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Chapter 321

Chapter 0321

“Why is there a target on your back?” I focus on the most important thing he said, not understanding. I

thought the point of him marking me was that we were no longer going to be chased.

“I killed that Alpha and I’m pretty sure I killed either his Beta or his Gamma. Then I had the nerve to

mark the Guardian that they had been chasing for a week. The only way they can get to you now, is

through me, by killing me.”

“Do you think they are following us?” I ask. I’m so tired of running-

“No, not really. I think they will have gone back to their pack by now to regroup, but I don’t want to

linger now that you are awake. As soon as you feel ready to travel again, we’re going to keep heading


“Where exactly are we, anyway?”

“We’re probably about a day’s bus ride to the Mississippi border. From there, it will still be a few days

until we get to North Georgia, which is our final destination. I think we’re safe to stop each night if you

want, or we can push through. Again, I know this has been hard on you and I want to help make it as

easy as possible now.”

I finish eating, stuffed for the first time in a long time. “Can I sleep on it? We can move tomorrow but

honestly, I think I’d like a real bed at least one more night. From there, I’ll have a better idea of how I’m


“Of course, whatever you need.”

fear and

“Right now, what I need is a shower.” I say standing up. I start to walk to the bathroom and stop. “What

did you mean earlier that you could feel m confusion through the bond?”

He looks at me a minute before responding. “I marked you. That means that I can now feel your

emotions and I can also hear you when you speak in your head, unless you block me out.”

I turn to fully look at him. He can feel my emotions and hear the voice in my head?

He’s nodding. “Yes, I can hear the voice in your head. Currently, it’s very loud. ” He says smiling.


“I marked you. Didn’t your parents ever explain the mind link process?”

“Well, yes, but that was because they were part of a pack. You and I aren’t part of a pack.” I say,

starting to freak out a little.

Ell stands and comes to me, putting his hands on my arms. “It’s the same with a mated couple. I cannovelbin

feel your emotions and hear you even though we don’t have a pack. It’s a family bond. When you and

your mother left your pack, you would have been able to continue to mind link her if you’d had your


“Then why can’t I feel or hear you?”

“You haven’t marked me. When you do, you’ll feel my emotions and hear my thoughts.”

“So, I need to mark you?”

He looks at me intently. “If you mark me, it will increase our bond. You are already feeling a stronger

bond toward me. If you mark me, it will become even stronger. If you are ready for that, I am happy to

let you mark me, but you need to understand what you are doing before you do it.”

“So, if I mark you, I’ll be able to feel your emotions and hear your thoughts, and it will also make our

bond stronger?”


“I’d like to think about that before I do it then.”

“Of course. And when you’re ready, when you truly accept me as your mate, we will mate and mark

each other in our human form. Then, we will have completed the mating and marking process and our

bond will be unbreakable.”

“It’s not unbreakable now?”

“I have marked you. You haven’t marked me, and we haven’t mated, so it’s not a fully formed bond. It’s

basically one–sided. If you died, it would most likely kill me. I can hear your thoughts and feel your

emotions. If something were to happen to me, you’d probably feel intense sadness, but it wouldn’t kill


“That doesn’t seem very fair to you. You’re taking all the burden.”

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