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Chapter 257

Chapter 0257

“Were you sniffing me?” He starts shaking his head really fast. “Because I’m sure I stink. I need

another shower.”

“You don’t stink. You smell great.” He says and a dopey, lovesick smile spreads across his face.

I see Amy and Chloe smirking, looking at each other. They are enjoying making their Beta

uncomfortable. It’s probably a rare occurrence.

“So, what great smell does she have Beta?” Chloe picks up the line of questioning. “Strawberries.” He

says reverently and their smiles could light up the room.

“Amy?” Chloe says, turning to her friend and I see the devilish twinkle in her eye. “Do you remember

that time that Beta Dustin went around and stole all the strawberries out of the fruit bowls that were set

out for that important Alpha meeting we had here?”

Amy is nodding her head vigorously. “I definitely do. I believe that was the day that we all realized that

no one gets in between our Beta and his strawberries.” Dustin looks like he wants the earth to swallow

him whole, poor Sarah looks totally confused and it’s all I can do to keep from laughing out loud.

“Well, I just came to see if you were okay Sarah. If you’re good, I’ve got work to do for Liam.” Dustin

says in a rush to leave.

“Okay, bye Dustin.” She says. He looks at her for a moment, before leaning in and kissing her forehead

then turning on his heel and leaving.

As soon as he’s gone, Amy and Chloe burst into laughter. Sarah looks from them to me. “What?”

That’s all it takes for me to lose it as well, and I’m laughing. “It’s a werewolf thing, Sarah.”

She frowns, so I walk over to her, hugging her. “A good werewolf thing or a bad werewolf thing?” she


“GOOD!” We all say.

By lunch time, we’re all ready for a break. We head upstairs to grab some lunch and I run into Luna


“Calista. I didn’t know you wanted to start today.” I tell her.


“Of course, no time like the present, although it looks like you’ve already been working on something.”

I’m filthy from cleaning and stocking food. “We’re cleaning out the bunkers in preparation for the battle.

I was just about to go get a shower then have some lunch. If you haven’t eaten yet, would you join

me?” I ask her.

“I’d be delighted. Anders here was going to try to find Liam and talk to him. Do you know where he is?”

She asks.

“He’s right here.” Liam says, walking into the room. “Alpha Anders. Luna Calista. I thought you’d be

heading home today.”novelbin

“We will be staying until tomorrow, if that’s okay.” Anders says. “King Ailduin is coming tomorrow, and I

know we have plans for you and Angel to meet him. Until then, I thought I could be of some help to

you, Liam.‘

Calista pulls me aside. “Go get showered sweetheart, we have our own work to do while the men do

their thing.”

Before I can leave, Liam pulls me into his chest. “You look like you’ve been busy Luna.”

“Mmhmm, we’re getting the bunkers cleaned out and we’ve started a supply list. Oh and I learned

about our Beta’s fascination with strawberries.”

“It’s renowned. Did you hear about the Alpha meeting?” He says and I start laughing again.

“I did.” I lean in to whisper in his ear. “Apparently Sarah smells like. strawberries.”

Liam’s bark of laughter has everyone in the room going still. They all turn to see their Alpha laughing

out loud for the first time in his life. Anders and Calista share a knowing look while I laugh along with

my mate.

“I can’t wait to give him hell about that.” Liam says.

I reach up on my toes and kiss him. “Gotta run Alpha, got Luna stuff to do.”

As I walk away, I feel his eyes follow me up the stairs until I turn the corner to our



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