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Chapter 223

Chapter 0223

“Fuck that! Fuck that shit. Did you not hear anything that I said to you last night? Did you not hear how

important you are to me? Do you not realize that you aren’t saving my life by giving yours for mine? I

have no life if you aren’t in it. Just like that line from the song, you showed me what it feels like to be

full, and it’s so fucking light I feel like I’m floating. Do you think that I could go back to that empty feeling

again, after knowing what I was missing? I can’t. I have no life without you Angel. I have nothing.”

I start pacing again. “I’m only just now beginning to understand what my father was going through all

those years.” I turn back to her. “And I’m telling you now, I’m not strong enough to survive it. I wouldn’t

last ten minutes without

you, much less the ten fucking years my father survived. Do you hear me, Angel?”

I walk to her, taking her arms in my hands to you understand that there is nothing for me if I don’t have

you? You are my everything. Without you, there is nothing. No reason for me to live.”

I lean down, putting my forehead against hers. “I know I can’t ask you to walk away. I know it’s in your

genes just like it’s in mine to fight when you must. But, please, for me, don’t ever put yourself in

between me and danger again. I will accept you standing beside me, fighting with me. I don’t like it, but

I’ll accept it. Just, please, promise me, you won’t ever stand in front of me again.”

She takes my face in her hands. “I’ll try Liam. I can’t make any guarantees, it’s not just up to me.

Alessia feels a pull to protect you, too. But I will try to stand beside you and fight beside you instead of

in front of you.novelbin

I pull her into me, taking her mouth in a fierce kiss, ravaging her, feeding my need to know she’s alive

and safe. I pull back. “Let me look at you? Did that vampire hurt you? I know you didn’t have any

serious cuts but let me see your bruises.”

I pull the shirt over her head, kneeling to look more closely at her ribcage and chest where the vampire

was focusing his punches. I kiss the bruises across her ribs, following the line up her sternum to her


Her hands come into my hair and I wrap my arms around her pulling her to me. I love you Angel. I love

you so much it hurts.”

She tugs on my hair, forcing me to look up at her. “I love you too Liam.” She runs her thumbs over my

cheeks then leans down kissing me. She wraps her arms around me then bends down until she is

straddling in my lap. I stand, wrapping



her legs around my waist and take her to the bed.

“Show me how much you love me Liam.”

I rub my nose against hers. “Baby girl, there is nothing that I want more than to bury myself in your

sweet warmth and show you how much I love you, but if I do that, I won’t be able to stop myself from

marking you.”

She takes my face in her hands, looking into my eyes. “Would that be so bad?” I pull back and look at

her. “Angel, once I mark you, that’s it, you’re mine forever. Are you sure that’s what you want?”

“We still have things we need to figure out Liam, I know that. But one thing that I’m absolutely sure of is

that I want to be yours and I want you to be mine. We were meant to be together. We were made for

each other. So yes Liam, I want you to mark me and I want to mark you. Make me yours forever.”

Cooper Author


Chapter 0224

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