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Chapter 360

Chapter 0360

The memories that come when I see the place where Clint and Donovan died is nothing compared to

the flood of memories that start when I see Angel and Alessia. But the dam breaks when I see Cara

and Artemis. I don’t know what it is about her, maybe because Artemis is the daughter of my Guardian

spirit, but everything comes flooding back. It’s overwhelming and while I was embarrassed to have Eli

carrying me, I’m not sure I could have walked on my own.

When we reach the pack lands, the difference in this pack and my pack with Eli is apparent. But, I cannovelbin

also see the difference in this pack and my father’s pack. Where my father needed to be the most

intimidating wolf in the pack, Rik seems to lead with love and patience. Pack members of all ages run

up to him, surrounding us and walking with us back to the packhouse. There is no fear or intimidation

as they ask him and Cara questions and are asked questions in return. Both Cara and Rik seem to

know every pack member by name and know their lives enough to ask them questions as we walk.

Eli and I are introduced and when it becomes overwhelming, Rik and Cara tell them that we’ll be

introduced at dinner tonight. When we arrive at the

packhouse, a young woman who looks to be as pregnant as Cara is standing at the back door of the


“Welcome to Canyon Ridge.” She says, smiling at me and Eli. She steps back. motioning for us to

enter. “I’m Lacey, the pack’s Beta female. If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you your room and you can get

settled. We have lunch scheduled in an hour on the patio. Does that give you enough time to get

settled and shower if you’d like?” She asks as she guides us through the packhouse and up the stairs.

“That will be great.” I tell her.” Thank you.”

She shows us to our room and when she leaves, Eli sets me down and I look around. “Will our

packhouse look like this one day?” I ask him.

He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. “Our packhouse will look whatever way you

want it to, baby. It will just take some time.”

I turn around, my arms snaking around his neck. “You are a good man, Eli Gunnar.” I say, meaning it

from deep within my heart.

He leans his head down against mine. “I haven’t always felt that way, but when you say it, I believe it.

And I want to make sure that you always feel that way about me.”

I step out of his embrace, taking his hand. “Come on, let’s get showered and


changed so we can eat. I’m starved.”

When we’ve freshened up, we head downstairs to find Rik and Cara. Cara is already seated at the

table, Rik hovering near her. She pats the seat next to her, wanting me to sit beside her.

“I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you are here. Losing dad was… She stops, her voice

breaking. Rik is right there, his hands on her shoulders.

“Little Guardian, if it’s too much for you….”

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