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Chapter 255

Chapter 0255

My Angel is the most beautiful woman in the world. When she steps outside for her Luna ceremony

and I see her for the first time, I feel like my heart is going to stop. Everything disappears and it’s just

the two of us. She is everything. Everything I’ve ever wanted and everything I never thought that Inovelbin

would have.

When she says the words that will make her my Luna and then drinks our blood, I wait to see if our

large pack will overwhelm her. It’s an incredible amount of noise to take on 800 voices inside your head

at once. It takes my perfect mate no time at all to assimilate all the voices and she’s officially part of the


I walk her around, showing her off really. I want the pack to meet her and get to know her, but I’m so

proud that I feel like a peacock flashing its feathers every time I introduce her. Finally, when I can’t take

it any longer, I pull her on to the dance floor. I just need a minute to myself with my sweet angel. The

night has been everything that an induction ceremony should be. It has been a true celebration with

laughing, dancing and general happiness among the pack.

When Angel heads to the bathroom, I go to the bar to get a drink. Rik joins me almost immediately.

“You look happy Liam. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen you look happy.”

“I am happy Rik. I know we have a shit storm coming, but right now, tonight, life is perfect. I have my

perfect mate, my pack’s perfect Luna and my full

heart is so I feel like it might burst.”

“Cheers, my brother! To perfect mates and being mated to perfect Guardians.”

“Cheers.” I say and we both drink.

We turn and I see Angel talking to Luna Calista. I can’t imagine what they would be talking about, but it

doesn’t matter, as long as my sweet mate is happy. Clint and Anders come over to join us and we

begin talking about nothing and everything. I guess this is what it feels like to have a family, to know

that you will always be surrounded by those that love and care about you. It’s a good feeling. For the

first time since my mother died, I feel like I belong. I feel like the weight of being an Alpha isn’t so heavy

that it’s suffocating. I finally feel like my shoulders. are large enough to carry it all and I’m strong

enough to balance all the responsibilities without breaking under the pressure of it all.

I know my Angel has a lot to do with this feeling, but it also comes from the men in front of me. I have

somehow become part of their family, a group of people made from a bond different from blood or

genetics. It almost makes our bond

stronger, because it has been forged with intent and determination.

Cara comes over to Rik and they say goodnight. They are staying in our packhouse tonight along with

all the Canyon Ridge Pack members. Angel and Calista finally join us and I pull Angel into my arms

and kiss her hair, holding her against ine.

“Are you okay Liam?” She asks me.

I lean in speaking softly in her ear. “My sweet Luna, I have never been better in my life. You are

amazing and I can’t say enough how happy I am that you are mine.”

Pack members begin to say their goodbyes and it’s early in the morning when I finally pull Angel up to

our room.

When we get there, I help her take her hair down, brushing it out. I gently push her hair over her

shoulder and unzip her dress. When I do, I’m not surprised to see that she isn’t wearing a bra, but I am

surprised to see a lacy black thong.

I lean in, kissing the back of her neck. “What is this?” I say, in a low voice, running my fingers

underneath the thong from top to bottom.

“Oh that?” She says and I can hear the smile in her voice. “It was a gift from Tina. and the others at the


“Remind me to send them a bonus.” I say. I hold her dress as she steps out of it and lay if over a chair

before turning back to her.

She has turned to face me in her black thong and silver heels. Her hair is falling in fat curls down her

back and her beauty is so startling that it takes my breath.


“What did I ever do to deserve an incredible, beautiful woman like you?” I ask her.

“Liam.” She says softly, closing the distance between us and wrapping her arms. around my neck.

“What is it?”

I put my forehead against hers. “I never thought my life would be like this. I never …I never thought I

could be this happy.” I stop, overwhelmed by my feelings for this amazing woman.

She brings her lips to mine, pouring her strength and love into me. When she pulls back, her fingers

run through my hair. “I love you Liam Holstin.” She says, her eyes intent on mine.

“I love you Angel Holstin.” She smiles at her new name.

I begin walking her over to our bed. I pick her up and lay her gently on the bed.


I’ve never been a gentle lover. I did my best that first night with Angel, knowing she needed me to be as

gentle as possible, but it was a lot of effort for me.

Tonight, I intend to make sweet, gentle love to my mate and nothing about that seems difficult at all. I

want to cherish and worship her, take my time and enjoy every moment.

I take her mouth in a deep kiss, pouring my love for her into the kiss. Her response is instant. She

wraps herself around me and begins pulling at my shirt. I stop, standing up and watching her as I

slowly unbutton my shirt.

“Liam.” Her voice is breathy, needy.

“Tonight, my little angel, I’m going to take my time with you.” Her sweet smile is my response and I

finish undressing before kissing my way down first one, then her other leg, removing her shoes, then

sliding her panties off. Her eyes never leave me as I slowly kiss my way back up her body and lay over

top of her, taking her mouth again.

As I start kissing my way down her neck, I whisper, “I love you Angel” over and


Her fingers slide into my hair, her nails gently scraping against my scalp, causing goosebumps to raise

on my skin.

When I finally slide inside her, it’s slow and gentle. I lay above her, resting my weight on my arms,

watching her as I slowly slide in and out of her. The intimacy, the connection, is so intense, it’s like

nothing I’ve ever felt before.

I gently caress her face with my fingers as tears roll down her cheeks. I lean down, kissing them away.

“Liam, I love you so much.”

My throat is so constricted, my voice is choked when I respond. “You are the best thing that ever

happened to me Angel. I love you more than I can ever say.”

When we are both on the edge of release, I lean in kissing her, holding her face in my hands, as we

come undone together.


Chapter 0256

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