that Eli and I have worked so hard to create?

And as Cara blasts them with our power and they turn their attention toward us, my fear turns to anger.

A fiery inferno of anger. They do not get to take what is mine. They do not get to take the happiness of

my people who have worked so hard to find a better life, to make a better life for

themselves. They, who have come to take everything from me, will have everything taken from them


I grip Cara’s hand in mine, pulling her strength. She feels the change and her head whips around

to look at me.

I’ve heard that people who can see auras say that individual auras have different colors. I don’t know if

it’s the same, but where my strength feels like it’s a bright red, Cara’s feels orange to me. It blends

easily with mine, creating a new color, something lighter than mine but darker than hers.

When I feel a hand come onto my shoulder, I know that Angel has joined our connection. Her color is

blue, a cooling color. But rather than mute our fire, her blue bleeds into our reddish orange. making it

purple, something powerful, yet malleable.

I look around the circle again, finding the hunters, before closing my eyes. In my mind. I can see them

as if they are shining beacons, just like when I ‘count‘ with my smell The wer dark, and I work to

separate them quickly from the light. When I open my eyes, I know that Mala is shining brightly in them.

I feel her energy and I pull from the strength of my sisters

I’m not sure what the hunters see in me, but as one they begin firing off their guns and arrows now

almost solely focused on the three of us.


“You will not take what is mine!” I shout at them, my voice deep with Maia’s overlaying. I raise my arms,

Cara’s hand still held tightly in mine and the blast of power that comes from me is like nothing I have

ever felt before. I scream as it leaves me, feeling like a freight train is rushing out of

my body.

I feel Angel drop behind me, feel Cara drop beside me, breaking the connection and leaving me feeling

empty, left with nothing but darkness. I stagger, several bullets finding their mark in my body, as I

collapse. Before I hit the ground, Eli is there, catching me.

“Grace! Grace!” I hear Eli calling my name, but I can’t respond. My strength is gone, my mind feels like

it is floating.

“Medic!” I hear someone yell beside me.

“Hang on Luna, you’re not dying today.” Another voice, Carlos maybe.

“Grace, baby, listen to my voice. Stay with me. Stay with me.” I can feel Eli’s hands on my face, his

touch grounding me.

“Get the silver out of them. They have an immunity to silver, but they were all hit several times. They

won’t heal with the bullets in them.”

The sounds of chaos is still all around. People yelling for help from all different directions. I can hear

the babies screaming, hear someone trying to soothe and quiet them. “Are they okay? Are they

injured?” Someone, possibly Rik, asks.

“The babies are fine, nothing got past Aolis‘ barrier.” Someone, Sarah maybe, responds.

“And Aolis?”

“He’s weak, but fine.”

I can hear Liam and Rik talking to Cara and Angel, saying similar things that Eli is saying to me.

“Okay, where are her bullet wounds?” Someone whose voice I don’t recognize asks next to me. I barely

feel it as the person starts removing the bullets from my body. However, when they are all gone, I feel

the shift inside. My body can now start healing itself.

“Grace, can you open your eyes for me?” No, I can’t.

I feel Eli’s hand take mine. “Can you squeeze my hand?” I try, but nothing happens.

I hear someone suck in a huge mouthful of air, like they are taking their first breath in way too


“Angel! Oh, little angel. You scared me.”

“I’m okay. I’m okay. Grace drained my power and energy, but I’m okay. I just needed a minute to


“They both lost consciousness too?” Angel asks, realizing that Cara and I are unconscious around



“Cara dropped right after you. Grace right after that.”

“They’ll be okay. I could hear everything, I just couldn’t move. I’m guessing they can hear everything

going on around us as well. My healing power just helped me heal faster than them.”

“Baby, if you can hear me, I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.” Eli says, stroking my cheek.novelbin

“Did it work? Did whatever Grace do work?” Angel asks.

It’s quiet for a moment. “It looks like it.”

“Cara!” Rik exclaims.

“You didn’t think you were getting rid of me so easily, did you Alpha?” Cara’s exhausted voice. drifts to


I hear a muffled response from Rik. I’m guessing he has his face buried in her neck.

“Angel is right, I could hear everything. Grace will be okay Eli. I feel weak, but I’m good.”

I hear footsteps approaching. “Alphas.” Another voice I don’t recognize. “Most of the hunters are dead.

A couple escaped but”

There’s a brief pause. “But?”

Well, the hunters, they… they’re in pieces. It’s almost like they were put through a woodchipper. I’ve

never seen anything like it.”

“She pulled a lot of power, she basically drained us and most likely herself.” Cara says.

I gasp as I feel light pump back into my body. I go from feeling heavy and unable to move to just feeling

weak and sore.

“Grace!” I’m immediately in Eli’s arms, his face in my neck, breathing deeply. I wrap my arms around

him, holding on to him.

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I turn and look at my sisters. “Are you both okay? I’m sorry, I didn’t know I was pulling too much.”

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“Yeah, I feel tired, but I’m good.” Cara says from Rik’s lap.

“So it worked? I was able to direct the blow to the hunters and protect the werewolves?” “So—it I

“It worked.” Eli says. “The Guardians of the Realm saved us today.”


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