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Chapter 219

Chapter 0219

You’d think I was a teenager with the amount of sex dreams I’ve started having. I’m waking up every

morning to Liam helping me ease the ache between my thighs. I’m not complaining. The man is magic

with his hands and his tongue. I was seriously tempted to offer him the breakfast he wanted this


And when he slapped my rear end? It caused something to clench deep inside me. I wanted to lean

back and offer myself to him so he’d do it again. This mate bond is messing with my brain.

‘It’s not just the mate bond. It’s the Alpha in him. It’s instinct to respond to his dominance. And he’s so

dominant.‘ Alessia purrs in my head. Well, she’s no help.

at all.

‘I wouldn’t say he was being dominant when he made that girly playlist for me.‘ I tell her.

‘He was telling you he loves you in the only way he knows how. It was sweet. He can be sweet and he

can be dominating. Would you disagree that he knows how to command your body to do exactly what

he wants? You certainly responded when he told you to cum for him.”

Just thinking of his strong, deep voice in my ear makes my body tighten up. Not helpful when you’re

running mile after mile. But I have to admit, there is something about the way his voice makes my body

respond. And the thought of him and Cyran hunting us?

‘Oh yes. As soon as I can shift, I will be giving Cyran a challenge worthy of an Alpha.‘ I can feel

Alessia’s excitement. Not only in being able to shift for the first time in over seven years, but also giving

Cyran a challenge he’ll never forget.

I’m coming up on the five–mile mark. Clint had me run the shorter track so he could check how I’m

doing. I’m headed back to where Clint is waiting for me, when Alessia starts to whine in my head.

‘Alessia, what is it?‘

‘I feel like I need to shift.”

‘What? Right now?”

‘Yes, like I can’t control it.‘

I fall to my knees. I see Clint’s worried expression. “Donovan!” Alessia screams

out before my body is wracked in pain and I fall to my side.


Somehow, Clint makes it to my side, faster than I would have expected on this grassy terrain. “Angel,

what is it?”

“I have to shift.” Alessia’s voice is layered over mine, our voice tortured with pain.

Clint pulls himself out of his wheelchair to sit on the ground next to me. He lays a hand on my side.novelbin

“Easy. Easy now. I know it’s been a long time since you’ve shifted. This is a good thing. You’re not

alone, I’ll be here until you shift.”

He moves so he is sitting in front of my face. “Angel, look at me. Alessia knows what to do, don’t fight

her. Watch me and breathe with me.

He begins deep inhales and exhales. I try to copy what he’s doing but the pain is so great. I don’t

remember it being this bad during my first shift.

‘You were younger then. Your body wasn’t fully grown and I was at full strength and able to heal you

almost as fast as you were injured.‘ Alessia’s agonized voice tells me.

I don’t know how long we laid there. Every bone cracking was agony. Somewhere in my mind, I

realized that Clint had shifted and Donovan was beside us, rubbing against our side, trying to help ease

the pain. And it did help some.

Then, Cara was there too, giving her support, rubbing her hands over our side and back. It was having

both of them there that finally allowed Alessia to finish the shift. When we were done, we lay there


Cara runs her hands through Alessia’s fur. “You’re beautiful Alessia.”

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