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Chapter 333

Chapter 0333

“Good. We need to talk when you’re settled.”

I nod. I’m sure there is a lot to catch up on, but I need to speak with Grace, and 1 need to call Rik and

let him know we made it home.

I take Grace upstairs to what was my room. It’s not much, and there’s still so much work that needs to

be done in this pack. As soon as we walk into the room, she turns to me.

“I’m sorry, Maia took over and I know we didn’t discuss it…”

I capture her lips with mine, showing her how happy I am that she claimed me. When I pull back, I look

at her. “I’m not sorry, not for a moment. Do I wish that it had been a bit more private, yes. But you

staking your claim on me in front of the entire pack? That was sexy as hell.”

“You’re not mad?”

“Mad that you marked me or mad that you did it in front of everyone?”

“Mad that I marked you because that she–wolf“, she snarls the word, “touched what was mine.”

“Whatever your reasons, I’m glad you decided to mark me. I told you, with you, I have no limits. I’m

yours Grace, yours and Maia’s.”

I kiss her nose. “Now, I need a shower to wash off the mess you made by marking me.” I smirk at her

as I step back. “But tonight? Tonight I will make you mine in every sense of the word. Are you prepared

for that?”

“Yes, Alpha.” She says, giving me a coy smile.

I can’t help the growl that escapes as I close the short distance to her taking her in a passionate kiss. “I

feel more like an Alpha when you say it than I do any other time. Usually, I feel like an imposter.”

I turn and head to the shower, looking to make sure there are towels available.

“You’re more of an Alpha than you realize, Eli. You may not recognize it, but everyone out there does.”

Grace says as I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower.

I step in, letting the water flow over my head. I feel Grace step in behind me. You’ve created something

here, something special. People like us never had a place to go, a safe place to pick up the pieces and

rebuild our lives. You’ve created


that here. That makes you an Alpha. A good Alpha.” She says, running her hands. over my back.

I turn to her. “I know this isn’t the lifestyle that you probably had in mind when you thought about your

future. But is this a life that you can see yourself having with me? There’s a lot of work that needs to be

done, but I think, eventually, we could make it something amazing.”

“I would love to build a life with you, Eli, build something where others like us can come and be safe. A

sanctuary for those that are lost or need assistance.”

I lean my forehead against hers. “How did I get so lucky to be mated to someone like you?”novelbin

She pulls away. “You mean a Guardian?”

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