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Chapter 138

Chapter 0138

“Six? But you said mine only had four.” Dad says.

“That is correct. I also said that your line has strength. A strength that makes you stronger than an

Alpha. Bellona’s line gave the Guardian the strength of an Alpha. Therefore, that line has died and

reincarnated more frequently than Aloysius’s line.”

“How many times?” My father asks.

“To my knowledge, there are eleven generations to Bellona’s line, while there are only seven in yours.”

He turns back to me. “Now, to your question. No, I do not think your birth has eliminated her Guardian

line. I think something has happened to the wolf carrying her line. Either that or she is very good at

hiding. If I had to guess, I’d say she ran from her pack and has been hiding since she found out she’s a

Guardian. She could even be living among the humans.”

“However, I have been trying to find her for years. I have sent out my best trackers. There was a time

when I thought I had found her, but they lost the scent and have never been able to find it again.” 2

He looks at all of us sheepishly. “I confess, the Bellona line is the one that my mate was connected to. I

have wanted to be close to the Guardian that once

inhabited my mate, so believe me when I say that I have tried very hard to find her, with no success.”

“But you believe her Guardian line is still alive because you think you found her scent at one point and

no other Guardian has surfaced?” Anders asks.

“Yes.” He pauses. “I do think that when she is found, she will recognize both of you, not just as

Guardians but as a previous mate and quite possibly, as her daughter. Not past tense, but current

tense. The Guardian spirit continues, and there has never before been a Guardian born from another

Guardian. So, I believe that she may very well continue to think of you has her daughter.” Ailduin says

looking at me.

“Even if she’s younger than I am?” I ask, because that would be weird.

“The human side may be younger, the Guardian side is much, much older. The wolf will most likely

recognize Artemis as her daughter, not you, Cara, as her daughter.”

“Why do you think that I am the first Guardian born? Why now?”


Ailduin looks at me for a long moment before responding. “I have a couple of ideas for possible

reasons why you have been born after so many years. First, this was one of the few times that there

was a male Guardian alive to even have the possibility of mating with another Guardian. Second, your

Alphas have proven themselves to be very different than the Alphas in the past and allowed your

parents to find their true mates. I believe that the forced mate bond may have created an inability for a

Guardian to reproduce a Guardian. Having a true mate bond may have opened the possibility ofnovelbin

reproducing a Guardian.”

“The last possibility,” he continues, “is one that I hope is incorrect.” He takes a moment and looks at all

of us. “It is possible that your Moon Goddess feels there is a need for more than two Guardians and

has allowed the creation of a third. If that is the case, then I believe there is a war in your future.”

Rik and Anders look at each other. I can see on their faces that neither knows anything about a war or

even a battle that is coming.

“I will ask around to see if any of our allies have heard anything.” Anders replies. “However, it is also

possible that all three of your theories are correct.”

Food was brought in throughout the day as we talked and read through the chronicles of the past. I

didn’t learn anything new about Andra’s wolf spirit, only learned about the packs she had lived in and

the fighting that had occurred over time. It was interesting to learn that the Guardians had been in

several battles at the same time but never seemed to connect.

When my eyes got tired, I told everyone that I was going to bed. Rik got up to walk me to my room. He

kissed me goodnight before he left. My dreams were filled with scenarios of my mother’s wolf, lost and

alone, looking for me and Artemis

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