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Chapter 336

Chapter 336

As much as I’d like nothing better than to take my mate back upstals and complete our mating bond, I

need to see the pack lands, I know there is a lot of work that needs to be done, but I’m hoping some

has been done in my absence.

We don’t spend much time in the packhouse, I had started these repairs before 1 brought Cara here. It

doesn’t appear that any more has been done. As we walk out back Carlos begins pointing out the

structures that are being built.

“We’re repurposing the concrete blocks from the dilapidated buildings around the pack to build homes

for new families. As you can see over there,” he points to another group of houses, “Those houses had

a strong structure, so we are just refurbishing those.”

“How do you keep track of which houses are full and which ones are available?”

He looks at her sheepishly. “It’s another stack of papers that I have. I just try to keep up with

have. N. how many families we have and how many unoccupied homes we

have. No one seems to mind doing the work if we can give them a house, but we ran out of structures

and are now having to build more to keep up with the influx of people.”

All around the pack, people are working. Some are breaking down buildings that are crumbling, some

toting salvageable concrete blocks from the broken–down buildings to a stack where they can be used

for new construction. I can see at the edge of the forest line, a number of trees have been cut down.

“I’m guessing that those trees were used for lumber?” I ask, pointing to where several tree stumps.

are in view.

“Yes. It wasn’t ideal, but we needed more supplies, and that was our only option.” Carlos says.


There’s so much work and so much money needed to bring this pack up normal standards. I’m glad to

hear that people are just happy to have a place to live, but in the end, the pack has to run on more than

just labor.

We walk up to a fenced in area and I see lots of plants in various stages of growth. “This is the garden.”

Carlos says as a woman I don’t know stands up.

“Good afternoon, Alpha. Luna. Beta.” She inclines her head to first me, then Grace, then Carlos. Grace

steps forward.

“What are you growing here?” She asks and the woman puts down her spade and


pulls off her gloves.

“I’m happy to give you a quick tour if you’d like.”

“I would love that.” Grace says, looking at me. I nod in agreement. It will be good to know what we can

grow here versus what we need to buy.

“I’m Maddison.” She says, extending her hand.

Grace steps up, shaking her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Maddison. I’m Grace. and this is Eli.”

Maddison smiles. “Yes, word travels fast around here. And please, call me Maddie.” She looks at me.

“Good to have you home Alpha.”

She turns and begins showing us around the garden. There’s quite a variety of plants, from tomatoes

and pepper plants to melons, beets and broccoli. There are also peach trees, apple trees and blueberry

and blackberry bushes. The garden is extensive, and it would need to be to be able to feed 300 pack


“How many people help you work the garden?” Grace asks her.

“Right now, while we’re just making sure the plants are watered and parasites aren’t getting into the

food and eating it, there are about five of us that come out and look after the plants. During harvesting

and planting times, we need many more people just given the number of plants that we have.”

“And how do you go about getting people to assist you?” Grace continues her questioning. I can see

her wheels turning, but I’m not exactly sure what she’s thinking.

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We finish our tour of the garden, thanking Maddie before moving on to the patrols. “Carlos, how arenovelbin

you setting up patrols?”

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“Have there been any attempts from other packs to breach the borders?” I ask.

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our side won.

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